Safety is a City priority for Spring Break on Padre Island

The sound of waves crashing against the shore, seagulls soaring overhead, and families laughing as they create lasting memories, this is the experience of many visitors and residents on The Island, Whether you’re a local or traveling from afar, we know safety is a top priority when celebrating Spring Break.

Here on The Island, we are committed to providing a safe and family-friendly environment without compromising the well-being of our residents and visitors. Our beaches are a treasure, offering both relaxation and adventure, but safety should always come fist. Whether you’re soaking up the sun, swimming in the Gulf, or driving along the shoreline, taking simple precautions ensures a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone.

The City of Corpus Christi, along with our dedicated first responders, lifeguards, and beach patrol, works tirelessly to keep our coastline safe. Beach flags are posted daily to indicate water conditions, and we encourage everyone to stay informed before swimming. Rip currents can be strong, to swimming near lifeguard stations and knowing how to react it caught in a current can be lifesaving.

The Corpus Christi Police Department is committed to maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment for all. Expect additional officers patrolling both roadways and beaches to assist where needed. Due to the influx of visitors, CCPD will deploy specialized units across The Island, including a Mobile Command Vehicle, Crime Reduction Unit, Dedicated Patrol Officers, Drone Officers, Enduro Officers, Traffic Unit, and DWI Enforcement Unit. In addition to regular patrols, two daily overtime shifts with 6 to 8 oficers will provide enhanced security and community support.

Before heading out, don’t forget that 2025 Beach Parking Permits are available for $12, granting year-round access to The Island’s stunning Gulf Coast beaches. More than just a pass, your permit helps fund lifeguard services and keep our shores clean. Visit the city’s website or check news releases for more information.

As you enjoy Spring Break, remember to check daily surf conditions, drive responsibly, follow speed limits, and watch for pedestrians, especially children near the water’s edge.

Spring Break on The Island is about making lasting memories. By staying aware of your surroundings, respecting the environment, and looking out for one another, we can ensure that fun and safety go hand-in-hand.

Paulette Guajardo, Mayor of the City of Corpus Christi

TxDOT #EndTheStreakTX Campaign

I would like to draw attention to a very important topic we face in Texas, which is roadway safety. Since November 7, 2000 at least one person has died every single day, with an average of 10 deaths everyday. As a result, The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) recently launched the annual #EndTheStreakTX campaign. During this campaign, TxDOT asks all Texans to join the effort to end the deadly 23-year streak on roadways in Texas. The Texas Transportation Commission has set a goal aiming to end all fatalities on Texas roads by 2050, with an interim goal to reduce them by half by 2035.  I hope we can work together to end this deadly trend to make all roadways in Texas safe.

The leading cause of fatalities continue to be failure to stay in one lane, alcohol, and speed. November 7, 2000 was the last deathless day on Texas Roadways with fatalities resulting from vehicle crashes around 67,000. In 2023 alone, there were 4,283 lives lost. Furthermore, there is 1 reportable crash every 56 seconds, and 1 person killed every 2 hours and 3 minutes. These staggering statistics should serve as a reminder to drive safely and avoid distractions while driving. 

Additionally, TxDOT will dedicate $600 million for safety improvements across Texas roadways over the next two years. This includes widening some roads and adding rumble strips that alert drivers if they are veering out of their lane or off the road. Also, TxDOT will reinforce shoulders and select turn lanes, and deploy new technology that will increase safety on the entire roadway system. However, Texans play a major role in ending the deadly trend by changing simple driving habits, such as, wearing seatbelts, driving the speed limit, putting away the phone and other distractions, and never driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

I encourage all Texans to join the effort to end this steak to protect our families. To learn more about the annual #EndTheStreakTX campaign you can visit . Through this effort we can hopefully cause a wave of commitment and a surge of support to end the trend in Texas.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office.  Please always feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).    


 – State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32 


 Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces County (Part).  He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672


BBB Tip: Reports of political scams increase as presidential election nears

An election’s approach always seems to turn up the emotional heat across the nation, and the upcoming presidential election is no exception. On Nov. 5, voters will decide who will lead the country into the future. As the election nears, voices arguing for or against critical issues are loud and persistent, often fueled by emotional appeals and passionate support. While political campaigns usually include unsolicited contact as part of legitimate outreach efforts, bad actors also capitalize on peoples’ passion to trick them into divulging personal information or providing financial contributions.

