TxDOT #EndTheStreakTX Campaign

I would like to draw attention to a very important topic we face in Texas, which is roadway safety. Since November 7, 2000 at least one person has died every single day, with an average of 10 deaths everyday. As a result, The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) recently launched the annual #EndTheStreakTX campaign. During this campaign, TxDOT asks all Texans to join the effort to end the deadly 23-year streak on roadways in Texas. The Texas Transportation Commission has set a goal aiming to end all fatalities on Texas roads by 2050, with an interim goal to reduce them by half by 2035.  I hope we can work together to end this deadly trend to make all roadways in Texas safe.

The leading cause of fatalities continue to be failure to stay in one lane, alcohol, and speed. November 7, 2000 was the last deathless day on Texas Roadways with fatalities resulting from vehicle crashes around 67,000. In 2023 alone, there were 4,283 lives lost. Furthermore, there is 1 reportable crash every 56 seconds, and 1 person killed every 2 hours and 3 minutes. These staggering statistics should serve as a reminder to drive safely and avoid distractions while driving. 

Additionally, TxDOT will dedicate $600 million for safety improvements across Texas roadways over the next two years. This includes widening some roads and adding rumble strips that alert drivers if they are veering out of their lane or off the road. Also, TxDOT will reinforce shoulders and select turn lanes, and deploy new technology that will increase safety on the entire roadway system. However, Texans play a major role in ending the deadly trend by changing simple driving habits, such as, wearing seatbelts, driving the speed limit, putting away the phone and other distractions, and never driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

I encourage all Texans to join the effort to end this steak to protect our families. To learn more about the annual #EndTheStreakTX campaign you can visit https://www.txdot.gov/inside-txdot/media-center/psas/end-streak.html . Through this effort we can hopefully cause a wave of commitment and a surge of support to end the trend in Texas.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office.  Please always feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).    


 – State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32 


 Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces County (Part).  He can be contacted at todd.hunter@house.texas.gov or at 512-463-0672



Corpus Christi Association of Realtors has posted the Padre Island Corpus Christi Housing Report for November 2024.

Our active listing median prices have softened the past month to $485,000 which is actually a 20.1% increase from where it was compared to last November at this time! CCAR shows us the data that has risen for active listings t0 33.6% with a total of 322 properties this past month compared to November 2023 while inventory also rose to 11.5 compared to 7.3 last year at this time.

Days on the market stayed steady this past month with an average of 86 days and the highest categories for sales with 30.4% of all the sales being priced between $300,000 – $399,999. The market is still softening a bit as we head into the last month of 2024 with properties available across many pricing areas. Padre Island’s newest development Whitecap NPI is open for sales of their lots in Phase 1, Contact Coastline Properties Agent Ms. Amber Spicak at their office for all pre-sales. amber@coastline-properties.com

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose by 0.3 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis in November versus the prior month, following four consecutive months of 0.2 percent increases. Over the past 12 months, the all-items index has increased by 2.7 percent before seasonal adjustment.

Cheri Sperling is the owner of Coastline Properties with a dedicated team of agents specializing in residential listings, sales, and property management in the Padre Island Corpus Christi real estate market. Coastline’s team is the most knowledgeable real estate office on Padre Island. No pressure style, patience, and an intimate understanding of the local market. They go to work for you!


Padre Island Corpus Christi November 2024 Data (Click Pic below for Larger Image)


National Impaired Driving Awareness Month

The month of December is proclaimed as National Drunk & Drugged Driving Prevention Month or National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. The time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day is described by the National Association of Drug Court Professionals as “One of the deadliest and most dangerous times on America’s roadways due to an increase in impaired driving.” Therefore, for more than 40 years, preventionists across the country have observed National Impaired Driving Prevention Month in December to raise awareness that impaired driving can be deadly and to put strategies in place for all of us to make it home safely.

Over 10,000 American lives are lost to drunk and drug-impaired driving each year, accounting for nearly a third of all traffic deaths. In addition to this, The National Highway Safety Traffic Administration (NHTSA) reported that in 2019 during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, 210 lives were lost due to alcohol-impaired driving crashes. A person’s ability to operate a vehicle is impaired by the effects of illegal drugs, prescription medication, over-the-counter medication, or a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.08 grams per deciliter or higher.

Accidents caused by driving under the influence are preventable. Here are a few tips to keep in mind. Firstly, always plan ahead. Designate a sober driver, and arrange for an alternative route home just in case. Second, if you are a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or even friend, talk to your loved ones to remind them how important it is to be responsible and stay safe. Additionally, if you are the one hosting the party, always offer a non-alcoholic option for drinks for your guests so they can still have a good time eating and drinking with everyone else. This holiday season, each of us has the power to prevent a tragedy and ensure that those we know and care about get to and from their celebrations. If we practice prevention to keep ourselves and our communities safe, the holidays can be full of the joy we expect them to be.

To learn more about National Impaired Driving Prevention month please visit https://www.samhsa.gov/blog/national-impaired-driving-prevention-month. Additionally, you can visit National Safety Council to learn more about impaired driving and safety tips https://www.nsc.org/road/safety-topics/impaired-driving. Along with this Mothers Against Drunk Driving also known as MADD, is a great resource to learn about the statistics and prevention of impaired driving. They also provide support to those who are victims of these horrible crimes. Their website is https://madd.org/.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces County (Part). He can be contacted at todd.hunter@house.texas.gov or at 512-463-0672.

