BBB Tip: Recovering from freezing temperatures while avoiding

BBB Tip: Recovering from freezing temperatures while avoiding unethical contractors and utility impostors

Over the weekend, plummeting temperatures and wintry weather mixtures have struck
communities across Texas, with many residents experiencing power outages, ruptured water
lines, hail damage, fallen tree limbs, or other issues due to below-freezing temperatures. As
home and business owners begin to thaw out in the coming days, many will discover a
variety of problems resulting from the sudden cold snap. While some homeowners can
easily handle cleanup and repair efforts, others will likely require the help of a professional.
Additionally, other residents may begin to piece together facts and receipts to learn they
interacted with an impersonated utility company that demanded immediate payment or a
fraudulent online seller advertising winter weather and emergency products.

After significant weather events that are likely to result in property damage, Better Business
Bureau typically receives an increase in reports of unethical contractors operating across
affected regions. Commonly referred to as ‘storm chasers,’ many businesses offering
services to residents negatively impacted by severe weather are well-respected and
legitimate. However, among these groups are those who would take advantage of a
homeowner in need rather than provide any meaningful service.

Some common issues reported to BBB in these types of situations include:
 The contractor requires a significant deposit (over 50% of the total estimate) from
the property owner and then continually postpones the start date until
communication stops. Any effort by the homeowner to contact the business is
unsuccessful, and the business’s physical location is either too distant to travel to,
abandoned, a residential home for sale, or a vacant lot.

 The homeowner is approached by a contractor who claims they have excess material
left over from a nearby project, and the business can pass the savings on to the
homeowner if they can start work immediately. Once the contractor begins the
project, the scope of work expands far beyond what was initially estimated, and the
homeowner is held accountable for paying a final bill that is significantly more
expensive than they expected.

 Repairs on systems requiring specialized work (plumbers, electricians, HVAC
technicians, etc.) are done by an unlicensed individual, leaving the homeowner liable
if the contractor did not do the repairs correctly or did not comply with the applicable
housing codes.

Property owners are encouraged to verify that the provided licenses are valid by checking
with the appropriate regulatory agency. In Texas, the Texas Department of Licensing and
Regulation and the Texas Department of Agriculture are two of the most likely agencies that
hold licenses for businesses that property owners may call upon to help recover from
freezing temperatures.

Decreasing temperatures also allow utility scammers to take advantage of people’s fears of
being without heat during the cold weather. Be wary of texts, phone calls or emails from the
utility company that services your area claiming that they will shut your heat off
immediately unless an outstanding bill is paid. According to the Public Utility Commission of
Texas, an electric utility company cannot disconnect a customer anywhere in its service area
on a day when:

The previous day’s highest temperature did not exceed 32 degrees Fahrenheit, and
the temperature is predicted to remain at or below that level for the next 24 hours,
according to the nearest National Weather Service (NWS) reports.

February 2025 Heart Health Month

The month of February is designated as Heart Month. This month strives to educate the
public about the importance of improving heart health. This endeavor aims to help people
identify and understand helpful adjustments that can be made to increase heart health. The term
“heart disease” refers to several types of heart conditions. In the United States, the most common
type of heart disease is coronary artery disease, which can lead to heart attack. You can greatly
reduce your risk for heart disease through lifestyle changes and, in some cases, medicine. There
are several everyday things that we can do in achieving healthier lives for 2025. With this
designation, both the American Heart Association along with the US Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) have put out some great information.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States.
Every year, 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease. The good news is that heart disease can
often be prevented when people make healthy choices and manage their health conditions.
Communities, health professionals, and families can work together to create opportunities for
people to make healthier choices. National trends show heart disease death rates are declining
more slowly than they have in the past, especially among adults ages 35 to 64. The CDC
Division of Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention and Million Hearts is focused on letting
younger adults know they are not immune to heart disease, but that they can reduce their risk—at
any age—through lifestyle changes and by managing medical conditions. For more information
and statistics about heart disease visit

Here are some tips from the CDC to take control of your heart health:
 Find time to be active. Aim for at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week.
 Make healthy eating a habit. Small changes in your eating habits can make a big
difference. Try making healthier versions of your favorite recipes by looking for ways to
lower sodium and trans-fat. Additionally, try to incorporate more fruits and vegetables.

 Quit tobacco. Smoking cigarettes and using other tobacco products affects nearly every
organ in your body, including your heart. Visit the CDC website for great tips on how to

 Know your numbers. High blood pressure and high cholesterol are major risk factors for
heart disease. Ask your health care team to check your blood pressure and blood
cholesterol levels regularly and help you take steps to control your levels.
 Stick to the “script”. Taking your medications can be tough, especially if you feel fine.
However, focusing on your medication routine is important for managing and controlling
conditions that could put your heart at risk.

The American Heart Association (AHA) is an organization that helps bring heart health
knowledge, leadership, and resources to all levels of government. Whether it is the federal, state,
or local level, the AHA identifies ways of educating the public and develops systems of care that
work to help acute conditions, which will result in helping to improve the patient’s outcomes.
Many of these systems coordinate impacted people to help them recover, while also improving
the cost-effectiveness of their care. These systems of care generally are tailored by more
localized methods that focus on certain regions of the nation and individual states. The
Association uses collected data that helps a seamless transition from each stage of care. It is with
these types of awareness and outreach that they hope will save lives. If you would like to learn
more information about healthy tips on cardiovascular health, you can visit the American Heart
Association’s website at .

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my
office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to
contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time
to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office,

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces County (Part). He can be contacted
at or at 512-463-0672.

Human Trafficking Awareness 2025

The month of January serves as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Governor Abbott has proclaimed January 2025 as Human Trafficking Prevention Month. During this month, advocates, organizations, and individuals unite to raise awareness about this very important issue. According to the Department of Homeland Security, human trafficking is “modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act.” Human trafficking is not the same as human smuggling, which involves the illegal transportation of a person across a border. Victims of human trafficking are of all genders, ages, races, countries, socioeconomic statuses, and so on. While human trafficking can happen to anyone, people who are already in vulnerable situations – such as people experiencing homelessness – may be more likely to be targeted.

Human trafficking is often thought to be an international issue, however, this crime exists in all fifty states within the United States. Human trafficking has become the second-largest criminal activity/industry in the US and generates billions of dollars in illegal profits annually. According to the Human Trafficking Institute, 22,326 people were identified as victims or survivors of human trafficking. In addition to this, The National Human Trafficking Hotline reported that over 11,500 human trafficking cases were reported in the U.S. Approximately 1,080 of these cases were reported from within Texas. It is crucial to continue to be proactive and increase our partnerships and collaborations with organizations or governmental entities locally and throughout our nation to stop this activity and bring awareness to this issue.

