BBB – What to know about IRS impostors and tax preparation fraud

The season for filing 2024 taxes began on Jan. 27, and while some Texas residents are planning on submitting their own returns, others are reaching out to reputable tax preparers for assistance. With roughly three months remaining until the fling deadline of April 15 for general tax returns, Better Business Bureau reminds residents to be wary of con artists and unethical businesses who claim to specialize in tax preparation.

Additionally, BBB reminds businesses and consumers to be aware of an increase in IRS impostors attempting to contact fix filers through email, text, social media, or other methods to steal personally identifiable information (PII)

IRS Impostor and Phishing Scams:

Impostor scams remain one of the most common types of fraud reported to the FTC by Texas residents, with nearly 600,000 reports in the first three quarters of 2024. Across the U.S., impostor scams account for $2 billion in losses, surpassing losses to the next three most frequently reported types of fraud combined. IRS impostors target tax filers and tax preparation businesses, often claiming the recipient must take immediate action or confirm account details.

IRS impostor scams are carried out through unsolicited phone calls and emails, and may target students, faculty, and staff” at educational institutions with a edu email address. Emails often display the IRS logo and encourage recipients to follow a link to verify their tax refund payment by entering PII, such as their SSN, date of birth and current address, on a look-a-like website. The website is a phishing scam, and the information provided could lead to identity theft or Stolen Identity Refund

Remember, the IRS will never:

  •   Demand immediate payment using a specific payment method such as a prepaid debit card, gift card or wire transfer.
  •   Threaten to immediately contact local police or other law enforcement to have the taxpayer arrested for not paying.
  •   Demand that taxes be paid without allowing taxpayers to appeal the amount owed.
  •   Unexpectedly call about a tax refund.
  •   Send emails about your tax refund or sensitive personal information.
  •   Initiate contact with taxpayers by email, text message or social media to request personal or financial information.

Ghost Tax Preparer Scams:

A ghost preparer as a professional tax preparer, often guaranteeing a significant tax return when using their services, However, the preparer either refuses or conveniently “forgets” to sign the return they created on behalf of a client.

By federal law, anyone paid to prepare, or assists in preparing, a federal tax return must have a valid Preparer Tex Identification Number (PTIN). Tax preparers must sign and include their PTIN on any returns they create on behalf of a paying customer.

Businesses or individuals refusing to sign a return is a red flag that they may be fraudulent, leaving the consumer to deal with the IRS in the aftermath of an illegitimate or incorrect filing. Filing a valid, accurate tax return is ultimately the taxpayer’s responsibility, emphasizing the importance of choosing a credible tax preparation professional.

It is important to carefully analyze a chosen tax preparation business due to the PII provided, such as SSN, bank account information, home address and financial assets. BBB recommends spending the time to research tax preparation professionals to determine their credibility and legitimacy. The IRS provides a directory service that lists preparers in a searchable area who currently hold professional credentials recognized by the agency, Additionally, use available resources, such as› to search for accredited tax preparation businesses.

Individuals impacted by tax preparer misconduct can file a report with the IRS at and are encouraged to file an official complaint on the business’s BBBBusiness Profile, as well as submit a report to BBB Scam Tracker:

For more information about how to avoid tax scams and choose the right tax preparer, visit Tips


Corpus Christi Association of Realtors has posted the Padre Island Corpus Christi Housing Report for February 2025.

Our active listing median prices have softened the past month to $379,000 which is actually a 4.4% decrease from where it was compared to last February at this time! CCAR shows us the data that has risen for active listings t0 35.1% with a total of 350 properties this past month compared to February 2024 while inventory also rose to 12.3 compared to 8.6 last year at this time.

Days on the market increased this past month with an average of 134 days and the highest categories for sales with 30% of all the sales being priced between $500,000 – $749,999. The market is continuing to show signs of stability with properties available across many pricing areas. Padre Island’s newest development Whitecap NPI is open for sales of their lots in Phase 1, Contact Coastline Properties Agent Ms. Amber Spicak at their office for all pre-sales.

The median estimate (year-over-year, not seasonally adjusted) for the consumer price index (CPI) for the month of February 2025 is 2.9%. If 2.9% is the actual year-over-year increase in the CPI, it will mark a decrease from the previous month. It will also be below the trailing 12-month average of 3.0%.

Cheri Sperling is the owner of Coastline Properties with a dedicated team of agents specializing in residential listings, sales, and property management in the Padre Island Corpus Christi real estate market. Coastline’s team is the most knowledgeable real estate office on Padre Island. No pressure style, patience, and an intimate understanding of the local market. They go to work for you!


Padre Island Corpus Christi February 2025 Data (Click Pic below for Larger Image)


Safety is a City priority for Spring Break on Padre Island

The sound of waves crashing against the shore, seagulls soaring overhead, and families laughing as they create lasting memories, this is the experience of many visitors and residents on The Island, Whether you’re a local or traveling from afar, we know safety is a top priority when celebrating Spring Break.

Here on The Island, we are committed to providing a safe and family-friendly environment without compromising the well-being of our residents and visitors. Our beaches are a treasure, offering both relaxation and adventure, but safety should always come fist. Whether you’re soaking up the sun, swimming in the Gulf, or driving along the shoreline, taking simple precautions ensures a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone.