Preying on emotion and exploiting people who deeply care about an ongoing situation or issue is a common tactic for scammers. This strategy can often be seen in the number of charity and fundraising scams following a natural disaster or humanitarian crisis. As generous donors look to contribute to ease the suffering of those affected, scammers seek to exploit their kindness for their own purposes. In the political arena, people often participate in polls and surveys because they want their voices to be heard, and scammers use that desire to build trust and steal personal information. Other citizens who wish to be involved may donate to the political campaign of their chosen representative, and scammers are more than willing to take advantage of their willingness to contribute.

Elections are polarizing by their very nature. It is easy to get swept up in the emotional wave and take risks that you might typically avoid. While it is essential for the governed to be informed and engaged with the election process, it is also important to remain aware of scammers who use elections to initiate contact and steal from the public.

BBB provides the following tips to help identify some common political scams as the presidential election approaches.

Check your email

During election seasons, it can feel like once a candidate or political party gets your email address, you hear from them every time you check your inbox. They may claim they need your help or want to know your point of view through a poll or survey. The email may ask for a donation, a response, or specific information about your political beliefs and demographics to support their efforts and make an impact on the future.

Campaign email is one of the best ways to communicate with voters whose busy schedules often prevent them from having the time to answer a phone call or attend a political rally. However, scammers can also sign up to receive these communications, allowing them to mimic their appearance and language. Polls, surveys or donation requests that appeal to your passion, beliefs and desire to take action may also be an attempt to steal your personal information or gain access to your bank account.

If you have signed up to receive communications from a political campaign, those emails should come from a specific email address associated with the representative. Take the time to check the sender’s email address and pay close attention to the domain and subdomain. For example, a generic email address for a political campaign may be ‘,’ which a scammer may change to ‘’ Before you donate or give personal information, research the organization that reached out, and be wary of people who try to rush you to make a decision.

Be especially careful of emails with links. Phishing emails might include a link that takes users to a spoofed version of a candidate’s website or installs malware on your device. If you want to receive more information or visit a site, it’s better to type the official website address into your browser. You can also hover your mouse over hyperlinks and compare the web address that pops up with the legitimate web address.

When scammers give you a ring

Candidates’ campaigns often canvas their supporters by phone to help determine voters’ key issues for an upcoming election. However, scammers may do the same to obtain personal information or money. Criminals pretending to be affiliated with your party or candidate might attempt to scam you over the phone by asking you to answer survey questions, donate money, or claim to offer voter registration assistance. Scammers entice their targets to share personal information such as their Social Security number, birthdate or address in exchange for a prize or gift card, which no legitimate canvasser will ever do.

Trickery by smishing

Smishing is like email scamming; only messages are sent via text. Voters might receive a message that looks like it came from a trusted source, inviting them to participate in a poll or donate by following a provided link or QR code. Scammers also have been known to spoof phone numbers and caller IDs, making it even more challenging to distinguish between a legitimate outreach attempt and fraud. Like phishing scams, con artists use smishing to get passwords, account numbers, Social Security numbers or other data. They may also ask personal questions that seem harmless at face value but can be used to answer security questions for your online accounts.

Another type of scam happens when con artists send a text about a problem that doesn’t exist. For example, an individual might get a text that looks like it came from their bank, asking if they donated to a candidate, organization, or party with a prompt to reply “yes” or “no.” If the person replies no, the scammer calls them and asks for their account login, numbers or password to investigate or dispute the transaction. The person feels an urgent need to act, so they might not think twice about giving up sensitive information.

There’s also the text-your-vote scam. Con artists send text messages urging people to text their vote rather than voting in person or by mail. When voters believe them, they don’t show up to vote, losing their chance to participate in elections.

Presidential election cybersecurity tips

  • See prizes as a red flag.
  • Know what pollsters don’t need. They might ask for demographic information or what party you most align with, but they don’t need personal information like birth dates, social security numbers or financial information. No state offers voter registration by phone.
  • Don’t answer unknown numbers. Con artists can’t trick you if they can’t get in touch.
  • Listen to your gut. If something seems off, protect yourself. If in doubt, check with your local election office.
  • Don’t provide information in response to an unsolicited message.
  • Do report suspicious activities to BBB’s Scam Tracker.

Visit for more information to help voters understand and manage risks this election season.


National Epilepsy Awareness Month

The month of November is recognized as National Epilepsy Awareness Month.
According to the Epilepsy Foundation, 1 in 26 people will develop epilepsy in their lifetime. In
addition to this, 3.4 million Americans currently live with epilepsy. This means that epilepsy is
not rare and is actually more common than most people think. Since millions of Americans live
with epilepsy, it is important to understand the disease and how it affects people. National
Epilepsy Month is important because it is a time dedicated to learning about epilepsy and raising
awareness about the disease.