Importance of Blood Donation

The Coastal Bend Blood Center was formed in 1969 to centralize blood donation efforts in the South Texas area, as well as for Port Aransas, Rockport-Fulton, and Corpus Christi communities. Since its formation, it has involved over 35,000 volunteers per year, which is crucial since over 150 people per day are needed to donate blood to meet the needs in South Texas. The Blood Center often places its mobile centers at different areas such as high schools, churches, and hospitals. Individuals who want to donate blood can visit the Blood Center on 209 North Padre Island Drive, Corpus Christi, Texas during normal business hours. While many of the donation activities occur in Corpus Christi, Port Aransas, and Rockport-Fulton, the Coastal Bend Blood Center actually serves ten counties in South Texas, which includes over half a million residents. Bloodmobiles operate seven days a week to ensure that hospital and patient needs are met in this large geographical area.

While opportunities for blood donation are available and welcome throughout the year, there is currently a critical need for type B- blood and O- blood which is known as the universal donor. O- blood can be given to people of all blood types and is critical in emergencies before the patient’s blood type is known and with newborns that need blood. The general qualifications for blood donation include: be 17 years of age or older, weigh at least 110 pounds, have a pulse range between 50-100, have not donated whole blood in the last 8 weeks, have normal blood pressure, pulse and temperature, do not have a cold or sore throat, are not pregnant, and are not taking antibiotics for an active infection. If you have a specific question regarding your eligibility, please call 800.299.4943.

I want to continue to bring awareness to the many great organizations in our Coastal Bend such as the Coastal Bend Blood Center. About 1 in 7 people need blood when entering a hospital, so we can truly benefit from these types of worthwhile organizations by doing our part to raise awareness and try and participate in blood donations.

You can find more information about ways to help by donating blood as well as gain additional information about the Coastal Bend Blood Center and what it does as an organization by visiting their website at Coastal Bend Blood Center.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Part of Nueces County. He can be contacted at todd.hunter@house.texas.gov or at 512-463-0672.

Corpus Christi’s Long-Term Water Needs

Addressing Corpus Christi’s Long-Term Water Needs

By Drew Molly, P.E., Chief Operating Officer of CCW

We all need water to survive, and communities are no different. Without water, communities are not able to
grow and thrive, let alone survive, so its importance to all of us cannot be overstated.
As a coastal community, Corpus Christi has a long, rich history, but none of this would have been possible
without the availability of fresh water. For years, communities in the Coastal Bend have relied on rivers and
manmade reservoirs to meet all of their water needs. However, as more people and businesses have found
their way to our region, this has put greater demands on all public services, including the availability of water.
Only relying on Mother Nature to consistently provide enough rainwater for Corpus Christi to prosper and
grow is no longer a viable solution. This is especially the case when considering the prolonged drought in our
Nueces River Watershed, and the direct impact it has on the reservoir levels of Lake Corpus Christi and Choke

Unfortunately, both the near- and long-term outlooks for getting enough rainfall to address the ongoing water
shortage are not promising. This is why many communities in South Texas are looking at ways to secure
reliable, drought-proof sources of water. Corpus Christi is leading this effort by proceeding with plans to build
a seawater desalination plant along the Inner Harbor that, when operational, will supply up to 30 million
gallons of clean water daily.

Adding this amount of new water to the current system is significant, as CCW (Corpus Christi Water) is
responsible for supplying water to more than 500,000 people in seven counties in the Coastal Bend. The city’s
existing sources of water – the Nueces, Lavaca Navidad and Colorado rivers and related reservoirs – will
remain important, but the addition of a high-capacity desalination plant that consistently generates millions of
gallons of clean, drinkable water will positively counteract the impacts that droughts are having on the system.
It should also be emphasized that the Inner Harbor Seawater Desalination Treatment Plant will be a much
needed second water treatment plant. The entire region depends on one water treatment plant, which was
constructed in 1954 and had one additional treatment module added in 1981. While this facility continues to
operate well, it is time for the Region to add a second facility that provides a completely new and drought-
proof water supply.

The stakes are high, but much thought and research has gone into the process, which is nearly 20 years in the
making. Besides adding much-needed water to the local supply, the new desalination plant will be fully
integrated into the city’s existing infrastructure and regional system, as well as lead to improvements in the
local power grid and create an estimated 3,500 construction-related jobs.
This is all being done in a fiscally responsible, sustainable way that ensures we have a resilient water supply for
years to come. Great care is also being taken to be environmentally responsible. In short, we are utilizing
science and data to make sure the project is safe for sea life and will have minimal impact on our existing

Bottom line, seawater desalination is a sustainable and responsible solution that not only helps us meet the
city’s current and future demands for water, but it also provides a reliable, cost-effective and drought-proof

source of water for years to come using technology that is currently being used worldwide by many other
communities. To learn more about this important project, visit www.desal.cctexas.com.

La Posada – Toys For Tots

With the holidays in full swing, it’s the perfect time for the residents of the
Coastal Bend to join together to assist those less fortunate. In the spirit of the holidays, I
wanted to take this opportunity to bring attention to certain efforts in our area that will
benefit many families this holiday season.