In order to prevent human trafficking, we must expand our knowledge of the issue.  Understanding what human trafficking is and how to recognize it is essential.  Some resources to review are the Polaris Project and the Blue Campaign To research statistics and other facts about human trafficking in Texas, visit the Texas Human Trafficking Task Force Reports

The Texas Legislature continues to work diligently to introduce legislation to combat this industry. For this reason, the current anti-human trafficking laws were reviewed and revised throughout the most recent Legislative Session to ensure the prosecution of these criminals continues and stops others from being involved in these activities. The goal is to create laws that stop, prevent, and end the human trafficking epidemic.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office.  Please always feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

 Rep. Hunter represents Nueces County (Part).  He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672


Corpus Christi Association of Realtors has posted the Padre Island Corpus Christi Housing Report for November 2024.

Our active listing median prices have softened the past month to $485,000 which is actually a 20.1% increase from where it was compared to last November at this time! CCAR shows us the data that has risen for active listings t0 33.6% with a total of 322 properties this past month compared to November 2023 while inventory also rose to 11.5 compared to 7.3 last year at this time.

Days on the market stayed steady this past month with an average of 86 days and the highest categories for sales with 30.4% of all the sales being priced between $300,000 – $399,999. The market is still softening a bit as we head into the last month of 2024 with properties available across many pricing areas. Padre Island’s newest development Whitecap NPI is open for sales of their lots in Phase 1, Contact Coastline Properties Agent Ms. Amber Spicak at their office for all pre-sales.

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose by 0.3 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis in November versus the prior month, following four consecutive months of 0.2 percent increases. Over the past 12 months, the all-items index has increased by 2.7 percent before seasonal adjustment.

Cheri Sperling is the owner of Coastline Properties with a dedicated team of agents specializing in residential listings, sales, and property management in the Padre Island Corpus Christi real estate market. Coastline’s team is the most knowledgeable real estate office on Padre Island. No pressure style, patience, and an intimate understanding of the local market. They go to work for you!


Padre Island Corpus Christi November 2024 Data (Click Pic below for Larger Image)


Importance of Blood Donation

The Coastal Bend Blood Center was formed in 1969 to centralize blood donation efforts in the South Texas area, as well as for Port Aransas, Rockport-Fulton, and Corpus Christi communities. Since its formation, it has involved over 35,000 volunteers per year, which is crucial since over 150 people per day are needed to donate blood to meet the needs in South Texas. The Blood Center often places its mobile centers at different areas such as high schools, churches, and hospitals. Individuals who want to donate blood can visit the Blood Center on 209 North Padre Island Drive, Corpus Christi, Texas during normal business hours. While many of the donation activities occur in Corpus Christi, Port Aransas, and Rockport-Fulton, the Coastal Bend Blood Center actually serves ten counties in South Texas, which includes over half a million residents. Bloodmobiles operate seven days a week to ensure that hospital and patient needs are met in this large geographical area.

While opportunities for blood donation are available and welcome throughout the year, there is currently a critical need for type B- blood and O- blood which is known as the universal donor. O- blood can be given to people of all blood types and is critical in emergencies before the patient’s blood type is known and with newborns that need blood. The general qualifications for blood donation include: be 17 years of age or older, weigh at least 110 pounds, have a pulse range between 50-100, have not donated whole blood in the last 8 weeks, have normal blood pressure, pulse and temperature, do not have a cold or sore throat, are not pregnant, and are not taking antibiotics for an active infection. If you have a specific question regarding your eligibility, please call 800.299.4943.

I want to continue to bring awareness to the many great organizations in our Coastal Bend such as the Coastal Bend Blood Center. About 1 in 7 people need blood when entering a hospital, so we can truly benefit from these types of worthwhile organizations by doing our part to raise awareness and try and participate in blood donations.

You can find more information about ways to help by donating blood as well as gain additional information about the Coastal Bend Blood Center and what it does as an organization by visiting their website at Coastal Bend Blood Center.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Part of Nueces County. He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672.

National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

The month of October is recognized as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. According
to the National Research Center on Domestic Violence, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men are
affected by domestic violence. Unfortunately, this means that this is a common problem for
many people. Additionally, it is estimated that annually 20 million people will be abused by their
partner. Therefore, millions of people are in a constant state of fear for their livelihood. As a
result of the alarmingly high statistics, it is important to be educated about domestic violence and
to be aware of the signs to protect those around you from domestic violence.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month is a critical month for the public and survivors of
domestic violence. The purpose of this month is to raise awareness regarding domestic violence.
The Domestic Violence Awareness Project describes domestic violence as “a pattern of abusive
behaviors–including physical, sexual, and psychological attacks as well as economic
coercion–used by one intimate partner against another (adult or adolescent) to gain, maintain, or
regain power and control in the relationship.” Abusers use a wide variety of methods to scare,
terrorize, humiliate, injure, and in some instances kill their partners. Domestic violence is
incredibly dangerous since this can have lasting emotional, psychological, mental, and physical
effects on those being abused by their partners.

In addition to the horrible effects of domestic violence, anyone can be a victim regardless
of gender, race, or age. Due to this, it is important to know the signs of domestic violence. A few
of the signs that someone is being abused are someone telling their partner they never do

anything right, showing jealousy when their partner spends time with friends rather than with
them, insulting or shaming their partner in front of others, and blaming their partner for their
violent behavior. If you believe someone is being abused, reach out to them and inform them of
their options to get help.

For more information about domestic violence and resources to help those being abused,
please visit the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence’s website
Along with this, the International Rescue Committee is a great source to learn more about the
signs of domestic abuse Additionally, you can visit the Domestic
Violence Awareness Project to learn more about the importance of Domestic Violence
Awareness Month Also, The National Domestic Hotline
is 1.800.787.3244 and is available 24/7.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week's article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my
office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to
contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time
to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office,

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and part of Nueces County. He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672.


Golf Carts and Side by Sides (UTV) are motor vehicles and must follow all road rules. Equipment requirements and driving restrictions apply to these vehicles that do not apply to passenger vehicles, including:

  • A reflective orange, slow-moving vehicle triangle must always remain visible from the vehicle’s rear.
  • State of Texas tags are required, a golf “cart tag” for golf carts, and an “off-highway” tag are required for side-by-sides. You may purchase tags from the City of Port Aransas, or the City of Corpus Christi for a one-time fee under $15.00, this is a lifetime state tag (one per vehicle). You must present a bill of sale, or title with the vehicle serial number, and a valid driver’s license. Proof of insurance is not required to register your vehicle.
  • Headlights, taillights, and rearview mirrors are required. Seat belts, turn signals, brake lights, and a horn are optional. All drivers must use proper hand signals if their vehicle avoids brake lights and turn signals.
  • Driving on or paralleling a State Highway including – SPID (South Padre Island Drive), including the grass and the side of the road, is prohibited. Hwy 361 towards Packery Channel includes crossing the intersection from Commodores over SPID. By driving in these areas you could receive a $500.00 fine for violators.
  • Driving on any road with a speed limit of over 35mph is prohibited.
  • Drivers must be at least 16 years of age and possess valid driver’s licenses.
  • Seat belts are recommended, but not required for all drivers and passengers, children of appropriate ages are encouraged to use car seats.
  • Always drive on the right side of the road to allow vehicles to pass by unless turning left or the traffic signs direct you differently.
  • A Beach Permit is required on most beaches and can be purchased for $12 at any of the gas stations on Padre Island.
  • The speed limit on all parts of the beach is 15 mph. All Parts! Beach line driving (where the water meets the beach) is dangerous. For the safety of beach pedestrians, drive only on the established passenger vehicle paths up next to the dunes.
  • Driving on or in the dunes is strictly prohibited by law.
  • Always drive safely and responsibly – and Have Fun!

