PIBA Candidates Forum Announced

PIBA Candidates Forum Announced
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PIBA is excited to announce that we will be hosting a candidate forum for the 2024 Corpus
Christi City Council candidates.  All candidates running for Mayor, District 4 and At-Large will be
invited to attend.  Because of the quantity of candidates running, we will have 2 separate
forums: one for Mayor and District 4, and the second for At-Large.

Mayor and District 4 Candidate Forum:
Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Location: The Island Presbyterian Church (14030 Fortuna Bay, 78418)
Time: 6pm – 8pm

At-Large Candidate Forum:
Date: Monday, September 30, 2024
Location: Seashore Learning Center (15801 SPID, 78418)
Time: 6pm – 8pm

All candidates have received a questionnaire covering a variety of personal, City and Island
related topics. Their responses will be published prior to the Forums.
The structure of the Forums will have each candidate begin with opening remarks, then the
Moderator will ask questions, and then closing remarks. Questions for the candidates can be
submitted ahead of time or during the Forum. For efficiency, though, only the Moderator will
pose questions during the Forum.

This will be an excellent opportunity for you to hear directly from the candidates. We highly
encourage everyone to attend or watch the stream. Alex Karis will oversee the stream and we
will send out instructions on how to watch prior to the Forums.

Please note that PIBA will not be endorsing any candidates.  This will be strictly informational.
A few additional points:  the deadline to apply for City Council ended on August 19.  Early voting
runs from October 21 to November 1.  Election Day is November 5.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact either Stan Hulse
bulletin@padreislandbusiness.org or JJ Hart jjhart9869@gmail.com