Toys for Tots is a nationwide campaign and has very strong roots and
participation in Corpus Christi, Port Aransas, Rockport-Fulton, and the Coastal Bend
area. The initiative began in 1947, when Marine Major Bill Hendricks collected and
donated 5,000 toys to children in their city. The campaign was so successful that Marine
Reserve Units around the country began collecting and donating toys, under the shared
objective to “bring the joy of Christmas to America’s needy children.” Since its inception
in 1947, the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program has distributed over 452
million toys to more than 209 million needy children across the country. Events are held
around the area to promote the Toys for Tots holiday drive effort from the public, along
with Marines from the local Naval Air Station who collect donations. With a great
military base, strong charity presence and generous-minded people and industry, District
32 is a great place for Toys for Tots to contribute to the children of our area. If you would

like to learn more or get additional info, please visit their website at: https://corpus-
In addition to this great organization, there are many other charitable events in
the area occurring this holiday season. To find volunteer opportunities, you can look at
Feeding Texas’s website https://www.feedingtexas.org/get-help/. As we prepare for the
holiday season, let’s join together in helping the community and bettering the lives of
those around us.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week's
article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel
free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state
agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. As
always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns or
comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32
Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and part of Nueces County. He can be contacted
at todd.hunter@house.texas.gov or at 512-463-0672.

BBB Tip: Avoiding online purchase scams and impostors this holiday season

As the holiday season approaches, Better Business Bureau (BBB) urges consumers to
remain vigilant against a surge in online scams that could threaten their festive spirit.
During the past five years, Texas residents have reported losing $17.5 million to scams,
21% due to online purchases. BBB has identified online purchase scams as the No. 1 riskiest
scam encountered by North American consumers in both the 2021 and 2022 Scam Tracker
Risk Report, and are often enacted by impersonating reputable businesses.

Since 2018, losses to online purchase scams reported to BBB by Texas residents have
significantly increased during two times of the year – early spring and the holiday season – while the number of reports
peaks during the summer months. Often, a sense of urgency and the fear of missing out on a great deal
for a highly desired product are key influences if an online shopper loses money to a fraudulent seller. The holiday
season is a busy time for most people as they purchase gifts, make travel plans, prepare
holiday dinners, and get their homes ready for family and friends. In many cases, shoppers
do not have the time to verify the legitimacy of an online seller as thoroughly as they
typically do at other times of the year, and the existence of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and
other holiday promotions introduce difficulties in determining when a deal is “too good to
be true.”

“It is important for online shoppers to protect themselves while interacting with digital
marketplaces throughout the year, but especially during the holiday season when scammers
are out in force to take advantage of shoppers,” said Heather Massey, vice president of
communications and community relations for Better Business Bureau serving the Heart of
No matter the scheme, a key tactic of scammers is to disguise themselves as a reputable
business or government agency (known as an impostor scam), and this strategy is more
successful during the holiday season. Impostor scams have been identified as the No. 1
most reported fraud to the FTC’s Consumer Sentinel Network since 2017, with a median
loss of $1,000 in recent years. BBB’s 2022 Scam Tracker Risk Report found some of
the most commonly impersonated companies include Amazon, Geek Squad, Publishers
Clearing House, and the U.S. Postal Service. With more people ordering products online and
expecting deliveries, fraudulent notifications about shipping issues or suspicious activity on
an account from an impostor have a greater likelihood of being taken seriously, which often
means a greater chance of losing money or personal information.

With $1.2 million reported lost across nearly 1,400 reports, the impact of online purchase scams on
Texas residents this year has already broken 5- year records, and the holiday season will likely
see these numbers increase. While BBB is concerned about these record-breaking numbers, they do not
reflect the emotional, physical, and mental stress associated with falling victim to a scam, nor the
long-lasting effects it has on an individual’s confidence to navigate a complex marketplace without
being taken advantage of.

“Our goal is to empower consumers to recognize the signs of a scam and to give them the
confidence to trust themselves when something doesn’t feel right,” said Massey. “Research
conducted by BBB found that nearly 75% of people who encountered a scam but did not
lose money simply felt something wasn’t right about the situation, so they walked away. The
next two most powerful defenses are to be generally aware of scam tactics and to research
the offer.”
This holiday season, BBB provides the following tips to help Texas residents avoid online
scams, impostors, and counterfeit items:
Use protected payment methods. BBB research found that people who pay with a credit
card or PayPal are more likely to recover their funds after sending money to a scammer.
However, with PayPal, a buyer should not send money using the platform’s Friends and
Family method. If an online seller directs you to use PayPal’s Friends and Family method, it
is most likely a scam because they know PayPal’s protection policies do not cover money
sent through that system in the same way as a business transaction.

Be wary of social media ads. Social media is a great way to stay connected with friends
and family, and it is also a great way to get exposed to a lot of different products that
appeal to you. However, not everything advertised on a social media platform is legitimate,
and scammers can easily create sponsored advertisements that will appear on your news
feed. If interacting with a social media ad, take a minute to verify it has routed you to the
right website. Better yet, go directly to the website on your own and search for the
advertised product.

Avoid links provided in unsolicited emails or text messages. If you receive an
unsolicited text message with a link, avoid following it. In many cases, there is no way of
knowing where that link will direct you, and even if you arrive at a website that appears to
look official, it could very well be a lookalike website. It may automatically download
malware on your device. If you receive a notification regarding suspicious activity on an
online account, verify the facts by contacting the company using a known and trusted
method, such as their official mobile app or the contact number on a recent bill.

