Property Management

Property Management
4.5 (90.5%) 40 votes

propertymanagementcorpuschristiCoastline Properties, Corpus Christi Property Management Firm!

We would like to take this opportunity to describe our professional management of investment properties.
We actively market our inventory by signage, advertising in the Corpus Christi Caller Times.


Corpus Christi Real Estate Market

We focus our efforts Marketing Online with search engine optimization with interior and exterior photos of the property. We also send weekly updates of rental availability to NAS Corpus Christi, NAS Kingsville, and Naval Station Ingleside. In addition, we provide 24-hour phone service. Clients who drive by and see our sign can call the 361-949-0101 phone number and will always be able to speak to a licensed agent. We use these methods so that you can get the maximum exposure for your property.

Clients may call anytime and relay their interests in a particular property. We set up daily appointments with clients for the viewing of properties. We do not allow clients to take keys and view the property on their own. This allows us to answer any questions the clients may have about the property, make suggestions as to their needs and also helps us to screen prospective tenants.

We do a thorough background check on all applicants by contacting their former landlord, verifying employment and credit references. In the case of some younger clients, we require a Guarantee of Lease to be signed and notarized by a parent or guardian. These are safeguards performed before the lease is negotiated and signed. This method has proven itself to be extremely accurate in predicting qualified tenants.

Upon signing the Lease and depositing security deposit funds within our escrow account, the client is provided with an inventory and inspection form. This form is filled out, signed and returned to our office. The purpose of the form is for the protection of the property. When compared to our own inspection we can determine if the tenant has caused damage to the property or if a problem arises, we can seek recourse based on the information in our files.

If a request for maintenance occurs, we employ licensed professionals to get the job done. Also, any renovation may be coordinated if the need should arise, at the owner’s request. We arrange prompt payment of monthly charges from the proceeds of your investment property. This insures their prompt crediting to your account.

We operate in conjunction with a fully computerized reporting and accounting system. Our software is for owner accounting and property detail. Our owners receive statements detailing monthly account activities and year to date totals for all accounts on the property. We disburse excess funds to the owner and report maintenance activity to our owners in a detailed computerized statement. This statement includes a detailed description of monthly activity on your property as well as year to date totals for all accounts held on your property. You will find invoices for any maintenance done for the month attached to the back of the report. You know right where your investment stands.

We are professionally affiliated with the Corpus Christi Association of RealtorsTexas Association of RealtorsNational Association of RealtorsCorpus Christi Apartment Association,Texas Apartment Association, founding member of the National Association of Realtors Property Management Section.

We welcome your inquiries regarding our property management in Corpus Christi. References can be provided upon request. We look forward to extending our services to you!


We Would Love to Speak with you about Managing Your Property:

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