Courtesy of, and brought to you by Fantasy Customs, a PIBA Member

BBB Tip: Five Resolutions For a Fraud-free New Year

The loss of money, personal information, and perseverance of scammers continue with online purchase scams as the riskiest of scams.

BBB recommends adding a few precautionary steps to the New Year’s resolution list and the weight loss and financial goals to help make the upcoming days and months fraud-free.

  • I resolve to be cautious with email.  Be wary of unsolicited emails from a person or a company. Remember, scammers can make emails look like they are from a legitimate business, government agency, or reputable organization (even BBB!). Never click on links or open attachments in unsolicited emails.
  • I resolve never to send money to strangers. If you haven’t met a person face-to-face, don’t send them money. This is especially true if the person asks you to transfer funds using a pre-paid debit card or CashApp. Money sent to strangers in this way is untraceable, and once it is sent, there’s no getting it back. Scammers will try to trick you into panicking – so before making a move,  think the situation through. Don’t fall for it!
  • I resolve to do research before making online payments and purchases. Research the retailer before entering payment information when shopping online, or if asked to pay online, research the retailer before entering payment information. Ask: Is this a person or business I know and trust? Do they have a working customer service number? Where is the company physically located? Would I be making payments through a secure server (https://….com)? Have I checked to see if others have complained?
  • I resolve to use my best judgment when sharing my personal information. Sharing sensitive personal information with scammers opens the door to identity theft. Never share financial information, birthdate, address, Social Security/Social Insurance number, or Medicare number with an unsolicited caller.
  • I resolve to be social media smart. Use privacy settings on social media and only connect with people you know. Be careful about including personal information in your profile, and never reveal your address and other sensitive information – even in a “fun” quiz. Scammers may use this information to make themselves pass as friends or relatives and earn your trust. Also, be careful when buying products you see on social media. BBB Scam Tracker has received thousands of complaints about misleading Facebook and Instagram ads.For more information

For more information

To learn more about scams, go to For more about avoiding scams, check out If this scam has targeted you, help others avoid the same problem by reporting your experience at

National Epilepsy Awareness Month

The month of November is recognized as National Epilepsy Awareness Month.
According to the Epilepsy Foundation, 1 in 26 people will develop epilepsy in their lifetime. In
addition to this, 3.4 million Americans currently live with epilepsy. This means that epilepsy is
not rare and is actually more common than most people think. Since millions of Americans live
with epilepsy, it is important to understand the disease and how it affects people. National
Epilepsy Month is important because it is a time dedicated to learning about epilepsy and raising
awareness about the disease.

Epilepsy is a neurological condition in the brain that triggers seizures. As stated by the
Epilepsy Foundation, “doctors believe that seizures happen when a brain’s uncontrolled increase
of excess electrical activity obstructs its normal functions.” This means that a seizure causes a
short interruption to messages traveling back and forth within the brain. There are two types of
seizures. The first type of seizures are generalized seizures which affect both sides of the brain.
The other type of seizures are focal seizures which are located in just one area of the brain and
are also called partial seizures. A few symptoms of seizures are: temporary confusion, a staring
spell, stiff muscles, uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs, loss of
consciousness or awareness, psychological symptoms such as fear, and anxiety or deja vu. Once
a person has had two seizures, they are diagnosed with epilepsy.
Epilepsy has no identifiable cause in about half the people with the condition. In the other
half, the condition may be traced to various factors, including: genetic influence, head trauma,

brain abnormalities, infections, prenatal injury, and developmental disorders such as autism.
Even though there is no distinguishable cause of epilepsy, there are a few risk factors for
someone to develop epilepsy. A few of the risk factors are: age, family history, head injuries,
stroke and other vascular diseases, dementia, brain infections, and seizures in childhood.
For more information about epilepsy, please visit the Epilepsy Foundation’s website Along with this, the CDC is a
fantastic resource to learn more about the risk factors and types of seizures associated with
epilepsy Additionally, you can visit John Hopkins
Medicine to learn about the treatment options for epilepsy
If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my
office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to
contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time
to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office,

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and part of Nueces County. He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672.

Breast Cancer Awareness 2023

Each year, the month of October is recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Spearheaded by the National Breast Cancer Foundation, this annual initiative serves to raise
awareness about breast cancer and offer support to those impacted by the disease. The National
Cancer Institute estimates that there will be 297,790 new cases of breast cancer in 2023. Breast
cancer is also the second most common cancer in women behind skin cancer. Furthermore, 1 in 8
women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Given these statistics, I would like to use this
week’s article to share information about breast cancer risks and warning signs as well as the
important role cancer screenings and early detection play in fighting the disease.

Breast cancer occurs when malignant cells grow in the tissue of the breast. These cells
sometimes form into a tumor, which can be felt as a new lump or mass in the breast. While this
new lump, along with other unusual changes, may indicate the presence of cancerous cells,
breast cancer does not always present physical symptoms in the earliest stages of the disease.
According to the American Cancer Society, however, cancer found at an early stage – when it is
small and has not spread – is easier to treat. For this reason, screening exams, such as
mammograms, are key to finding cancers before they start to cause symptoms, known as early

Breast cancer screenings are recommended for all women beginning after the age of 40.
However, individuals with a higher risk of the disease may need to be screened earlier and more
often. There are several key factors that are used in determining a person’s risk level of
developing breast cancer, such as age, ethnicity, and family history. While some men, especially

those with a genetic history of the disease, have a risk of breast cancer, women represent 99
percent of all breast cancer cases and have a significantly higher risk of breast cancer than men.
In addition to this, the American Cancer Society states lifestyle also plays an important role in
determining a person’s risk level. These factors can include weight, alcohol and tobacco use,
physical activity level and diet.

To learn more about this important awareness month, you can visit the National Breast
Cancer Foundation website here: . More information about
the National Cancer Institute’s research can be found here: .
Additionally, for information about the different symptoms and risk factors for breast cancer,
please review the American Cancer Society’s guide here:

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week's article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my
office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to
contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time
to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office,

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and part of Nueces County. He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672.