Review protection policies. Become familiar with the protection policies established by
the agency or company you are being contacted by. Many companies and government
agencies prohibit their official representatives from asking you to verify personal or account
information over the phone or through email. If you ever have doubts about someone’s
legitimacy, it is best to hang up and contact the company through another method to
double-check that everything is in order.

Verify you are at the right website. Pay close attention to see if any special characters
are replacing letters, such as the Greek alpha (α) instead of ‘a’, and the domain and
subdomain match the official company website. While looking through the URL, take a
second to verify the website is secured. Poor grammar is also a good indication that a
scammer may have put together a website hastily. However, this is something that they are
getting better at avoiding, due in large part to AI content creation tools. Check the age of
the domain – a well-known company isn’t likely to have just registered their website in the
past few years.

For more information about how to avoid holiday-related marketplace issues this year,
visit BBB.org/Holiday.
If you or someone you know has been affected by a scam or unethical business practice,
report it to BBB through an official business complaint or Scam Tracker report. Information
provided may help another person from being affected and assist BBB in recognizing trends
in marketplace behavior.


Whether you’ve lived here for several decades or just a few months, it can take a while to feel like you belong. Often it’s not painting the walls and installing a new chandelier that will make you feel “at home” … try rather engaging in your community! But HOW?

Shape where you live:

Knowing what’s going on in your neighborhood gives you an opportunity to speak up on things that matter to you, like voting on a local ordinance, participating in school board elections, or petitioning for the new dog park you’d love to have. By getting involved, you can help make your community a better place to live.

Create stronger social ties:

Meet your neighbors – This is the easiest first step, and they are the perfect entry point for getting to know the larger community. If you’re a bit reserved and initiating a coffee invite seems daunting, try breaking the ice through neighborhood apps such as Nextdoor or Padre Island Neighbors They are a great avenue for starting conversations and can open the doors (literally!). People are the heart of any community, and when you get to know the neighbors, shopkeepers, and service people around you, you’ll feel like you belong.

Attend a neighborhood meeting – Our monthly POA meetings are open to the public! Come, listen, ask questions…this gives you a platform to discuss concerns and improvement opportunities, while also introducing you to key people within the community.

Get involved:

After you’ve met your neighbors and have attended some neighborhood meetings, have some fun!

Shop local – Your local coffee shop, friendly hardware store, welcoming car repair spot, pet store…just some of the shops that make our Island unique. Dine at our delicious family-owned restaurants, get your hair cut by our resident barber. Small businesses are at the core of a thriving community, and shopping local ensures the money you spend goes back into keeping our community vibrant.

Take to the streets – The Island is known for fishing tournaments, farmers’ markets, parades, races, etc. Show up! The more you stroll the booths and cheer on your fellow Islanders, the more social connections you’ll make.

Volunteer your time – There are ALWAYS places to volunteer. You’ll find shared interests and gain a sense of self reward. Clean up the beach, organize a food drive…giving back will always bring you closer to the community. This can also be in the form of joining or starting a club.

Protect your property value:

When you partner up with others in our community to work together to make The Island a safe, clean, fun place, you make the neighborhoods more attractive to people looking for a new home, driving up the area’s desirability and boosting property values. Better for ALL of us!

Your community is an extension of your home. When you invest in your community, it returns the favor by helping you.

BBB Scam Alert: Fake Events & Phony Tickets

How the scam works

You see a fantastic deal on tickets to a summer festival in your area, usually through a link on social media. The event promises live music, all-you-can-eat meals, craft beer or wine, or other fun activities.

When you click the social media link, it takes you to a professional website with fantastic pictures. You enter your credit card information to buy tickets and think you are all set. But before you buy, do a little research. Whether the event is non-existent, merely disappointing, or you just bought phony tickets, the result is the same: someone pockets your hard-earned money!

BBB Scam Tracker has received numerous reports from people who purchased fake tickets to actual events or events that have yet to materialize.

A customer in Memphis reported buying tickets for $82.50 to a “Bubble Run” in June 2022 that never happened: “Facebook event page advertised the Bubble run as a free event. I purchased 4 ‘entries’ with glasses and tutus and they charged my debit card. They then cancelled the event refuse to respond to emails. They are still advertising on Facebook like the event is happening.”

One consumer who purchased tickets to a fake beer crawl reported: “Reviews across multiple platforms make it clear that these events are at best extremely misleading or at worst canceled. No refunds are given, even when their inconsistent and mostly-unreachable customer service email address responds to confirm a refund will be provided.”

How to spot a fake festival

  • Research before you buy. Search online for the festival’s name and ensure the name advertised matches the website. Scammers often use names that sound similar to those of real festivals.
  • Check for (working) contact information. Be sure the festival website has a real phone number and email address.
  • Watch out for prices that sound too good to be true. There is no way a festival can offer tickets at extremely low prices without losing money. If the prices are much lower than elsewhere, it’s likely a scam.

What can you do?

  • Pay with a credit card. You can dispute the charges if the business doesn’t come through. Be wary of online sellers that don’t accept credit cards.

  • Look for secure sites. The website should begin with HTTPS (the extra “s” is for security) and have a lock symbol on the address bar.
  • Avoid tickets sold on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and other free online listings.  Scammers are skilled at providing realistic tickets and fake receipts. Check out third-party ticket sites at BBB.org before making purchases.

For more information

Read BBB’s tips for buying tickets to an event. For general information on how to avoid scams, visit BBB.org/AvoidScams.