Epilepsy is a neurological condition in the brain that triggers seizures. As stated by the
Epilepsy Foundation, “doctors believe that seizures happen when a brain’s uncontrolled increase
of excess electrical activity obstructs its normal functions.” This means that a seizure causes a
short interruption to messages traveling back and forth within the brain. There are two types of
seizures. The first type of seizures are generalized seizures which affect both sides of the brain.
The other type of seizures are focal seizures which are located in just one area of the brain and
are also called partial seizures. A few symptoms of seizures are: temporary confusion, a staring
spell, stiff muscles, uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs, loss of
consciousness or awareness, psychological symptoms such as fear, and anxiety or deja vu. Once
a person has had two seizures, they are diagnosed with epilepsy.
Epilepsy has no identifiable cause in about half the people with the condition. In the other
half, the condition may be traced to various factors, including: genetic influence, head trauma,

brain abnormalities, infections, prenatal injury, and developmental disorders such as autism.
Even though there is no distinguishable cause of epilepsy, there are a few risk factors for
someone to develop epilepsy. A few of the risk factors are: age, family history, head injuries,
stroke and other vascular diseases, dementia, brain infections, and seizures in childhood.
For more information about epilepsy, please visit the Epilepsy Foundation’s website Along with this, the CDC is a
fantastic resource to learn more about the risk factors and types of seizures associated with
epilepsy Additionally, you can visit John Hopkins
Medicine to learn about the treatment options for epilepsy
If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my
office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to
contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time
to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office,

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and part of Nueces County. He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672.


The commissioners of Nueces County on Wednesday approved a resolution endorsing the building of a second bridge to Padre Island.

The second bridge’s location has not yet been made public.

TxDOT would be required to assist with the enormous project, which Mayor Paulette Guajardo estimated might cost up to $1 billion.

Brent Chesney, the commissioner for Nueces County’s Pct. 4, remarked, “It’s all about TxDOT, right?” “Because TxDOT has funding for projects, we need to move up the financing list. We need to go on even though we’re probably already behind other areas that require second causeways.”

The decision made on Wednesday is simply the beginning of the process, though.

Article Excerpt continued on KIIITV >>>>


Padre Island Updates from Greg Smith, District 4

One of the important issues facing the Island is Short Term Rentals of homes.  Currently, Corpus Christi does not have an ordinance addressing STR’s as they are growing in popularity across the nation and particularly on the Island.  The Island Strategic Action Committee that advises Council has set up a subcommittee that has been meeting for recommendations and will address STR’s in their December meeting.  The PIPOA has sent out a questionnaire to homeowners for their input with a December 1 deadline.  The advice that the City Council receives from both of these organizations will have a significant impact on the City’s direction on any ordinance addressing short-term rentals.

After sixteen years it’s happening, the Water Exchange Bridge is under construction.  It has been quite a saga and one that came down to the wire.  When first proposed in 2004 the project was strictly water exchange consisting of large culverts that would not have allowed boat passage but would have had significant water movement that would greatly improve the water quality in the main canals.  As time went on plans were changed to elevating the bridge providing boat, golf cart and pedestrian access to both sides of the road.  To protect taxpayers from a “Bridge to Nowhere” it has been the City’s position that the canal should be dug first or monies escrowed.  This was reinforced by the original developer’s financial and legal issues on the adjacent property.  In 2017 the City bid the project contingent on the canal being built or sufficient funds escrowed to build it.  Twice the contract was extended to allow more time for the developers to come through on their side.  Then in 2019, the bridge was bid again with a six-month notice to proceed clause that allowed time for the canal to be built.  Part of the agreement was when the canal was substantially complete the City would issue a notice to proceed for construction.  The months kept passing by and still no activity on the Canal.  Finally, the dirt began to fly and one day before the contract was set to expire I walked the site with Peter Zanoni, the City Manager and he declared the canal digging substantially complete.  The rest is history and the bridge is on the way.

When the water exchange bridge is complete expect to see a complete change in the water quality in the main canals.  Currently, there is little to no circulation, creating oxygen-deprived, warm, stagnant water body hence the need for aerators operated by the PIPOA.  About 2/3 of the time water is coming in the Packery from the Gulf of Mexico.  The circulation pattern in the Bay causes some of the flow in from the Gulf to return through the Corpus Christi Ship Channel.  The result will be cleaner, higher oxygen levels and cooler water in the canals with the majority of water flow from the Gulf rather than the Laguna Madre.