The City of Corpus Christi, along with our dedicated first responders, lifeguards, and beach patrol, works tirelessly to keep our coastline safe. Beach flags are posted daily to indicate water conditions, and we encourage everyone to stay informed before swimming. Rip currents can be strong, to swimming near lifeguard stations and knowing how to react it caught in a current can be lifesaving.

The Corpus Christi Police Department is committed to maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment for all. Expect additional officers patrolling both roadways and beaches to assist where needed. Due to the influx of visitors, CCPD will deploy specialized units across The Island, including a Mobile Command Vehicle, Crime Reduction Unit, Dedicated Patrol Officers, Drone Officers, Enduro Officers, Traffic Unit, and DWI Enforcement Unit. In addition to regular patrols, two daily overtime shifts with 6 to 8 oficers will provide enhanced security and community support.

Before heading out, don’t forget that 2025 Beach Parking Permits are available for $12, granting year-round access to The Island’s stunning Gulf Coast beaches. More than just a pass, your permit helps fund lifeguard services and keep our shores clean. Visit the city’s website or check news releases for more information.

As you enjoy Spring Break, remember to check daily surf conditions, drive responsibly, follow speed limits, and watch for pedestrians, especially children near the water’s edge.

Spring Break on The Island is about making lasting memories. By staying aware of your surroundings, respecting the environment, and looking out for one another, we can ensure that fun and safety go hand-in-hand.

Paulette Guajardo, Mayor of the City of Corpus Christi


Corpus Christi Association of Realtors has posted the Padre Island Corpus Christi Housing Report for January 2025.

Winter months, particularly December and January, present several challenges that make them the worst time to sell a property. One of the
primary reasons is the colder weather, even on Padre Island, which can make property hunting much less appealing attracting fewer buyers to a property.

We are still looking at a Buyer’s Market locally. Which means THIS is the perfect time to buy because prices are lower. Yes, interest rates are a bit
higher, but property prices are down. Buy now, and once interest rates adjust, refinance that property. They are saying the interest rates won’t change much
in 2025 but this gives you time to get that perfect property – BEFORE rates go down and prices of property start to rise.

While it’s not a strict rule or guarantee, properties typically appreciate over five years. It’s been forecasted there will be a modest increase in property
sales and property prices. HOWEVER, if inventory continues to rise with new listings coming out daily and property sales continue to be slow, then who
knows exactly when it will become a Sellers’ market once again?

Padre Island’s newest development Whitecap NPI is open for sales of their lots in Phase 1, Contact Coastline Properties Agent Ms. Amber Spicak at their office for all pre-sales.

In January, inflation unexpectedly accelerated. The consumer price index rose 3% from a year ago, data published Wednesday showed. That’s above December’s rate and the consensus expectation, both of which were 2.9%.

The CPI increased 0.5% over the month in January from December, above the forecast of 0.3% and recent month-over-month increases.

Cheri Sperling is the owner of Coastline Properties with a dedicated team of agents specializing in residential listings, sales, and property management in the Padre Island Corpus Christi real estate market. Coastline’s team is the most knowledgeable real estate office on Padre Island. No pressure style, patience, and an intimate understanding of the local market. They go to work for you!


Padre Island Corpus Christi January 2025 Data (Click Pic below for Larger Image)


BBB Scam Alert: Recognizing the red flags of a utility scam during freezing weather

Weather forecasts over the next week predict near or below-freezing temperatures across most of Texas, introducing the first cold snap of the winter season. As residents prepare their homes and businesses, chances are high that scammers will take advantage of the situation by impersonating utility companies and using the threat of disconnection to entice immediate payment.

Be wary of texts, phone calls or emails from the utility company that services your area, claiming that they will shut your heat off immediately unless payment is made. According to the Public Utility Commission of Texas, an electric utility company cannot disconnect a customer anywhere in its service area on a day when:  

The previous day’s highest temperature did not exceed 32 degrees Fahrenheit, and the temperature is predicted to remain at or below that level for the next 24 hours, according to the nearest National Weather Service (NWS) reports. 

For residents who rely on a gas heating system rather than electric, disconnection of a delinquent residential customer is prohibited under these same conditions, except where there is a known dangerous condition that stems from the gas being supplied to the residence.  

If contacted by your utility company demanding immediate payment during freezing temperatures, remain calm and contact your utility company through the phone number listed on your most recent bill to verify the situation. Complaints against a utility company for failure to comply with any of the Public Utility Commission of Texas’ rules can be filed online at  

Keep a lookout for some of these red flags of a utility scam:

Regular payment portals are inoperable. The scammer may claim that an automatic payment failed to go through due to complications with the utility company’s payment portal. They may attempt to collect payment directly over the phone or will provide a link to an alternative payment portal. 

Threats of immediate disconnection. Scammers thrive on emotional manipulation, and, during freezing temperatures, they understand how to capitalize on people’s fear of being without heat. Contact your utility company directly any time the threat of immediate disconnection is used. 

Use of links in texts or emails. Be wary of following any links or contacting a utility company through a provided callback number in a text or email. Always contact the utility company using a known, trusted method, such as through its official website portal, mobile app, or phone number listed on a recent bill. 

Service bundling. Some scammers claim they can bundle a target’s electricity, gas, internet, or other utility providers into a single bill which will save the customer money. Be wary of these claims and verify affiliation or partnership with the utility service provider before engaging with these services. 