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

The month of September is recognized as Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. According
to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, ovarian cancer is rare since only 1.1% of women will
be diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Yet, it is the number one cause of cancer-related death among
women. Additionally, in 2023 it is estimated that 19,710 women will be diagnosed with ovarian
cancer and of those diagnosed 13,270 women will die. Due to the mortality rate, it is important to
know about ovarian cancer so people can be educated about the risk factors along with the signs.
National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month is important because it is a time dedicated for
women and the public to gain knowledge about ovarian cancer. This is important because an
increase of public knowledge can lead to earlier diagnoses and hopefully lower the death rate.
Therefore, the purpose of this month is to raise awareness surrounding ovarian cancer which is
sometimes referred to as the “silent killer.” This is due to the fact that the symptoms of ovarian
cancer are very similar to other diseases which means women will overlook the signs and they
will not realize they should see a doctor and get tested. As a result of this, the diagnosis for
ovarian cancer is typically confirmed at a later stage. According to the National Ovarian Cancer
Coalition, only 20 percent of ovarian cancer is diagnosed in the early stages.
Since the symptoms of ovarian cancer are similar to other diseases, it is critical to know
what they are in order to get an early diagnosis. A few of the common symptoms for ovarian
cancer are persistent bloating, difficulty eating or feeling full quickly, and pelvic or abdominal
pain. Along with these symptoms, the strongest risk factors include increasing age and family

history. Knowing the signs and risk factors of ovarian cancer is important because an early
diagnosis can be lifesaving.
For more information about ovarian cancer, please visit the National Ovarian Cancer
Coalition’s website.
Along with this, is a wonderful resource to learn more about ovarian
cancer, how to prevent it, and how it is diagnosed.
Additionally, you can visit the American Association for Cancer Research to learn about
the risk factors and symptoms of ovarian cancer.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week's article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my
office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to
contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time
to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office,

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and part of Nueces County. He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672.

BBB Tip: Maintaining and servicing your HVAC System

Texas residents are no strangers to triple-digit temperatures during the summer months and
understand the importance of keeping cool during heatwaves. However, when the heat
arrives in force, many residents learn their current air conditioning systems cannot keep up
with demand. When indoor temperatures reach unbearable levels, consumers turn to
reputable HVAC contractors to help service their system or install a new one. Similarly to
hiring any other contractor to work on your home, Better Business Bureau (BBB) reminds
consumers to research a chosen company before providing payment or signing a contract.

Purchasing and installing a new HVAC system

HVAC systems are one of the most significant energy consumers in a typical home, making
it important to ensure they work as efficiently as possible. Although the average HVAC
system should last 10-25 years, many must be replaced sooner if they have been
overworked by insufficient insulation and unsealed air leaks. Like other major household
appliances, the cost of an HVAC system includes three elements – the purchase price, the
cost of repairs and maintenance, and the cost to operate it.

Before purchasing a new unit, conduct an energy audit to help you detect energy waste,
gauge the efficiency of your current system, and determine if conditioned air is moving
correctly. Many utility companies offer free or low-cost energy audits, but you can hire a
specialist to do a more comprehensive audit. Hiring a specialist will most likely cost more
money, but their experience is often invaluable when purchasing new systems.

Take steps to weatherize your home to keep cold air in and hot air out, or vice versa in the
winter. Check the caulking, weather stripping around doors and windows, and wall and
ceiling insulation. Weatherizing your home may be all you need to help your air conditioning
unit maintain a cool temperature indoors and will help reduce energy demands. An
adequately weatherized home may also enable you to install a smaller, less expensive
system to achieve the same results.

Consider energy efficiency from the start of your decision-making process. All air
conditioning units must meet minimum energy efficiency standards set by the Department
of Energy, but many products exceed the standard resulting in less energy used to operate
and run the system. Check if your energy provider offers a cash rebate or tax break for
buying and using energy-efficient products and consider it when comparing the operating
costs of different systems.

After installing your new system, the contractor should provide at least one call-back service
free of charge to check it is operating correctly. Double-check that this service is included in
the written agreement. Many contractors also offer service contracts which often contain a
limited number of service calls per year and emergency repair service. If you decide to
participate in a service contract, be sure that it describes what parts and services are
provided. Compare the service contract with the manufacturer's warranty so you aren't
simply duplicating the coverage you already have.
HVAC maintenance and repair tips 

Keeping your system well-maintained will prolong its life and save you money. Spring or
early summer is the best time for servicing cooling systems, while summer or fall are the
ideal times for servicing your furnace. You can also do routine maintenance by replacing
disposable filters or cleaning permanent ones. Before calling an HVAC contractor, check your

system’s model and spend the time to understand the license and insurance requirements
for contractors. Find more information about licensing requirements and verify your
contractor has a valid license, as recognized by the Texas Department of Licensing and
Regulation, by searching the contractor’s name or license number at
Contractors that do not readily provide this information should be treated with caution.

If you need repairs, be sure to get multiple written estimates for the job. BBB recommends
obtaining an estimate from a minimum of three contractors before settling on a final
decision to help understand the standard price for the project and have an informed
discussion with a chosen contractor. Estimates should include a complete description of
additional work required to install or repair a system, including installing ducts, registers,
electric wiring, and any other work needed.

Find a trusted HVAC contractor near you at and review more home maintenance
tips at

BBB Scam Alert: Fake Events & Phony Tickets

How the scam works

You see a fantastic deal on tickets to a summer festival in your area, usually through a link on social media. The event promises live music, all-you-can-eat meals, craft beer or wine, or other fun activities.

When you click the social media link, it takes you to a professional website with fantastic pictures. You enter your credit card information to buy tickets and think you are all set. But before you buy, do a little research. Whether the event is non-existent, merely disappointing, or you just bought phony tickets, the result is the same: someone pockets your hard-earned money!

BBB Scam Tracker has received numerous reports from people who purchased fake tickets to actual events or events that have yet to materialize.

A customer in Memphis reported buying tickets for $82.50 to a “Bubble Run” in June 2022 that never happened: “Facebook event page advertised the Bubble run as a free event. I purchased 4 ‘entries’ with glasses and tutus and they charged my debit card. They then cancelled the event refuse to respond to emails. They are still advertising on Facebook like the event is happening.”

One consumer who purchased tickets to a fake beer crawl reported: “Reviews across multiple platforms make it clear that these events are at best extremely misleading or at worst canceled. No refunds are given, even when their inconsistent and mostly-unreachable customer service email address responds to confirm a refund will be provided.”

How to spot a fake festival

  • Research before you buy. Search online for the festival’s name and ensure the name advertised matches the website. Scammers often use names that sound similar to those of real festivals.
  • Check for (working) contact information. Be sure the festival website has a real phone number and email address.
  • Watch out for prices that sound too good to be true. There is no way a festival can offer tickets at extremely low prices without losing money. If the prices are much lower than elsewhere, it’s likely a scam.

What can you do?

  • Pay with a credit card. You can dispute the charges if the business doesn’t come through. Be wary of online sellers that don’t accept credit cards.

  • Look for secure sites. The website should begin with HTTPS (the extra “s” is for security) and have a lock symbol on the address bar.
  • Avoid tickets sold on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and other free online listings.  Scammers are skilled at providing realistic tickets and fake receipts. Check out third-party ticket sites at before making purchases.