Another issue the City is tackling is improving our air service.  With new executive leadership at the CVB and Airport the City is now actively soliciting airlines to add direct flights to destinations other than Houston and Dallas.  Management met with eleven airlines last month in Denver and was favorably received. An important part of this initiative is to change our culture from Corpus Christi being a “drive market” to promoting us also a fly destination with an emphasis on our Gulf Beaches.  This is a complete change in how we operated in the past.  With this alteration our airport is already outpacing other airports in these Covid ravaged times.  This bodes well for the future as we adjust to the pandemic.


(note: Tropical Storm Hanna is now Hurricane Hanna, but was a Tropical Storm when the order was written)

County of Nueces

County Judge

Nueces County Courthouse, Room 303
901 Leopard Street
Corpus Christi, Texas 78401-3697

Read the full document here:  Declaration of Local Disaster 2020-07-24pdf



WHEREAS, the County of Nueces on the 24th day of July 2020 will suffer a threat of imminent disaster, injury, loss of life or property resulting from flooding from Tropical Storm Hanna; and

WHEREAS, the County Judge of Nueces County has determined that extraordinary measures must be taken to alleviate the suffering of people and to protect or rehabilitate property.


  1. That a local state of disaster is hereby declared for Nueces County pursuant to §418.108(a) of the Texas Government Code.
  2. Pursuant to §418.108(b) of the Government Code, the state of disaster shall continue for a period of not more than seven days from the date of this declaration unless  continued, or renewed, by the CommissionersCourt of Nueces County.
  3. Pursuant to §418.108(c) of the Government Code, this declaration of a local state of disaster shall be given prompt and general publicity and shall be filed promptly with the County Clerk.
  4. Pursuant to §418.108(d) of the Government Code, this declaration of a local state of disaster activates the County emergency management plan.
  5. That this proclamation shall take effect immediately from and after its issuance.


Date: 7/24/2020


Nueces County Judge

Hurricane Season 2020

Hurricane season began June 1, and forecasters at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are predicting above-normal hurricane activity in 2020, which means there could be three to six major hurricanes this year. With towns along the coast, Texas may face the storms head-on.

Hurricane season brings not only climate concerns but scammers as well. In the home repair business, “storm chasers” are untrustworthy contractors that travel to areas impacted by severe weather and go door to door offering to repair damage for low prices. Then, after receiving payment upfront, these storm chasers either leave without starting the projects or only partially complete it.

Along with the usual concerns associated with hurricane season, 2020 brings a new challenge in the form of COVID-19. NOAA warns that the pandemic can affect your ability to prepare for incoming hurricanes. Use these tips from the National Weather Service (NWS) and your Better Business Bureau to prepare for hurricane season and storm chasers:

  • Check your insurance policy. Checking your insurance before a storm hits can save you time and stress later. Contact your insurance agent to review what your policy covers and if you need more coverage. You should also take a detailed inventory of items in your home to make any necessary claims process more efficient.
  • Create a disaster kit. In the event of a severe hurricane, power may be lost, or roads shut down. Create a kit with bottled water, flashlights, batteries and nonperishable foods. Make sure your kit includes supplies for pets and infants, as well as prescription medications. Visit the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) at for a full list of disaster kit supplies.
  • Prepare your home. Minimize damage by tying or weighing down any items that could get blown away in strong winds. Cover windows and doors with impact-resistant shutters. You should also prepare an evacuation plan with your family in the event you need to leave your home.
  • Watch for storm chasers. After a storm hits and damage has been assessed, be wary of contractors going door to door in your area. Storm chasers often use high-pressure tactics, like offering a great deal that is only available that day. Ask any contractor that comes to your door for references or visit to find trustworthy businesses to repair damage to your home or property.
  • Plan ahead. Because of COVID-19, supplies may be low and evacuation plans may need to be adjusted. The sooner you begin preparing for hurricane season, the easier it will be to handle the aftermath.

You can’t control the weather, but you can prepare for it! Visit to find trustworthy contractors and go to for more on hurricane safety.

US Transportation Infrastructure Maintenance Plan

In response to an invitation from the US Chamber of Commerce for a plan to fund the maintenance of US roads, waterways and airports, I submitted the following plan;

In a free market economy such as the US economy, the fairest and most economically efficient method to fund infrastructure maintenance is a user fee paid by the businesses and individuals who use and benefit directly from the infrastructure facilities.  Those who benefit, should pay.