Better Business Bureau recommends customers review their utility provider’s policies and scam prevention guidelines regarding delinquent payments or contact. Many will specifically describe the type of information they will request over the phone, how to verify a legitimate employee, and other details that can help avoid utility scams. 

For more information on how to stay safe from scams during winter weather, visit



Corpus Christi Association of Realtors has posted the Padre Island Corpus Christi Housing Report for September 2024.

Our active listing median prices have dipped the past month to $487,000 which is actually a 25.2% increase from where it was compared to last September at this time! CCAR shows us the data that has risen for active listings t0 36.6% with a total of 321 properties this past month compared to September 2023 while inventory also rose to 11.9 compared to 6.6 last year at this time.

Days on the market for sale increased this past month with an average of 143 days and the highest categories for sales with 22.2% of all the sales being priced between $300,000 – $399,000 and $750,000 – $999,999. The market is still softening a bit as we head into the holidays with properties available across many pricing areas. Padre Island’s newest development Whitecap NPI is open for sales of their lots in Phase 1, Contact Coastline Properties Agent Ms. Amber Spicak at their office for all pre-sales.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by 0.7% between September 2023 and September 2024, down from an annual increase of 1.7% in the 12 months to August 2024. Excluding energy and unprocessed food, the CPI went up by 2.4% in the 12 months to September 2024. The current federal funds rate is 4.75% to 5.00%. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) set this target range at its September 17–18, 2024 meeting. This was a 50 basis point decrease, or 0.50 percentage point, from the previous rate.

Cheri Sperling is the owner of Coastline Properties with a dedicated team of agents specializing in residential listings, sales, and property management in the Padre Island Corpus Christi real estate market. Coastline’s team is the most knowledgeable real estate office on Padre Island. No pressure style, patience, and an intimate understanding of the local market. They go to work for you!


Padre Island Corpus Christi August 2024 Data (Click Pic below for Larger Image)


Flood Preparedness & Safety Tips

Earlier this summer, I shared important information on how to prepare in case of a
hurricane. Today, I would like to revisit that topic in relation to another type of weather
emergency with the potential to affect residents of the Coastal Bend: flooding. Given our
community’s proximity to the Texas coast, many residents may already be aware that flooding
can occur near the water or in other low-lying areas. However, as illustrated by the recent floods
in Houston, flooding is a possibility even in those areas not typically at risk for this type of
weather disaster. With this in mind, I would like to share some of the necessary steps you can
take to ensure your family is safe and prepared in case of a flood.

One of the most important ways to prepare for a weather emergency is by developing a
family disaster response plan. This can be accomplished by first identifying specific flood risk
factors such as geographical location, the structure in which you reside, and personal
circumstances such as medical conditions. Another important component of this disaster
response plan is identifying evacuation strategies in order to prevent confusion and injury in
times of emergency.

In addition to a comprehensive family disaster response plan, another key way to prepare
for a flood is by creating a disaster response kit that includes items such as flashlights, batteries,
telephones, radios, and sufficient tools in case of an emergency. Other important items to
consider are blankets, pillows, seasonal clothing, and special items for infants and the elderly. Be
sure to also include first aid supplies as well as medicines and prescription drugs. Along with
various necessities, this kit should include copies of personal documents such as insurance
information, birth certificates, along with family and emergency contact information. The
American Red Cross also recommends having a three-day supply of nonperishable food and
water on hand in case of a flood.

Protecting your home, car, and other personal property should also include ensuring you
have the right insurance coverage in case of a weather event such as flooding. The National
Flood Insurance is a pre-disaster flood program designed to reduce flood disasters. There is
typically a 30-day waiting period for most insurance policies to go into effect, which is why it is
essential to have the right coverage in place before a weather emergency occurs. You can learn
more about the National Flood Insurance program at .
In the event of inclement weather, those living in areas susceptible to flooding should pay
close attention to local emergency alerts and weather advisories issued by the National Weather
Service. These alerts and advisories are helpful in determining the risk of flooding in your area
and what, if any, action you should take. Typically, there are four key terms used that help to
indicate your risk level:

 Flood Watch: Flooding is possible due to the weather conditions in the area. Monitor
radio and television stations for more information.
 Flash Flood Watch: Flash flooding is possible. Be prepared to move to higher ground.
Monitor radio and television stations for more information.
 Flood Warning: Imminent threat of flooding in the area. If advised to evacuate, do so
 Flash Flood Warning: A flash flood is occurring or will occur soon. Seek higher
ground on foot immediately.

When flooding occurs in your area, it is important to remember to always avoid walking or
driving through floodwaters when possible. It only takes six inches of moving water to affect the
ability to walk and two feet of water to sweep a vehicle away. Information regarding evacuation
routes and travel safety during a storm is available by calling the Statewide Road Conditions
hotline at 1-800-452-9292 or by visiting DriveTexas at

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my
office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to
contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time
to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office,

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces County (Part). He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672.


Corpus Christi Association of Realtors has posted the Padre Island Corpus Christi Housing Report for June 2024.

Our active listing median prices have risen the past month to $476,000 which is actually a 10.8% increase from where it was compared to last June at this time! CCAR shows us the data that has risen for active listings t0 49.3% with a total of 327 properties this past month compared to June 2023 while inventory also rose to 10.5 compared to 4.3 last year at this time.