For more information

Read BBB’s tips for buying tickets to an event. For general information on how to avoid scams, visit

For more advice, read BBB’s tips on online shopping. If you’ve spotted an event scam, report it to BBB ScamTrackerSubscribe to BBB Scam Alerts for weekly updates about new scams.

Ultraviolet Safety Month

July is designated as National Ultraviolet (UV) Safety Month. According to the
American Cancer Society, individuals with a high level of exposure to UV rays from
the sun have an increased risk of skin cancer, which is the most prevalent type of
cancer in the country. It is important to note that despite these statistics, skin cancer is
also one of the most preventable forms of cancer and can be avoided by reducing one’s
exposure to UV radiation. As such, I would like to share some important information
on the necessary precautions to take in order to safeguard against the damaging effects
of UV radiation this summer as recommended by the United State Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS).

One of the most important ways to protect oneself from overexposure to UV
radiation is to understand the risks. While the sun emits UV rays no matter the season,
exposure is greatest during the summer months, which also coincides with a time of
increased outdoor activity for most people. As one of the most popular tourism
destinations in the state, this is especially true in our area as both locals and visitors
alike spend more time outside participating in recreational activities such as fishing,
kayaking and swimming. It is also important to note that the sun’s UV rays are
strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. As such, HHS recommends seeking shade when
possible, during these hours to limit exposure.

Moreover, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the
strength of the sun’s UV rays can vary from day to day due to many factors such as
changes in the weather. Limiting outdoor activity during days when the UV Index
forecast is high can also help reduce one’s chance of overexposure. You can check the
UV Index forecast to understand the exposure risks in our area daily by visiting Sun
Safety – The UV Index.

In addition to understanding your risk of exposure to UV radiation, another way
to reduce instances of skin cancer is by wearing protective clothing such as long-
sleeved shirts and pants. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has also stated that UV
radiation is linked to many common vision issues such as cataracts. To protect against
damage from UV radiation, both the CDC and HHS recommend wearing broad-
brimmed hats and UV-blocking sunglasses.

According to American Cancer Society, wearing sunscreen is one of the most
important precautionary measures to take in avoiding overexposure to the sun’s
harmful UV rays. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends
generously applying broad-spectrum sunscreen to cover all exposed skin, which will
help protect against both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. The FDA
also recommends using a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) at a value of at
least 15. Sunscreen should be generously applied throughout the day, especially after
swimming and sweating.

This summer, I hope you will all join me in promoting UV safety by following
the recommendations outlined above. To learn more about the ways you can prevent
overexposure to UV radiation, please visit the HHS July UV Safety Month information
visit Fun and Breezy – Summer Safety Tips. To learn more about skin cancer,
including risk factors and early detection techniques, please visit American Cancer

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s
article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel
free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state
agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. My
offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns, or comments
(Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces County (Part). He can be
contacted at or at 512-463-0672.

Shred It for Sealife to Benefit Texas Sealife Center



Coastal Financial and Padre Island Business Association (PIBA) are proud to announce their upcoming event, Shred It for Sealife, to benefit the Texas Sealife Center. This community shredding event and donation drive will be held on Saturday, June 10, 2023, from 9am to 12pm at Texas Sealife Center located at 14220 S Padre Island Dr.

A Shred-It truck will be on-site for individuals and businesses to dispose of their sensitive documents in a way that is secure and environmentally friendly. PIBA Ambassadors and volunteers will guide the public through the drop-off process. Donations of any amount are welcome and will go directly to the Texas Sealife Center, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of injured and sick sea turtles and other marine animals.

“We are excited to partner with Padre Island Business Association to host this event for the community.” Said Keith Clark, President of Coastal Financial. “Identity theft is a growing concern for my clients and many people, and we want to provide a safe and convenient way for them to dispose of their sensitive documents while also protecting the environment and supporting the efforts of the Texas Sealife Center. We hope to make Shred-It for Sealife an annual event and invite everyone in the community to participate.” Mr. Clark will also match the first $500 in donations.

What to Bring: Paper documents you’d like securely shred. Up to 5 containers (file boxes or equivalent) per person. Items NOT allowed: stiff metal, hanging folders, plastic bags, electronic devices, or items that will jam the shredder. You can contact the Coastal Financial office at (361) 949-3330 for more details.

Coastal Financial, LLC

Keith R. Clark, FA
14933 S Padre Island Dr
Corpus Christi, TX 78418
(361) 949-3330

National Mental Health Awareness Month

Each year, May is designated as National Mental Health Awareness Month. This
awareness month began to educate communities about mental health conditions and provide
support along with resources to those individuals living with mental illness. Millions across the
country are affected by mental illness each year. According to the Texas Statewide Behavioral
Health Coordinating Council, over 3.3 million adults in Texas are living with a mental illness.
Furthermore, more than half of the adults in Texas who need mental health treatment do not
receive any. Unfortunately, children are affected by mental illness as well. According to the
Texas Health & Human Services Commission, one out of four children will have a mental illness
during childhood. Therefore, breaking down the stigma attached to mental illness through
education and outreach is a key goal of National Mental Health Awareness Month.
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), a mental illness is a
condition that affects a person’s thinking, feeling, behavior, or mood. Mental health conditions
are far more common and come in many different forms. As a result of this, it is important to
look for common signs of mental illness in adults and adolescents. To learn more about the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and find more
information about mental health conditions, please visit SAMHSA. For more resources please
visit the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. For more mental health resources in
Texas, visit Mental Health Texas.

In Texas, the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) contracts with Local Mental
Health Authorities (LMHAs) across the state to provide mental health services to communities.
The Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities delivers mental health services
to those who live in Nueces County. You can learn more by visiting
Additionally, you can visit the Coastal Plains Community Center, which provides mental health
services in Aransas County.
If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my
office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to
contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time
to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office,

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces County (Part). He can be contacted
at or at 512-463-0672.

April Brings Attention to Autism

April is National Autism Awareness Month. Awareness months are helpful because they
bring public attention to issues facing many of our friends and families and autism is no
different. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the medical term for
Autism is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), which is described as a group of developmental
disabilities which can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges.

The National Institute of Mental Health further characterizes ASD as:
 Ongoing social problems that include difficulty communicating and interacting with
 Repetitive behaviors as well as limited interests or activities
 Symptoms that typically are recognized during early childhood
 Symptoms that hurt the individual’s ability to function socially, at school or work, or
other areas of life

Further explanation of these characteristics can be found at
It is important to note that individuals diagnosed with ASD differ in their learning, thinking, and
problem-solving abilities. Autism is known as a “spectrum” disorder because there is wide
variation in the type and severity of symptoms people experience. ASD occurs in all ethnic,
racial, and economic groups. Although ASD can be a lifelong disorder, treatments and services
can improve a person’s symptoms and ability to function.
There is no known single cause for autism spectrum disorder, but it is generally accepted
that it is caused by abnormalities in brain structure or function. Brain scans show differences in
the shape and structure of the brain in children with autism compared to in neurotypical children.