For more advice, read BBB’s tips on online shopping. If you’ve spotted an event scam, report it to BBB ScamTrackerSubscribe to BBB Scam Alerts for weekly updates about new scams.

Happy Easter 2023

As Easter is upon us, it is a time for reflection and renewal. At Coastline Properties would like to take a moment to wish all of our valued clients and their families a very Happy Easter!

The Easter holiday holds special significance for many of us. It is a time to celebrate the promise of new beginnings, to reflect on the blessings in our lives, and to spend time with loved ones.

In the spirit of the season, we want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to each and every one of our clients for entrusting us with their real estate needs. We feel privileged to be a part of your home buying and selling journey, and we look forward to continuing to serve you in the years to come.

We also recognize that the past year has been challenging for many of us, and we want to express our gratitude for your continued support and trust in our team. We are committed to providing the highest level of service, expertise, and guidance to help you achieve your real estate goals, no matter what challenges may arise.

As we celebrate this joyous occasion, we hope that you and your loved ones enjoy a wonderful Easter filled with love, laughter, and the promise of new beginnings. May the beauty and hope of the season bring you peace, happiness, and many blessings.

Thank you again for choosing Coastline Properties as your trusted partner in all of your real estate endeavors. We wish you all a Happy Easter!


The commissioners of Nueces County on Wednesday approved a resolution endorsing the building of a second bridge to Padre Island.

The second bridge’s location has not yet been made public.

TxDOT would be required to assist with the enormous project, which Mayor Paulette Guajardo estimated might cost up to $1 billion.

Brent Chesney, the commissioner for Nueces County’s Pct. 4, remarked, “It’s all about TxDOT, right?” “Because TxDOT has funding for projects, we need to move up the financing list. We need to go on even though we’re probably already behind other areas that require second causeways.”

The decision made on Wednesday is simply the beginning of the process, though.

Article Excerpt continued on KIIITV >>>>


BBB Tip: Buying a car online

The ability to purchase goods and services online has permanently changed how countless industries conduct business.
The days of high-pressure sales tactics and price haggling are
largely in the past, as online marketplaces allow buyers to comparatively shop for the best
deal on the product they want across hundreds or thousands of sellers. Particularly when
purchasing expensive items, such as automobiles, online marketplaces allow buyers to
carefully evaluate advertised prices and compare them to other dealers.
However, interacting with an online marketplace does come with inherent risks, especially
when dealing with a private seller. BBB Scam Tracker receives multiple reports of
misrepresentative or fraudulent car purchasing scams every year, with often disastrous
results for the victim.

Fort Worth: Earlier in 2022, one Arlington-area resident reported encountering an online
seller who claimed to be deployed overseas and was selling their vehicle for $10,000. The
seller stated the vehicle would be shipped through a shipping company that did not exist,
and the address they provided was for a completely different company. When checking the
website of the shipping company, it claimed the business has been in operation since 1997,
but the website was registered in 2021 to a different company. With this information, the
buyer walked away from the transaction and reported their experience to Better Business

Austin/Waco/Bryan: In October, one active-duty military member stationed at Fort Hood
reported encountering an online seller who claimed their husband had passed away and was
selling his truck for $24,500. All transactions for the purchase would go through a provided
shipping company. The first red flags began to appear when the company would not provide
any requested information such as VIN numbers, accident report, owner history and would
only communicate via email and wire transfers. Suspicions raised, the buyer stated they,
“called the office number attached to the building’s location to find out they have no clue
who the company is and appreciate the information about a false company using their

Permian Basin: In October, one active-duty military member stationed at a Texas base
reported encountering an online seller who claimed their husband had passed away and was
selling his truck for $24,500. All transactions for the purchase would go through a provided
shipping company. The first red flags began to appear when the company would not provide
any requested information such as VIN numbers, accident report, owner history and would
only communicate via email and wire transfers. Suspicions raised, the buyer stated they,
“called the office number attached to the building’s location to find out they have no clue
who the company is and appreciate the information about a false company using their

San Antonio/Corpus Christi: In June, one South Texas resident found an online seller
advertising a 4X4 Jeep for $1,200 which claimed the vehicle was in McAllen, Texas. When
the buyer said they would travel to pick up the Jeep and pay the money, the seller suddenly
changed the story and said it was in Missouri. To purchase, the buyer was directed to
deposit the money in an unfamiliar account and the seller stated the vehicle had previously
been owned by a family member that had sadly passed away. Unfortunately, emotional
appeals like this are an all-too-common tactic of scammers.

If you are considering buying a car online, BBB recommends the following tips to
help you avoid getting scammed and get the best deal possible:
Set a budget. Before you set out to find the perfect car, it is important to establish a
budget. You will also want to factor in monthly expenses that come with owning a vehicle,
including insurance payments, fuel, parking, and routine maintenance and repairs. A clearly
defined budget will make choosing a vehicle, negotiating with a dealer, and getting a loan
much easier.

Do thorough research. Once you have narrowed your search, compare models you are
interested in keeping a close eye on safety ratings, owner reviews, and warranties. Visit
manufacturer websites to see detailed images of each car and research MPG statistics,
interior options, cargo space, towing capacity, and more. The additional time you spend on
these initial steps, the more comfortable you will feel when making a purchase.
Shop for a deal. These may include cash-back deals, rebates, low-interest financing
options, or incentives for recent graduates, military veterans, Uber and Lyft drivers, or first
responders. In addition, many dealers are willing to make price cuts on previous year
models or any model that did not sell as well as expected. Purchasing one of these surplus
vehicles can mean extra incentives from the dealer.