Days on the market for sale decreased this past month with an average of 81 days and the highest categories for sales with 32.4% of all the sales being priced between $500,000 – $749,999. The market is very stable so far into 2024 with properties available across many pricing areas. Padre Island’s newest development Whitecap NPI is open for sales of their lots in Phase 1, Contact Coastline Properties Agent Ms. Amber Spicak at their office for all pre-sales.

Forecasts for the June Consumer Price Index report agree that overall inflation continued to soften in June, thanks to falling prices for energy and used cars. Inflation has fallen dramatically from its peak of 9.1% in 2022. Still, the Federal Reserve has said it is awaiting more confidence that price pressures are easing toward its target before it begins to cut interest rates and loosen monetary policy.

Cheri Sperling is the owner of Coastline Properties with a dedicated team of agents specializing in residential listings, sales, and property management in the Padre Island Corpus Christi real estate market. Coastline’s team is the most knowledgeable real estate office on Padre Island. No pressure style, patience, and an intimate understanding of the local market. They go to work for you!


Padre Island Corpus Christi June 2024 Data (Click Pic below for Larger Image)


La Posada – Toys For Tots

With the holidays in full swing, it’s the perfect time for the residents of the
Coastal Bend to join together to assist those less fortunate. In the spirit of the holidays, I
wanted to take this opportunity to bring attention to certain efforts in our area that will
benefit many families this holiday season.

Toys for Tots is a nationwide campaign and has very strong roots and
participation in Corpus Christi, Port Aransas, Rockport-Fulton, and the Coastal Bend
area. The initiative began in 1947, when Marine Major Bill Hendricks collected and
donated 5,000 toys to children in their city. The campaign was so successful that Marine
Reserve Units around the country began collecting and donating toys, under the shared
objective to “bring the joy of Christmas to America’s needy children.” Since its inception
in 1947, the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program has distributed over 452
million toys to more than 209 million needy children across the country. Events are held
around the area to promote the Toys for Tots holiday drive effort from the public, along
with Marines from the local Naval Air Station who collect donations. With a great
military base, strong charity presence and generous-minded people and industry, District
32 is a great place for Toys for Tots to contribute to the children of our area. If you would

like to learn more or get additional info, please visit their website at: https://corpus-
In addition to this great organization, there are many other charitable events in
the area occurring this holiday season. To find volunteer opportunities, you can look at
Feeding Texas’s website As we prepare for the
holiday season, let’s join together in helping the community and bettering the lives of
those around us.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week's
article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel
free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state
agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. As
always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns or
comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32
Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and part of Nueces County. He can be contacted
at or at 512-463-0672.

BBB Scam Alert: How to spot a credit check scam when apartment shopping

Planning a move this summer? According to multiple BBB Scam Tracker reports, scammers
are using a new twist on fake rental ads to trick potential renters into compromising
sensitive personal information. While credit checks are a routine process many landlords
and rental companies use to evaluate potential renters, fraudulent rental listings are being
used to direct interested tenants to a website that requires personal information to run a
credit check. Unfortunately, the website is a data-mining operation that collects and sells
the information provided to the highest bidder, placing people who use it at an increased
risk of having their identity stolen.

Most often encountered while browsing rental listings online, scammers entice victims by
advertising a rental unit or home at prices significantly lower than what is typically found in
the area. They may claim to represent an established property company or an individual
landowner searching for trustworthy tenants. The listing often includes pictures, videos,
layouts, and other specifics that renters expect to see included in a rental advertisement.
Unfortunately, most of these pictures are either fabricated or stolen from a legitimate
listing, and the supposed landowner quickly disappears after the applicant submits their
information to the credit check website.

One consumer reported to BBB Scam Tracker they “gave my name, address and Social
Security Number to obtain my credit score from this website. I was asked to take a
screenshot of my score and send it to the same address that emailed me the link.
Afterward, I was sent an email with a showing time, but the house number was not listed on
this email or the listing on Craigslist.” All additional attempts to call and email the supposed
landowner went unanswered.

To avoid credit check rental scams, Better Business Bureau recommends renters:
Be wary of lower-than-usual prices. If the rent for an apartment or home is significantly
less than the going market rate for the area, consider it a red flag. Scammers often draw
people in with claims that sound too good to be true. Spend the time to compare the price
with other similar rental properties in the area to make an informed decision.
Do some research. Search the listing online through multiple sources using the associated
phone number, email address or physical address. If you find another listing for the same
property in a different city, you’ve spotted a scam. Reverse image searches can be helpful to
determine if the photos have been stolen from another listing, as well as searching for the
landowner’s name to check if anyone else has encountered a scam when interacting with

Always see the property in person. Many rental scams involve listings for properties that
don’t exist, are vacant lots, or are for sale. Be very wary if the property owner refuses to
disclose the rental property's location before you complete a credit check or pay them a
deposit. If the address provided is for a house that has a ‘For Sale’ sign in the yard, be
cautious because you might not be in contact with the actual owners.
Verify the property owner’s information. Contact a licensed real estate agent to see
who owns a property or check the county’s property appraiser website. Ask the property
owner for a copy of their ID to verify they are who they claim to be before you offer
sensitive information like your Social Security Number for a credit check.