Researchers do not know the exact cause of autism but are investigating a number of
theories, including the links among heredity, genetics, and medical problems.
In many families, there appears to be a pattern of autism or related disabilities, further supporting
the theory that the disorder has a genetic basis. While no one gene has been identified as causing
autism, researchers are searching for irregular segments of genetic code that children with autism
may have inherited. It also appears that some children are born with a susceptibility to autism,
but researchers have not yet identified a single “trigger” that causes autism to develop. However,
ASD can usually be diagnosed by the age of two.

There are a variety of organizations that provide helpful resources and information
regarding ASD. One organization is the Autism Society which was founded in 1965 by Bernard
Rimland, Ph. D, whose own son was diagnosed with ASD. Since its formation the Autism
Society has grown from a handful of parents to having local and state affiliate offices in nearly
all 50 states. These offices are connected through a network that enables the Autism Society to
share resources like referral services and education/awareness programs.

The Autism Society is dedicated to its role of increasing public awareness about ASD,
which includes the day to day challenges faced by individuals, families and professionals
affected by ASD. If you would like to learn more about the Autism Society you can go to Another organization that serves as a resource for ASD is Autism Now.
You can go to their website at to learn more.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week's article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my
office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to
contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time
to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office,

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces County (Part). He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672

Unclaimed Property

Texas is currently holding about $7 billion in cash and other valuables waiting for their
rightful owners to claim. The Texas Comptroller estimates that one in four residents of the State
of Texas has unclaimed property. Examples of unclaimed property include dividend, payroll, or
cashier’s checks; stocks, bonds, and mutual fund accounts; utility deposits and other refunds;
insurance proceeds; mineral interest or royalty payments; dormant bank accounts; and
abandoned safe deposit box contents.

The Texas Comptroller’s office receives unclaimed property as required by law from
financial institutions, businesses, and government entities that are holding personal property
which is considered abandoned or unclaimed. The unclaimed or abandoned property is turned
over to the Comptroller’s office when the property owners’ whereabouts are unknown, and the
property has been inactive on the books of the reporting company after the necessary
abandonment period has expired. It is important to know that the Comptroller’s office acts only
as a custodian of the unclaimed property and holds the property in trust until such time as it can
be claimed. Texas does not take legal ownership of unclaimed property, so there is no time
limit for filing a claim.

Over the past several years, the Texas Comptroller has traveled around the state to bring
public attention to the billions in unclaimed property being held by the State of Texas. In fiscal
year 2022, the agency paid a record $309 million in claims. This is important because since the
unclaimed property program began, the Comptroller’s office returned more than $4 billion worth
of unclaimed property.

In order to make the process of claiming your property easier, the Comptroller’s office
has outlined a number of recent features on their website to help enable the process. The website
is regularly updated with new property that has been received by their office. To find out if you
are one of these Texas residents with unclaimed property, I strongly recommend that you check
the unclaimed property list by visiting Texas Unclaimed Property at or
by calling 800-321-2274 (CASH).

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my
office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to
contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time
to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office,

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces (Part) County. He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672.

March is National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month which is an annual campaign created by the Academy
of Nutrition and Dietetics. I would like to discuss the importance of making informed food
choices by developing sound eating habits and through physical activity. Texas has been helpful
in promoting good nutrition for our citizens.

Since Texas has a diverse geography, this means that bountiful amounts of naturally
grown foods that are delicious and wholesome can be found throughout our state. Our farmers
grow nutritious vegetables and fruits in our well-kept Texas soils which allows for these foods to
have healthy amounts of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that our bodies need to
function properly. Specific foods rich in these nutrients are broccoli, blueberries, spinach,
cauliflower, tomatoes, peaches, squash, onions, tree nuts (pecans, almonds, etc.), oranges,
pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and many more. To learn more about Texan-grown products visit:

However, there is not a one-size- fits all approach to nutrition and health but there are
some major ingredients and processed foods to avoid. The most prominent food to steer clear is
added sugar. Foods with added sugar are often highly caloric and have harmful effects on our
organs. Additionally, foods with high fructose corn syrup and other artificial sweeteners have
been linked to severe health problems like obesity, cardiovascular (heart) disease and type two
diabetes. However, these sweeteners can be replaced with products such as raw honey or stevia
which are better alternatives to use in baking or iced/hot tea and coffee.

Another food group to be cautious with is artificial trans fats, also known as partially
hydrogenated oils. Trans fats have been linked with raising bad cholesterol and lowering good
cholesterol. This can lead to health risks such as high blood pressure which can cause poor blood
circulation in our bodies. The regular consumption of trans fats have also been shown to lead to
diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and obesity.

Taking advantage of all the wonderful whole foods our state has to offer is beneficial in
many ways because making smarter nutritional choices can go a long way. To learn more about
nutrition visit: In addition to this, you can visit the Texas Department
of Agriculture's website at For more information
about National Nutrition Month and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, please visit:

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my
office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to
contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time
to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office,

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces (Part) County. He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672.


The commissioners of Nueces County on Wednesday approved a resolution endorsing the building of a second bridge to Padre Island.

The second bridge’s location has not yet been made public.

TxDOT would be required to assist with the enormous project, which Mayor Paulette Guajardo estimated might cost up to $1 billion.

Brent Chesney, the commissioner for Nueces County’s Pct. 4, remarked, “It’s all about TxDOT, right?” “Because TxDOT has funding for projects, we need to move up the financing list. We need to go on even though we’re probably already behind other areas that require second causeways.”

The decision made on Wednesday is simply the beginning of the process, though.

Article Excerpt continued on KIIITV >>>>


Padre Island Housing Report – May 2022

The Real Estate Market continues to soften a bit with Mortgages rates getting bumped up now due to the Federal Reserve raising rates 75 basis points. Padre Island, is still hot for relocations & second homes, things are definitely shifting more and more each day now with more uncertainty in the world.

Stock market conditions are still uneasy out there and America is taking a much slower approach to big purchasing decisions given our inflation report coming out with a CPI at levels we haven’t seen in decades.

Many of us brokers have seen it all before, Coastline has been weathering the conditions of different markets since 1995. It’s a good time to get prepared and if you are a homeowner currently as we are now in Hurricane Season, it’s a great time to make sure your insurance and plans are in order for a potentially big season of storms ahead according to NOAA.

Cheri Sperling is the owner of Coastline Properties with a dedicated team of agents specializing in residential listings, sales, and property management in the Padre Island real estate market. Coastline’s team is the most knowledgeable real estate office on Padre Island. No pressure style, patience, and an intimate understanding of the local market. They go to work for you!


Padre Island May 2022 Data (Click Pic below for Larger Image)


The Month Of June Is Alzheimer’s And Brain Awareness Month

This year, the month of June has been designated as Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month. When people think of being healthy, generally we think of our external physical health. However, officials with the Alzheimer’s Association want to remind everyone that mental health is just as important. Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month began as a way to bring attention to different brain diseases, educate communities about their effects, and provide support to those individuals and families struggling with this condition.