Speak with internet sales managers. When you find a car you are interested in, it is
time to get in touch with an internet sales manager. During your initial conversations, focus
on what car you want, whether they have it in stock or can get it, and how much they will
sell it for. If you are considering purchasing a certified pre-owned vehicle, now is the time to
ask for a copy of the vehicle history report.

Test drive the vehicle. You should always take a test drive before you sign the final
paperwork. There is no substitute for seeing a car in person, looking under the hood, sitting
in the driver’s seat, and making sure the engine runs smoothly. To do so, you may need to
travel to the dealer’s place of business. Alternatively, some dealers offer the ability to test
drive upon delivery, and if anything isn’t as expected, you may cancel the sale.
Complete the sale at the dealer or upon delivery.  It is still usually necessary to sign
the final paperwork in person. If you would rather avoid visiting the dealership, ask about
delivery. Some dealers will drop off the car at your home or place of business and allow you
to sign upon delivery.

Avoid online car sales scams
There are plenty of pros to buying a car online, but caution is needed as well. Anytime you
shop online, and especially when making an expensive purchase like a car, you should keep
the following tips in mind:

 Watch out for too good to be true deals. They are most likely a scam. Scammers
often steal consumers’ personal information and money by offering them high-value
goods at highly discounted prices.
 Never wire funds or complete bank-to-bank transactions. Scammers love this
kind of transaction because there is no way to get your money back once completed.
Instead, make legitimate purchases by check or credit card.
 Contact the seller by phone. At some point during your negotiations, speak with
the sales manager on the phone. If they are unusually vague about specific details of
the sale or cannot confirm their location or the vehicle location, it’s most likely a
 See the car first. Never buy a car without making an in-person inspection and
taking a test drive first.
 Don’t give in to pressure. Scammers often try to pressure you to give up your
personal information or make a down payment before you have time to think about
the purchase. Take your time and consider a deal over before agreeing to anything.
 Don’t trust a seller or buyer who says that eBay, PayPal, Craigslist, or
another online marketplace guarantee the transaction. These sites explicitly
explain they cannot guarantee that people using their services are legitimate.

To learn more, see the BBB tips on buying a new car and buying a used car. You can also
lookup car dealerships at BBB.org to check their business rating and read customer reviews.
Find new car dealers near you and used car dealers near you.

Padre Island Ready For Spring Break 2022

Thousands Expected to Visit Area Attractions and Beaches March 5 to March 20

Aquarius Street and other critical intersections along Park Road 22, such as Whitecap Boulevard, Commodores Drive, and State Highway, will be monitored by the CCPD. Motorists are urged to leave early for their trip because delays are possible.

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has restored the I-37 northbound Labonte Park exit ramp, removing the requirement for a northbound diversion to get to the park.
The SH 358 (South Padre Island Drive) Ramp Reversal Project will stop lane closures for Spring Break in an effort to decrease traffic congestion during the holiday.

The Port Aransas ferry operations will operate at full capacity and are prepared to respond to any surge in late-night traffic. For the latest information and wait times, visit https://twitter.com/PortA_Ferry.

City parks, swimming pools (Collier Pool and Natatorium) will be open with free admission.

Stay connected by visiting Facebook @citygov and Twitter @cityofcc.

Great Tips for Holiday House Hunting


This time of year typically marks the unofficial time people begin thinking about the holidays. After Halloween, time seems to speed up and before we know it the holiday parties, charity functions and the like set in for familes. Real estate activity during the holiday season is typically discouraged because of the challenges posed on both sides of a transaction.

For sellers, there is the inconvenience of having to keep the home clean; leaving on a moment’s notice for showings; and limiting holiday entertaining. For buyers, there may be limited access to houses if sellers place showing restrictions due to personal schedules and commitments.

However there are some advantages and  other considerations that both sides should keep in mind.

Buyers will find fewer homes on the market, but the homes that are available have highly motivated sellers. This may provide a better negotiating climate, and there is less likely to be the type of competition for homes you see during high season. In turn, sellers will find equally motivated buyers, and may find that offers and closings move more quickly.  What this means is, bargains and negotiations are plentiful this time of year if you are working with a savvy real estate agent in corpus christi.

Holiday sellers should curb large plans to entertain, have family & friends stay over, or do excessive decorating. Focus on showing off the features of your home that will appeal to a buyer – not your family decorations and holiday traditions.  It sounds like a less attractive holiday, but the dividends will more than pay for themselves.  Remember to always keep a mindset of a buyer in mind.  Have a Happy and healthy holiday season!

Common Holiday Scams

BBB Column

The holiday season is here! Although the pandemic will certainly change how we prepare, consumers are still planning to shop and celebrate. Unfortunately, scammers are also ready for the holidays. With your mind on finding the perfect gifts and best deals, they hope you won’t be watching for fraud. Use these tips from your Better Business Bureau to avoid common holiday scams this year:

Seasonal employment scams.

Many companies and industries hire extra employees during the holidays to help with increased business. This is a perfect opportunity for scammers to put out fake help wanted ads. Use these tips to stay safe while looking for seasonal job opportunities:

  • Know the signs. Being aware of the red flags of employment scams can help you avoid them. Employers asking for upfront payment for a job, job offers without interviews and big money for small jobs are all major signs of employment scams.
  • Don’t work before you’re hired. A legitimate company will not ask you to begin a project before hiring you. Before starting any work, ask for an offer letter or for confirmation in writing. This should include details about the job and compensation.