Be cautious about credit check websites. Scammers are well-versed in making websites
appear legitimate and often create fake testimonials and reviews. Use reputable sources to
prove credit history, such as or consumer reporting companies
listed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
For more information about how to avoid scams while moving and renting,


Whether you’ve lived here for several decades or just a few months, it can take a while to feel like you belong. Often it’s not painting the walls and installing a new chandelier that will make you feel “at home” … try rather engaging in your community! But HOW?

Shape where you live:

Knowing what’s going on in your neighborhood gives you an opportunity to speak up on things that matter to you, like voting on a local ordinance, participating in school board elections, or petitioning for the new dog park you’d love to have. By getting involved, you can help make your community a better place to live.

Create stronger social ties:

Meet your neighbors – This is the easiest first step, and they are the perfect entry point for getting to know the larger community. If you’re a bit reserved and initiating a coffee invite seems daunting, try breaking the ice through neighborhood apps such as Nextdoor or Padre Island Neighbors They are a great avenue for starting conversations and can open the doors (literally!). People are the heart of any community, and when you get to know the neighbors, shopkeepers, and service people around you, you’ll feel like you belong.

Attend a neighborhood meeting – Our monthly POA meetings are open to the public! Come, listen, ask questions…this gives you a platform to discuss concerns and improvement opportunities, while also introducing you to key people within the community.

Get involved:

After you’ve met your neighbors and have attended some neighborhood meetings, have some fun!

Shop local – Your local coffee shop, friendly hardware store, welcoming car repair spot, pet store…just some of the shops that make our Island unique. Dine at our delicious family-owned restaurants, get your hair cut by our resident barber. Small businesses are at the core of a thriving community, and shopping local ensures the money you spend goes back into keeping our community vibrant.

Take to the streets – The Island is known for fishing tournaments, farmers’ markets, parades, races, etc. Show up! The more you stroll the booths and cheer on your fellow Islanders, the more social connections you’ll make.

Volunteer your time – There are ALWAYS places to volunteer. You’ll find shared interests and gain a sense of self reward. Clean up the beach, organize a food drive…giving back will always bring you closer to the community. This can also be in the form of joining or starting a club.

Protect your property value:

When you partner up with others in our community to work together to make The Island a safe, clean, fun place, you make the neighborhoods more attractive to people looking for a new home, driving up the area’s desirability and boosting property values. Better for ALL of us!

Your community is an extension of your home. When you invest in your community, it returns the favor by helping you.

Padre Island Housing Data – November 2021

The Local Real Estate Market is still going strong as we turn the corner into 2022!
Low inventory, consistent low interest rates that are still holding right now until the first quarter of 2022, where will see a likely small rate hike according the recent FED meeting.

Days on the market for sale has decreased to an average of 33 days on the market. 48.8% of all the sales in November were priced between $300,000 – $499,999. Median Price of homes has risen slightly by 10.8% to a price of $384,000. The market is certainly holding steady and it’s a still a phenomenal time to list your home with inventory nearing it’s lowest point of the year with increased buyers looking for their dream homes.

Cheri Sperling is the owner of Coastline Properties with a dedicated team of agents specializing in residential listings, sales, and property management in the Padre Island real estate market. Coastline’s team is the most knowledgeable real estate office on Padre Island. No pressure style, patience, and an intimate understanding of the local market. They go to work for you!


Padre Island November 2021 Data (Click Pic below for Larger Image)


Social Media Scam Artists


Be wary of online messages

Do some research

Press for details

Report suspicious activity to Facebook.

Intro: Plenty of people who are connected to the internet are catching up with friends on social media or randomly surfing the web. Unfortunately, so are scammers. Here to offer tips on protecting yourself on social media is your Better Business Bureau.

How does this Scam Work?

There are several versions usually involving Facebook Messenger. A phony profile that seems like they are your friend shares an amazing deal with you. To benefit you need to select the link or share the deal. If you take part, you only have to pay a small processing fee.

In another version, the “friend” claims to be raising money for a charity to support emergency personnel, a food bank, or some other organization that has really been hit hard by the pandemic. They’ll push for a donation and yet, it sounds suspicious.

A third version is circulating where the “friend” believes their account has been ‘hacked’ and to friend them on a new request. Turns out, they were not hacked at all. The profile is publicly visible and copied by a cyber thief who then creates a new profile and is now sending out new friend requests to a bogus account.

BBB warns everyone before responding to such a request, check that the Facebook profile image is from who it says it is. Or, go the extra step and call, text, or email the friend to see if they really did send it to you.

 How do you protect yourself from Facebook Scams?

  • Be wary of online messages. A person may be trustworthy in real life, but online accounts can be hacked. Take a closer look before sharing, applying, or donating. Go to to verify a charity.
  • Do some research. If you can’t find a website, it’s most likely a fake. If you can find a website, look for contact information. No contact info is a red flag.
  • Press for details. Ask strategic questions without giving any personal information to confirm you are actually talking to someone you know.
  • Report suspicious activity to Facebook. You can report scammers to Facebook to help protect your real friends and family from a scam. You can reduce the risk of having your profile impersonated by tightening up your privacy settings and hiding your Friends list.