Brain disorders come in several forms. Dementia is the general term used to describe a decline in mental ability that is severe enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer’s is the most common type of dementia as it accounts for 60 to 80 percent of dementia cases and is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States.

The most common early symptom of Alzheimer’s is difficulty remembering newly learned information. This is because Alzheimer’s changes typically begin in the part of the brain that affects learning. As Alzheimer’s advances through the brain, it leads to increasingly severe symptoms, including disorientation, mood and behavior changes; deepening confusion about events, time and place; unfounded suspicions about family, friends and professional caregivers; and difficulty speaking, swallowing and walking. Just like the rest of our bodies, our brains change as we age. Most of us eventually notice some slowed thinking and occasional problems with remembering things. However, serious memory loss, confusion, and other major changes in the way our minds work may be a sign that brain cells are failing.

People with memory loss or other possible signs of Alzheimer’s may find it hard to recognize they have a problem. Signs of dementia may be more obvious to family members or friends. If you have noticed these symptoms with your loved ones, help is available. The Alzheimer’s Association is a great source of information and has many tools to help. You can visit their website here: They also have a 24-hour helpline that can be used to access reliable information and support. Their phone number is: 1-800-272-3900.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).

   – State Representative Todd Hunter, District 3

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces (Part) County. He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672.


National Donate Life Month

April is National Donate Life Month. This month is dedicated to educating and encouraging Americans to register as donors of organs, tissue, marrow, and blood. Donating is a generous act that saves thousands of lives annually.

Transplanting organs and tissue is one of the greatest and most successful medical procedures in the history of medicine. Organ transplantations offer patients a chance to give back to their families, friends, and communities. Your generosity can save as many as eight lives through organ donation, bring sight to others with cornea donations, and improve yet another 75 lives or more through tissue donation.

More than 40,000 lives were saved last year due to successful transplants. Organs that can be donated include the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, pancreas, and intestines. Tissues that can be donated include arteries, bone marrow, eyes (corneas), cartilage, skin, soft tissue, veins, and heart valves and vessels. More than 106,000 men, women, and children are on the transplant waitlist currently. Furthermore, another person is added to the nation’s organ transplant waiting list every 9 minutes. To learn more information about organ donation and transplantation, please visit:

Anyone can sign up to be a donor despite your age and medical history. In Texas, you can sign up to be a donor at You can also sign up to be an organ donor when you apply or renew you Texas Driver’s license through the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, too. Instructions to receive the Organ Donor designation on your Driver’s License can be found at

Another way to give is by donating blood. Blood donors save many lives every year. In our community, more than 120 people a day must donate blood to maintain the blood supply in the ten-county area served by the Coastal Bend Blood Center. To donate blood, you can find a location to donate blood at To learn more information about blood donation, visit

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office.  Please always feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

  Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces County (Part).  He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672

Hunter Delivers Legislative Wins for Coastal Bend

TWIA reform, suicide prevention, college funding make session successful.

Media Contact: Angie Flores at 361.695.2048

(CORPUS CHRISTI) – It will be more difficult for the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) to raise insurance rates under legislation successfully pushed this year by State Rep. Todd Hunter of Corpus Christi. The protection against TWIA rate increases was one of many legislative victories that Rep. Hunter delivered for the Coastal Bend.

Rep. Hunter, who has long fought against TWIA rate increases, ensured language was included in Senate Bill 1448 requiring that two-thirds of the TWIA Board of Directors must vote to approve any rate increase, rather than a simple majority. Governor Greg Abbott signed Senate Bill 1448 into law on May 26, making it effective September 1.

Coastal Bend business leaders joined Rep. Hunter at a Tuesday press conference to celebrate the passage of Senate Bill 1448.

“TWIA rates are already too high and it should not be easy for the TWIA Board to raise them further,” Rep. Hunter said. “We put together a bipartisan coalition in the Legislature to stand up to TWIA and support the coastal homeowners and businesses who must pay these high rates. These controls on TWIA rate increases will provide needed protections for property owners and our Coastal Bend economy.”

An experienced legislator who works well with members of both political parties, Rep. Hunter accomplished many of his legislative priorities throughout this year’s session, which lasted from January to May. Many of his top priorities emerged from meetings and conversations with residents of the Coastal Bend over the last several years.

For example, after a group of local students approached Rep. Hunter about an alarming increase in suicides, he formed a local task force to work on the issue. He passed House Bill 4074, which requires the Statewide Behavioral Health Coordinating Council to create a subcommittee focused on suicide prevention through the use of data and by including suicide prevention efforts in the council’s behavioral health strategic plan. Rep. Hunter also successfully authored House Bill 3821, which requires the Texas Veterans Commission and the state Health and Human Services Commission to employ and train mental health professionals as part of the state’s mental health program for Veterans.

Rep. Hunter also organized a task force several years ago to focus on prevention human trafficking, and once again, feedback from the task force helped pave the way for legislative action. For example, the risks for human trafficking and exploitation are often high at sexually oriented businesses. Rep. Hunter was the House sponsor of Senate Bill 315, a new law raisingthe age of employment in sexually oriented businesses from 18 to 21 and prohibiting sexually oriented businesses from allowing minors on site. He also authored House Bill 3521, which redefines coercion as it relates to human trafficking offenses to include the performance or provision of labor or services.

“Meetings with community stakeholders over the last several years have informed and strengthened our work to prevent suicides and human trafficking,” Rep. Hunter said. “From law enforcement to students to mental health professionals and educators, the members of our task forces have helped shape legislative solutions in a positive way.”

Rep. Hunter’s legislative work this year also reflected the concerns of key Coastal Bend industries. For example, to support the beleaguered music industry after a very difficult year, Rep. Hunter helped pass Senate Bill 855 to crack down on those who try to illegally sell music online without the consent of the artists who created it. He also helped secure funding to continue the development of oyster mariculture, which Rep. Hunter brought to Texas with legislation he passed into law in 2019.

“We delivered victories for key sectors of our local economy,” Rep. Hunter said. “Those victories will impact the whole community by creating a stronger climate for economic activity.”

Rep. Hunter also helped the effort to fund numerous Coastal Bend educational institutions and tourist attractions in the two-year state budget, including:

n $130.9 million in total funding for Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi
n $34.7 million in total funding for Del Mar College
n $8.9 million for the University of Texas – Marine Science Institute
n $6.65 million for Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi Unmanned Aircraft Systems
n $500,000 for a grant to the Texas State Aquarium Wildlife Rescue Center

Finally, Rep. Hunter authored two new laws to improve beach safety. House Bill 3807, the Je’Sani Smith Act, requires cities, counties, and the Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) to add signs and lifeguards in certain areas to improve the safety of public beaches during the summer months. House Concurrent Resolution 46 designates April as Beach Safety and Rip Current Awareness Month in order to raise awareness of the potential dangers of swimming in the ocean. The resolution calls for a public awareness campaign focused on beach safety each April.