Hot Toy Scams

Each year, a few toys are more popular than the rest, and when they begin to sell out in stores, parents look elsewhere to find them. They might find a legitimate-looking website that claims to have them, maybe even on sale! Unfortunately, after purchasing the toy, it never arrives, and they discover the website and offers were fake. These tips can keep your wallet safe when searching for this year’s hot toys:

  • Buy from reputable retailers. Buying directly from stores, in-person and online, that you know and trust is the best way to avoid being scammed. You can go to their business profile on bbb.org to find their rating and customer reviews. Also, be sure their website has valid customer service information.
  • Watch for extra-low prices. Unreasonably low prices and discounts are often red flags of a scam. Remember, if the price seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Delivery Scams

Delivery scams and package theft can take several forms. They may be phishing emails from scammers posing as the delivery company, or fake “missed delivery” tags, which attempt to get your personal information. Some consumers find that packages are stolen off their doorstep before they arrive home from work. To avoid these situations, use these tips:

  • Take precautions. If you are having a fragile or valuable item delivered, purchase shipping insurance. You can also track packages, or request that a signature be required for the package to be delivered.
  • Watch for emails about missed deliveries. Most legitimate delivery services leave a missed delivery notice on your door. An email could be a phishing scam.

Have safe and happy holidays, from everyone at BBB serving the Heart of Texas!


Barefoot Mardi Gras 2020 – Fat Friday Party

The Barefoot Mardi Gras season will be featuring a pre-event party that will serve as fundraiser for our two chosen charities: The Island Foundation of Schools & Big Brothers Big Sisters.


Request Letter for Donor’s – http://bit.ly/FFReqDon
Fat Friday Donation Form – http://bit.ly/FFDon

The Fat Friday Party is Friday, February 7th at 6:30pm at Mikel Mays Beachside Bar & Grill . It will feature music, food and a silent auction with all proceeds benefiting our two deserving charities. If you are able to please donate to this fun event and great causes, please complete the attached form and give it to the PIBA ambassador listed on the attached donation form. Or your Donations may be delivered directly to Coastline Properties Real Estate on the island. We can also arrange for a pickup, upon request.

Contacts: Meagan Thomas Furey & KimandRyan Pendergraft
Co-Chairs & Ambassadors for the BFMG Fat Friday Party
Meagan (720) 308-6577 – Kim (361) 446-3635

Happy New Year’s 2020 – Resolution Time!

Top 6 New Year’s resolutions that can help you feel better in 2020:

2018-newMore shut-eye

Many of us certainly don’t get near the recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. Sleep deprivation over the long term can raise risks for health problems including obesity, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and depression. Here’s how to get a better night’s sleep: Get on a regular sleep schedule and your body will adjust, turn off all electronics & screens leaving them out of the bedroom, reading a non-digital book or listening to soothing music or whitenoise will increase your chances of gaining more deep sleep each night. Go to bed and wake up around the same time each day.

10,000 steps

Walking 10,000 steps a day, or about 5 miles, is a low-impact way to improve your health. Here are tips to get you moving: Use a free app such as Pacer and Stepz to help you keep track of steps. Take the stairs, not the elevator. Park in the back of the lot when you’re going to the supermarket. To keep it interesting, find new places to walk each week and take photos along the way.


Journaling has several benefits for your overall health, and particularly your emotional health. It’s relaxing and helps you better understand your thoughts. Sometimes it feels like our minds are going a mile a minute, especially during periods of high stress. Putting those thoughts and emotions down on paper makes them more manageable.

Your personal journal is a permanent record of your thoughts and the events in your life. When you keep a journal, you can look back on important life events to read about how you felt at the time. You may be able to learn from these past experiences, but it’s also just nice to have a record of your past. Our memories become less clear and vivid as they fade farther into the past. Recording our lives helps us better remember them.


So many New Year’s resolutions are centered on diet and exercise but we fail to remember dental health. Flossing is an important tool in preventing gum disease and decay. But only four out of 10 people floss at least once a day, and 30 percent say they never floss. Develop a morning and evening flossing routine, and watch your dental health soar!

Limit Screen Time

Many of us are guilty of letting phones run our lives. Make a decision to turn off or put your phone into “do not disturb mode” an hour before bed this year and completely remove it from the bedroom altogether. Read or listen to quiet music to allow your brain to turn off and promote relaxation. Remove the TV set from the bedroom as well, it is incredibly destructive to REM sleep especially for those that leave it on all night. Get a white noise machine instead if you need to have filler noise.

Clean eating

Many vow to eat healthier and lose weight every year. We have a habit of setting the bar too high with unrealistic goals and ultimately give up. One way to improve our diets is to eat “clean.” Shift your diet to focusing on whole foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains and healthy proteins and fats. Clean eating also means avoiding processed foods, refined sugar, preservatives and artificial additives.  One of the best strategies for cleaner eating is trying to stick with eating a rainbow each day in the fruits & veggies category paying attention to their colors.


Cooking and cleaning and hosting, oh my! Broken wine glass shards as far as the living room? Kitchen sink spitting up last month’s pot pie leftovers? Aunty Shissa sprained ankle on the kids’ long-lost Lego piece? Get through the final holiday season without a hitch, and make it seem flawless.