You can always find more information at

Padre/Mustang Island Area Development Plan Online

Welcome to the Padre/Mustang Island Area Development Plan Online Open House!

Click on the Image Below to get involved and have your voice regarding the future plans for our community. This public input to collect all responses will be available until midnight on October 15th, 2020.


As a Real Estate Agent, I am commonly being asked questions regarding the Island’s POA. Whether you are new to the Island or have lived here many years, I hope to provide some clarity and possibly unknown information to those who may be wondering…what are they all about.

The POA oversees 26 subdivisions, with the exception of Packery Channel (who doesn’t have one), and Cane Harbor (who has their own). All but three subdivisions (Seapines, Section A and Section B) that DO belong to the POA pay the new fees (that aren’t really new anymore). Back in 2007, they changed. Annual POA fees are calculated by the size of the lot itself. Prior to 2007, the fees were .1 cent a square foot for an interior/water access lot, and .2 cents a square foot for a waterfront lot. With the exception of the three aforementioned subdivisions that did not approve the fee change, they’ve been .2 cents a square foot for interior/water access lots and .10 cents a square foot for waterfront lots for 10 years now. These annual fees cover the following: Maintaining the medians at Whitecap and Seapines, common area maintenance such as cul de sacs, canal end landscaping, and the 7 public boat ramps around the Island. The reason the cost is higher for a waterfront home is because these fees also cover canal bulkheads.



  • When voting, POA board members need 50% + 1 to pass.
  • They have a seed account in the event of a hurricane in access of $9,000,000, of which they added $300,000 to this past year.
  • They spend roughly $500,000 a year on repairing canal bulkheads.
  • The architectural control committee (ACC) is responsible for reviewing plans for new builds, renovations, fencing, decks/docks, shade structures/any structure really, but NOT landscaping. Currently, the committee has 4 members, but they are seeking a 5th.
  • The ACC is also in charge of “unsightly properties,” defining them, and working on cleaning them up to maintain property values.
  • A gentleman is out on the canals every single day cleaning the debris.
  • On the POA website, you can find requirements for building, setbacks, decking depths, etc. for each and every subdivision.
  • The POA has three notaries.
  • The POA has a swapping library.
  • Approximately 5,300 residents are within the association, making PIPOA the largest HOA in Texas and possibly the United States.


  • Available lots left:

629 interior

148 waterfront

87 multi-family

277 commercial

  • The population on the Island is approximately 13,000, compared to roughly 330,000 in Corpus Christi.
  • Of all crime committed in Corpus, only 2% of it comes from the Island, and 60% of that is “victim assisted,” meaning garages are left open, items in boats aren’t put away, etc.
  • 525 children are enrolled in the Island charter school.
  • All parks on the Island are actually owned by the city.
  • Water depths: 18 inches – 2 feet near the bulkheads, and roughly 6 feet in the center of the canals.
  • It is a NO WAKE ZONE until you get to the ski canals or the Laguna Madre.


  • Often referred to as the “vanity sticker” as Island residents are proud to show where they live, the sticker allows residents to park at the boat ramps.
  • Common misconception: the sticker DOES NOT allow you back on the Island in the event of an evacuation. Sticker or not, you’ll only be allowed back on with two forms of ID showing your Island address AND utilities have to be back on before anyone is allowed access.




LED_traffic_lightSTOP! Or, you soon will be! On August 18th, a traffic light at the intersection of Aquarius and SPID was approved by the City Council.

After years of monitoring the intersection, results showed a daily average of over 33,000 vehicles during the summer months of 2012, and that number has continued to increase over the years. And on other parts of our barrier island, such as Galveston and South Padre Island, the speed limit is much slower going through their business districts.

Drivers coming over the JFK Causeway toward the island will be given a warning to the upcoming light when the traffic is backing up to the high peak of the bridge. This is meant to decrease the likelihood of collisions with the cars that are stopped at the light. There have been numerous attempts over the years to place this light, but the short distance between the intersection and the top of the JFK has been a reason for several failures to get the appropriate approval. But, city traffic engineers have done their due diligence and have given it the thumbs up.

Word on “the street” is that Turner-Busby Development, based in San Antonio, is looking to use the site on the east side of SPID near the intersection of SPID and Aquarius Street for a development called Packery Pointe Subdivision. This traffic light is simply part of their plan, and is set to be coordinated with the other lights along SPID. The light may cost up to $600,000, and will provide a convenient physical stop for vehicles to turn into this new development.

Turner Busby Development has apparently been working on the plans for the $30 million development for a few years. It will likely include a hotel, retail sites, Starbucks, small bar/restaurant, and even possibly some single family homes.  Now that Schlitterbahn is in full swing, it sounds as though the developer is more confident in beginning the project.

But, change is often met with opposition, as many residents are weary to the whole thing. The main concern seems to be that the signal could cause large traffic backups, and the new development with its possible chain restaurant(s) and commonality feel will ruin the quaint, quiet, and familiar island feeling.

Hey, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!

New Plans being Laid for Lake Padre Area

What do Bricktown, Oklahoma City and North Padre Island, Corpus Christi have in common? A water taxi system! Or at least, soon to be.

With Schlitterbahn, Harbor Marina, and Island Walk Village coming in phases to Padre Island, this picturesque canal system linking the island’s main attractions will bring new tourism and new life into the Island. Paul Schexnailder, a partner in the project, highlighted some of the main and most exciting aspects today at the State of the Islands talk, held at the Comfort Suites by San Jacinto Title Services.