Overall, Rep. Hunter declared the legislative session a success for residents of the Coastal Bend and pledged to continue prioritizing issues that matter to the people he represents.

“The issues that matter to the Coastal Bend are the ones that matter to me,” Rep. Hunter said. “I am proud of the legislation we passed on a range of important issues, and it would not have been possible without the input of so many people in our community.”

About Rep. Todd Hunter
Todd Hunter is the state representative for Texas House District 32 in Nueces County. He is the Chairman of the House Redistricting Committee. He is also a member of the State Affairs Committee, which deals with significant matters of state policy, ranging from the administration of the state government to cybersecurity, and he sits on the International Relations & Economic Development Committee.

Political Ad Paid For By The Todd Hunter Campaign


(note: Tropical Storm Hanna is now Hurricane Hanna, but was a Tropical Storm when the order was written)

County of Nueces

County Judge

Nueces County Courthouse, Room 303
901 Leopard Street
Corpus Christi, Texas 78401-3697

Read the full document here:  Declaration of Local Disaster 2020-07-24pdf



WHEREAS, the County of Nueces on the 24th day of July 2020 will suffer a threat of imminent disaster, injury, loss of life or property resulting from flooding from Tropical Storm Hanna; and

WHEREAS, the County Judge of Nueces County has determined that extraordinary measures must be taken to alleviate the suffering of people and to protect or rehabilitate property.


  1. That a local state of disaster is hereby declared for Nueces County pursuant to §418.108(a) of the Texas Government Code.
  2. Pursuant to §418.108(b) of the Government Code, the state of disaster shall continue for a period of not more than seven days from the date of this declaration unless  continued, or renewed, by the CommissionersCourt of Nueces County.
  3. Pursuant to §418.108(c) of the Government Code, this declaration of a local state of disaster shall be given prompt and general publicity and shall be filed promptly with the County Clerk.
  4. Pursuant to §418.108(d) of the Government Code, this declaration of a local state of disaster activates the County emergency management plan.
  5. That this proclamation shall take effect immediately from and after its issuance.


Date: 7/24/2020


Nueces County Judge

Hurricane Season 2020

Hurricane season began June 1, and forecasters at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are predicting above-normal hurricane activity in 2020, which means there could be three to six major hurricanes this year. With towns along the coast, Texas may face the storms head-on.

Hurricane season brings not only climate concerns but scammers as well. In the home repair business, “storm chasers” are untrustworthy contractors that travel to areas impacted by severe weather and go door to door offering to repair damage for low prices. Then, after receiving payment upfront, these storm chasers either leave without starting the projects or only partially complete it.

Along with the usual concerns associated with hurricane season, 2020 brings a new challenge in the form of COVID-19. NOAA warns that the pandemic can affect your ability to prepare for incoming hurricanes. Use these tips from the National Weather Service (NWS) and your Better Business Bureau to prepare for hurricane season and storm chasers:

  • Check your insurance policy. Checking your insurance before a storm hits can save you time and stress later. Contact your insurance agent to review what your policy covers and if you need more coverage. You should also take a detailed inventory of items in your home to make any necessary claims process more efficient.
  • Create a disaster kit. In the event of a severe hurricane, power may be lost, or roads shut down. Create a kit with bottled water, flashlights, batteries and nonperishable foods. Make sure your kit includes supplies for pets and infants, as well as prescription medications. Visit the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) at for a full list of disaster kit supplies.
  • Prepare your home. Minimize damage by tying or weighing down any items that could get blown away in strong winds. Cover windows and doors with impact-resistant shutters. You should also prepare an evacuation plan with your family in the event you need to leave your home.
  • Watch for storm chasers. After a storm hits and damage has been assessed, be wary of contractors going door to door in your area. Storm chasers often use high-pressure tactics, like offering a great deal that is only available that day. Ask any contractor that comes to your door for references or visit to find trustworthy businesses to repair damage to your home or property.
  • Plan ahead. Because of COVID-19, supplies may be low and evacuation plans may need to be adjusted. The sooner you begin preparing for hurricane season, the easier it will be to handle the aftermath.

You can’t control the weather, but you can prepare for it! Visit to find trustworthy contractors and go to for more on hurricane safety.

TWIA News 2020

did-you-know-pxbyTWIA NEWS…….

Windstorm Certificates of Compliance (WPI-8’s & WPI-8-Cs) are an important eligibility requirement for TWIA as well as some private insurance companies. The process for coastal property owners to certify completed structural improvements will change next month. The process to certify new and ongoing improvements will not change.


Beginning June 1, 2020, the windstorm certification process, the process that produces a Certificate of Compliance (WP1-8), will be administered solely by the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI). At that time:

  • TWIA will stop accepting applications for Certificates of Compliance for completed improvements. • May 31, 2020 is the last day TWIA will accept applications for Certificates of Compliance. Paper applications mailed to TWIA must be postmarked on or before that date for them to be processed by TWIA. • TDI will begin issuing Certificates of Compliance for completed improvements. TOI will continue to issue Certificates of Compliance for new and ongoing improvements.

This change and effective date are required by legislation passed in 2019 by the Texas Legislature (Senate Bill 615 and House Bill 1900). HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT PROPERTY OWNERS? TD1 already administers the Windstorm Inspection Program and is a regulatory agency. Consolidating the certification process and TD1 will:

  • Reduce property owner confusion on where to obtain a Certificate of Compliance. • Provide additional oversight to the certification process for completed improvements.

Make all future Certificates of Compliance searchable on the TDI online database. Property owners with a Certificate of Compliance issued by TWIA (WPI-8-C) can contact TWIA for a copy.


Yes. Certificate of Compliance issued by TWIA will remain valid and property owners will not have to recertify those same structures to remain eligible for TWIA insurance, unless they update the structures after being certified.


To learn more, please read these frequently asked questions, available on the TWIA website. One may also visit Changes at TWIA webpage for additional details about this and other legislative changes affecting TWIA.


Did You Know…

The real estate community is rushing to help victims of record-breaking floods in the Midwest last month, which hit the state of Nebraska particularly hard.  The REALTORS@ Relief Foundation has partners with the Nebraska REALTORS@ Association to collect donations for mortgage and rental payment assistance for hundreds of residents who have been displaced.

Receding floodwaters are revealing extensive damage in affect communities, including crumbled bridges and roadways, homes and businesses covered in thick river silt, and acres of destroyed farmland.  Nearly 70% of the 03 counties in Nebraska have declared states of emergency due to the flooding, which has been blamed for at least three deaths.

The REALTOR@ community is spreading the word about how to help homeowners and renters who have been affected by the floods.  Local associations and individual real estate professionals and brokerages are also contributing.  100% of the funds collected go to disaster relief causes.

Cleanup efforts is extensive.  In some areas, the water stripped away topsoil and left behind mounds of sand.  Acres of farmland, in some cases, were covered with        two feet of sand after the waters receded.  The flooding has turned some farms and properties into deserts.  It very difficult right now for many many residents.  The real estate community is hoping many folks will choose to rebuild.