Before Guests Arrive:

Clear your entryway! The people will come, and they come with THINGS. Lots of things. Purses, shoes, presents, tupperware, scarves, jackets, cats in doggy bags…give these things a place. Whatever you have going on in your foyer, de-clutter it. Then add extra hooks.

Add a few extra lights. YOU know where the hallways begin and end, where the steps are and how steep. But your guests do not, and it gets dark early now! Add motion detecting night lights inside and outside so no one goes home with a broken hip.

Zhuzh up your powder room. With the eggnog and spiced wine flowing, your guests will find their way here…often. Aside from the kitchen, it may be the next busiest room. Make sure it’s fully-stocked with toilet paper, hand soap, clean hand towels, tissues, and…air neutralizer…plunger. A scented candle provides nice ambience.

Create extra seating. Especially around bars, coffee spots, and kitchen islands. The masses congregate here. No one should have to call “seat backs”!

Cook a few appetizers in advance. This keeps your guests happy and you with less to do/more time to chat and concentrate on the main dishes. Keep wine and glasses out for guests to serve themselves!

Prep a guest room. Just in case you get the tipsy friend who simply shouldn’t drive, get a bedroom ready in advance. Clean bedding, a ceiling fan, and matching footed PJs are all they need!

Garbage cans. Double or triple line them. It’ll make clean-up so easy during and after the party!

Troubleshooting 101:

Dish disaster. First, use as many “oven to table” dishes as possible to avoid doubling up on what needs to be washed. Next, set up a soaking station for those inevitable hard-to-wash dishes. Quick tip: use a trashcan as your soaking spot, and stick it under your sink. That way it can hold a lot but is also out of the way.

Oven issues. How to avoid the possibility of your oven “gone fishin’” on the most critical day of the year? Set the SELF-CLEAN to AFTER the holidays. That way you’re less likely to blow a fuse or a thermostat. Don’t Turducken this up.

NUTS. Any type of food allergy. A simple heads up with a small sign that says what has nuts, dairy, etc. in it could mean a much-appreciated trip saved to the ER.

Fires. First and foremost, do not overload outlets. You and your guests don’t want to be left in the dark, or worse, in the midst of a house fire. And for those outdoor hanging icicles and blow up Santas, stick to exterior specified extension cords.

Plastic. It’s not so tacky anymore. Super wine glasses and lovely dishware come in plastic or even disposable! No more shattered glass or paranoia over grandma’s fine china.

Party Is Over:

Doggy bag. Purchase little doggy bags for your friends and family to leave with leftovers. They get a tasty treat the next day, and your fridge isn’t left overloaded.

Clean your kitchen first. That is important. Get dishes going, trash out, and spills up. But your guest bath or linens can wait. Categorize by what needs to happen right away vs. in a day.

Double check electronics. Make certain the stove is off, you’ve unplugged the fondue machine, and your after-dinner coffee maker isn’t still heating up water.

Get the kids to help: You don’t have to do it alone! Crank up the Carols and make it fun!

Your guests will love how effortless your festivities were, and how comfortable they felt. Happy merry holidays, Island.

Barefoot Mardi Gras 2019



We are Proud to once again be Major Sponsors for the 10th Annual Barefoot Mardi Gras .  Its going to be spectacular this year, sure to bring a very festive environment as we all celebrate together for a great cause!

A Family Parade will take place along the beach off Park Road 22 between Whitecap Blvd and Bob Hall Pier. Parade starts at 11am. The Parade Judges Float will open the parade followed a few minutes later by color guard and Mardi Gras themed floats in different divisions like Float, Jeep and Golf Cart. Many colorful characters enter the parade making it a unique activity for friends and family.


Barefoot Mardi Gras Parade

March 2, 2019
Begins at 11:00 am

Floats and fun for the whole family! The parade starts at Whitecap Beach and runs along Padre Island to the Briscoe King Pavilion near Bob Hall Pier.

Register now for the parade

Barefoot Mardi Gras Festival

March 2, 2019
11:00 am – 5:00 pm

Cajun Music, food & fun for all ages! The festival is located at the Briscoe King Pavillion in Bali Park on Padre Island and features live music, artists, car displays, exhibitors, a children’s area, food, drink and more!
Admission is $5.00 paid at the door. Cash Only.

King & Queens Ball

March 2, 2019
7:30 pm – 12:00 am

An adult-themed Party, The King & Queens Ball, will let the good times roll on the evening of March 2nd from 7:30pm – Midnight at the Briscoe King Pavillion. Leave the kids at home & Let the Good Times Roll as we transform the festival into the streets of New Orleans!
Ball Ticket includes traditional shrimp boil fixins from Rollin’ Tide Boil Company and a coffee and king cake station! Dance in high heels, flip flops, or barefoot to the blues rock New Orleans style music of Splendiferous. Costumes encouraged! Put on your royal beads and feathers ‘cause we will be crowning our new 2019 Barefoot Mardi Gras King & Queen! Plus, enjoy face painting as only the Cajuns can, a cigar bar, crooning saxophones, and much more! Patrons must be 21 years of age or older to attend. Tickets are $30 in advance or $40 at the door and available at various locations.

FOR MORE INFO and To Get TICKETS to the KING & QUEENS BALL Click Here Barefoot Mardi Gras 2019