Schlitterbahn, still set for a soft opening at the end of May, is part of Phase I. Although rain and labor has hurt the construction schedule, Jeff Henry, co-owner, has said this is the best park he has ever built. And we’re OK with that…good things come to those who wait! Here’s why!

The main clubhouse boosts four stories of fun.

  • 1st Floor: “Fajitas” restaurant and retail space
  • 2nd Floor: The floor for the locals – will have TVs, a lounge, a game room, and food and drinks
  • 3rd Floor: A 4500 square foot event center, equipped with 6 meeting rooms
  • 4th Floor: Fine dining open to the public, as well as  a private dining room for golf course and park members only
  • There will also be roughly 80 hotel rooms in the building 

To top it off? The clubhouse overlooks an Amphitheater that can hold approximately 2000 people. This was not in the original plans, but it sounds like the perfect place for some great island venues. You got fins to the left, fins to the right… 

Harbor Marina, set to be operating this time next year, will be instrumental in the “Water Taxi” System. Referring to the maps provided, Cruiser canal is being expanded to continue straight and curve to go toward the marina. See the arrows on the maps? That is where a new bridge is going to go (between Commodores and Whitecap). It will orchestrate boat and pedestrian traffic by 3 separate arches. The center arch will be for the boats, and the two arches on either side will be for pedestrians and golf carts. The canal archway will have a 13 foot clearance, whereas the two pedestrian archways will have a 10 foot clearance. The canals will be finished late 2015, early 2016, and the bridge has an end-of-the-year completion date. 

Island Walk Village is an Ingredient in Phase II. And yes, I am talking restaurants. It will be the site of at least 6 restaurants all up and down the newly dug canal system (will there be gondola rides in our future?). The structures will house the eateries on the main levels by the water, and then living spaces above that. Worried about parking? Don’t. The village has been drawn to have about 1400 parking spots.

..And even though gossip of a grocery store is spinning, those in “the know” are being understandably coy about the details. The good news is, there WILL be one!

This hardly touches the exciting developments the island will see over the next 5-10 years. The good news is that we have a built-in market here on our coast, and something tells me it won’t be “off the grid” much longer.

Schlitterbahn Corpus Christi – 7 months from Opening! South Texas, Corpus Christi, Coastal Bend
Seven months. If all goes as planned, that’s how long it will be until the new Schlitterbahn Beach County Water Park and Resort on Padre Island is up and running.

If you have been watching the construction process, you know that things are now at the point of dramatic change.

“We’re really seeing some big changes now,” said Jeff Henry, co-owner of Schlitterbahn. “Really seeing this start coming out of the ground.”

From the beginning, there were plenty of people who were convinced the project was never going to happen; but now, 65 acres of what used to be the Padre Isles Country Club have been transformed.

“We’re running four-inch fire protection to the buildings that are going to be sprinkled, and we’re running two-inch fill lines that we’ll use to fill the rivers and fill the rides,” Henry said.

Jeff Henry is the creative genius behind all Schlitterbahn parks, and to say that he’s a free spirit doesn’t fully describe his reputation for thinking outside the box. He actually owns more than 60 patents for thrill rides that he has built all around the world.

“He’s always creating. He’s got a vision, and he tries to make the architects understand what his vision is,” said Sonia Gill, Henry’s assistant.

“This is fun. This is like artwork. It’s enjoyable,” Henry said. “I do get tired of corporate — that would be my brother and my sister, and all the people in New Braunfels who are trying to get me to comply with the rules and regulations of society, which I prefer not to.”

“He’s a wild and crazy guy, but he gets the job done,” Schlitterbahn Senior Designer John Schooley said. “He’s creative, and he really makes things happen.”

“These are treehouses that we’ve added,” Henry said. “Here, we’re doing something very unique.”

Henry was talking about the company’s unique upscale lodging for guests who want to extend their stay. The treehouses, as they’re called, are being constructed using wood left behind from the devastating fire in Bastrop, Texas, back in 2011. Ultimately, there will be a couple of hundred tree houses on the site.

Like the Schlitterbahn parks on South Padre Island and Galveston, the one in North Padre Island can stay open year round, but “this one is going to blow those other two away,” Henry said.

As of right now, construction workers — about 150 of them on any given day — are finishing up the in-ground infrastructure, working on foundations for the various slides and rivers, and adding a second floor to what will be a completely refurbished clubhouse.

As for the actual water slides and attractions, many are being built right now in the company’s fabrication plant in New Braunfels. Colorful butterflies and mushrooms, an elaborate locomotive, and a cool pirate ship — the C.C. Christi — all of it will be headed to Padre Island soon.

Also on the way are devices called Archimedes Screws. They work on a 2000-year old principle named after the Greek inventor who first used them. They will help propel the massive amount of water in the park’s moving rivers.

In New Braunfels, experts from around the country are collaborating online. They can actually stay in constant communication with project managers on the ground in Corpus Christi.

John Schooley, the company’s senior designer, is particularly proud of the park’s signature attraction. They call it “Shoot the Chute,” a unique adaptation of a classic waterpark ride that takes riders up a steep incline and then drops them into a large pool.