The US Society of Civil Engineers recently conducted a survey of the “catch up” costs to bring US infrastructure up to good condition.  That survey included roads, bridges, inland navigable waterways and airports.

The fairest and most efficient funding source for roads and bridges is to increase the existing federal vehicle fuel tax.  There are road “wear and tear” factors for each type of vehicle based on vehicle weight.  For example, an 18-wheel semi-truck and trailer factor is 9,000 times that of a car, van or SUV and the factor for a bobtail truck is 3,000 times.  The fuel tax on truck diesel and passenger car gasoline should be prorated based on those factors to ensure that freight trucks and passenger cars pay their fair share based on the “wear and tear” they cause.  Trucking companies will pass the fuel tax through to their customers in their freight rate.  The fuel tax would have the additional benefit of providing economic incentives for more fuel-efficient vehicles.

The fairest and most efficient funding source for navigable inland waterways is either a ton-mile tax or a marine diesel fuel tax on the vessel operators.  The choice between a “ton-mile” tax or a marine diesel tax should be based on which is easier and more efficient to administer.  The inland vessel operators will pass either tax through to their customers in their freight rates.

Both the road fuel tax and inland waterway tax should be dedicated by Congressional statue to infrastructure maintenance only.  Both user taxes should be based on the US Society of Civil Engineer survey cost for “catch up” maintenance to be completed efficiently.  After that period, both taxes should be reduced to a level required for long term maintenance.

The fairest, most economical funding source for airports is a gate tax on the airlines that use the airports.  The airlines will pass the tax through to their customers in ticket prices.

The US Chamber recently proposed that Congress increase the existing 18.4 cents per gallon fuel tax by another 25 cents.  Perhaps, my plan had some influence with the US Chamber.

Ralph Coker

Bio:  Ralph Coker is a retired petroleum Refinery plant manager.  He writes on business, economic, military and political topics

CCPD launches Summer Crime Initiative | Continuous News Coverage | Corpus Christi

Unfortunately, as The temperature goes up, so does crime. That’s why The Corpus Christi Police Department unveiled their plans to fight crime.

The difference between The Summer Initiative, compared to others is, what parts of town officers will be focusing in on. With each initiative, CCPD crime analysts determine where The “hot spots” are at different times of The year. During The Spring Break initiative, beach goers will notice more law enforcement on North Padre Island, so they’ll drive along The beaches and visit bars, focusing on underage drinking.

During The Holiday initiative, implemented at The end-of-The-year, Police presence is focused in The parking lots of major department stores but The Summer Initiative, which lasts longer than other initiatives, will bring more officers to The Downtown and Uptown area.

The biggest problem in The Downtown and Uptown area? Synthetic marijuana.

Assistant Chief Mark Gutierrez said, “Not only are we targeting The users, but we’re also targeting their dealers and that’s part of what our Narcotics Unit will be doing. They’ll be working to take The dealers off The streets.”

Synthetic marijuana isn’t The only thing they’ll be looking for. Police will also keep an eye out for minors breaking curfews or underage drinking and distracted drivers.

Commander David Blackmon said, “We’ll be out there in unmarked units actively enforcing and frankly, making examples of these people that are just blatantly putting other people in danger.”

This is The 5th year for The Summer Crime Initiative. The first day of Summer (June 20th) kicks off The first day of CCPD’s Summer Crime Initiative and ends after Labor Day weekend.

Colleen McIntyre will not seek reelection

District 4 City Councilwoman Colleen McIntyre said Monday she has decided this will be her last term as a Corpus Christi City Council member.

McIntyre has accepted a position as the director of Seashore Middle School and as the superintendent of Seashore Charter Schools on Padre Island.

McIntyre told KRIS 6 News her new position makes it difficult to put in the time and effort to serve on City Council.

She has served for two terms.

“Being with all of the different groups in the community. Being able to help with… whether it’s code enforcement, animal control, zoning cases, all the different things that I’ve dealt with in the areas of the district I’ll miss that a lot,” said McIntyre.

Her term will end in November. via

We want to personally thank Ms. Colleen McIntyre of her dedication to city council over the past 2 terms. We truly have enjoyed her keeping an eye on padre island interests and much of the work she has completed and set into motion during her term. You will be missed, and we are excited for your new position to lead Seashore Middle Academy forward into an even more successful future. Thank you again for your service in our city government, we feel blessed to know you! ~Coastline Properties