Local businessman Stan Hulse is the park’s general manager. He said he can’t wait until people can start splashing around in it. That’s still set to happen in June of next year.

Eventually, as 3News has reported, the $41 million water park will be the central component of a $550 million resort community on the Island. It will have more restaurants, shops and hotels. Plans also call for a riverwalk and new residential areas.

According to our sources, a major announcement about that is coming soon, and 3News promises to keep you posted. via

Design Plans for Island Water Exchange Bridge Takes Major Step Forward!

Design plans for the proposed Park Road 22/SPID Water Exchange Bridge will move forward before final decision is made on permitting by the Texas Department of Transportation, which means work on the bridge could begin much earlier than expected.

Until last week City Engineers did not plan to begin final design work on the $8.1 million bridge until the TxDot ruling on permitting which is not expected until at least the fall of 2013; this meant that final design of the bridge could not possibly be done until well into 2014, delaying the bridge’s construction and causing potential delays in the digging of the proposed IslandWalk Canal to connect the Schlitterbahn waterpark to amenities including a marina, on the east side of the highway.

That logjam was resolved last Friday when City Manager Ron Olson directed the city engineering staff to proceed with the detail
design of the bridge while awaiting the ruling from TxDot on permitting, which is expected within the next month and will likely be
followed by a public hearing.  Olson’s move clears the way for work on the canals to begin much earlier.  Under his existing permits developer Paul Schexnailder must build water exchange culverts under the roadway connecting the new canal on the west side of the
road to Lake Padre on the east.  However, last year the Corpus Christi City Council approved the use of $8.1 million in bond money to instead replace the culverts with the bridge which would allow for boats to pass underneath as well as pedestrian and golf cart paths.

The current design would allow for water passage through a six-foot deep channel and would include walking and cart paths on each
side along with about a 14-foot clearance from water level to the bridge for boat passage. It would take about one year to complete and
during most of that time traffic on SPID would be reduced to one lane each way As the city moves forward with the final design of the bridge all required permit work is proceeding on the IslandWalk Canal.

by Dale Rankin Island Moon Newspaper

Schlitterbahn NEWS! Construction equipment expected to arrive this month!

— Some construction on the proposed Schlitterbahn water park and resort has begun — just not on Padre Island.

Materials are being prefabricated in New Braunfels — where the company opened its first water park in 1979 — said Gabriele Hilpold, chairwoman of the committee that advises the city on island development.

Members of the Island Strategic Action Committee said they’re baffled when they hear from people who still don’t believe the park and resort will become a reality.

But they may not hear as much of that by the end of October, when construction equipment is expected to arrive near the Padre Isles Golf Course, said developer Paul Schexnailder, of Asset Development. He briefed the committee Tuesday night.

Drawings and surveys are being completed, he said. Schexnailder wouldn’t say whether they’ve found a way to keep nine holes of the golf course open during construction — as hoped by some island residents — but said project details are being worked out.

The $41 million resort planned west of Park Road 22 tentatively is set to open in March 2014. Early designs showed the park would include a 65-acre water park with lodging, golf and restaurants. It will be built on the existing golf course and tied into a master plan for the area that includes a marina in Lake Padre, an extension of the residential canal system, hotels, condos and single-family homes on about 500 acres of mostly undeveloped land.

Under a $117 million incentive agreement with the city, Schlitterbahn must begin construction within five months and be finished with the first phase by summer 2013.

Schlitterbahn is part of a proposed $552 million master plan for the island, which investors Willard Hammonds, Schexnailder and the Henry family, owners of Schlitterbahn, are developing.



Improvements are being made to equipment at a waste water lift station.  Existing equipment was installed in 1974 and is approaching its useful service life, resulting in multiple repairs in the past year.  The improvements will restore the structural integrity of the line, which should last approximately 50 years.

Phase 1 – Monday, July 23 for approximately 1 week

Eastbound Whitecap traffic will be reduced to one lane as the left lane between

Gypsy and Cruiser will be closed for pipe welding and site preparation.

Phase 2 – Monday, July 30 for approximately 1 week

Eastbound traffic on Whitecap will be shifted onto the westbound lanes between

Cruiser and Barataria.  Traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction.


You may have read the various articles regarding proposed legislation from the Texas Department of Insurance to divide the fourteen coastal counties based on proximity to the Gulf.   A surcharge to all insurance rates (Windstorm, homeowner policies, automobile policies, boats and RV policies) would cost Island property owners the most, and increase in lesser increments the farther inland you go.

Right now the 14 coastal counties are treated differently than the other 240 counties in Texas.  In the other counties, wind and hail are included in their homeowner’s policy.  It is only in the 14 coastal counties that we have separate windstorm and hail insurance in addition to a homeowner policy which specifically excludes wind and hail.

The other counties have their share of wild fires as well as wind and hail damage. Hurricanes are not the only potential disaster for Texas. We are all Texans and should all be treated equally. The Texas Department of Insurance should develop an equitable and reasonable statewide funding formula that does not target and discriminate against the fourteen coastal counties.

A task force has been created and our local Legislators, Representatives Todd Hunter and Senator Hinojosa are on top of this.  It is time to fix the windstorm insurance problem in Texas.

If you would like to write letters to State officials to ask for this fair and equitable funding formula, please contact our office for addresses or a sample letter.