BBB – What to know about IRS impostors and tax preparation fraud

The season for filing 2024 taxes began on Jan. 27, and while some Texas residents are planning on submitting their own returns, others are reaching out to reputable tax preparers for assistance. With roughly three months remaining until the fling deadline of April 15 for general tax returns, Better Business Bureau reminds residents to be wary of con artists and unethical businesses who claim to specialize in tax preparation.

Additionally, BBB reminds businesses and consumers to be aware of an increase in IRS impostors attempting to contact fix filers through email, text, social media, or other methods to steal personally identifiable information (PII)

IRS Impostor and Phishing Scams:

Impostor scams remain one of the most common types of fraud reported to the FTC by Texas residents, with nearly 600,000 reports in the first three quarters of 2024. Across the U.S., impostor scams account for $2 billion in losses, surpassing losses to the next three most frequently reported types of fraud combined. IRS impostors target tax filers and tax preparation businesses, often claiming the recipient must take immediate action or confirm account details.

IRS impostor scams are carried out through unsolicited phone calls and emails, and may target students, faculty, and staff” at educational institutions with a edu email address. Emails often display the IRS logo and encourage recipients to follow a link to verify their tax refund payment by entering PII, such as their SSN, date of birth and current address, on a look-a-like website. The website is a phishing scam, and the information provided could lead to identity theft or Stolen Identity Refund

Remember, the IRS will never:

  •   Demand immediate payment using a specific payment method such as a prepaid debit card, gift card or wire transfer.
  •   Threaten to immediately contact local police or other law enforcement to have the taxpayer arrested for not paying.
  •   Demand that taxes be paid without allowing taxpayers to appeal the amount owed.
  •   Unexpectedly call about a tax refund.
  •   Send emails about your tax refund or sensitive personal information.
  •   Initiate contact with taxpayers by email, text message or social media to request personal or financial information.

Ghost Tax Preparer Scams:

A ghost preparer as a professional tax preparer, often guaranteeing a significant tax return when using their services, However, the preparer either refuses or conveniently “forgets” to sign the return they created on behalf of a client.

By federal law, anyone paid to prepare, or assists in preparing, a federal tax return must have a valid Preparer Tex Identification Number (PTIN). Tax preparers must sign and include their PTIN on any returns they create on behalf of a paying customer.

Businesses or individuals refusing to sign a return is a red flag that they may be fraudulent, leaving the consumer to deal with the IRS in the aftermath of an illegitimate or incorrect filing. Filing a valid, accurate tax return is ultimately the taxpayer’s responsibility, emphasizing the importance of choosing a credible tax preparation professional.

It is important to carefully analyze a chosen tax preparation business due to the PII provided, such as SSN, bank account information, home address and financial assets. BBB recommends spending the time to research tax preparation professionals to determine their credibility and legitimacy. The IRS provides a directory service that lists preparers in a searchable area who currently hold professional credentials recognized by the agency, Additionally, use available resources, such as› to search for accredited tax preparation businesses.

Individuals impacted by tax preparer misconduct can file a report with the IRS at and are encouraged to file an official complaint on the business’s BBBBusiness Profile, as well as submit a report to BBB Scam Tracker:

For more information about how to avoid tax scams and choose the right tax preparer, visit Tips

BBB Tip: Recovering from freezing temperatures while avoiding

BBB Tip: Recovering from freezing temperatures while avoiding unethical contractors and utility impostors

Over the weekend, plummeting temperatures and wintry weather mixtures have struck
communities across Texas, with many residents experiencing power outages, ruptured water
lines, hail damage, fallen tree limbs, or other issues due to below-freezing temperatures. As
home and business owners begin to thaw out in the coming days, many will discover a
variety of problems resulting from the sudden cold snap. While some homeowners can
easily handle cleanup and repair efforts, others will likely require the help of a professional.
Additionally, other residents may begin to piece together facts and receipts to learn they
interacted with an impersonated utility company that demanded immediate payment or a
fraudulent online seller advertising winter weather and emergency products.

After significant weather events that are likely to result in property damage, Better Business
Bureau typically receives an increase in reports of unethical contractors operating across
affected regions. Commonly referred to as ‘storm chasers,’ many businesses offering
services to residents negatively impacted by severe weather are well-respected and
legitimate. However, among these groups are those who would take advantage of a
homeowner in need rather than provide any meaningful service.

Some common issues reported to BBB in these types of situations include:
 The contractor requires a significant deposit (over 50% of the total estimate) from
the property owner and then continually postpones the start date until
communication stops. Any effort by the homeowner to contact the business is
unsuccessful, and the business’s physical location is either too distant to travel to,
abandoned, a residential home for sale, or a vacant lot.

 The homeowner is approached by a contractor who claims they have excess material
left over from a nearby project, and the business can pass the savings on to the
homeowner if they can start work immediately. Once the contractor begins the
project, the scope of work expands far beyond what was initially estimated, and the
homeowner is held accountable for paying a final bill that is significantly more
expensive than they expected.

 Repairs on systems requiring specialized work (plumbers, electricians, HVAC
technicians, etc.) are done by an unlicensed individual, leaving the homeowner liable
if the contractor did not do the repairs correctly or did not comply with the applicable
housing codes.

Property owners are encouraged to verify that the provided licenses are valid by checking
with the appropriate regulatory agency. In Texas, the Texas Department of Licensing and
Regulation and the Texas Department of Agriculture are two of the most likely agencies that
hold licenses for businesses that property owners may call upon to help recover from
freezing temperatures.

Decreasing temperatures also allow utility scammers to take advantage of people’s fears of
being without heat during the cold weather. Be wary of texts, phone calls or emails from the
utility company that services your area claiming that they will shut your heat off
immediately unless an outstanding bill is paid. According to the Public Utility Commission of
Texas, an electric utility company cannot disconnect a customer anywhere in its service area
on a day when:

The previous day’s highest temperature did not exceed 32 degrees Fahrenheit, and
the temperature is predicted to remain at or below that level for the next 24 hours,
according to the nearest National Weather Service (NWS) reports.

February 2025 Heart Health Month

The month of February is designated as Heart Month. This month strives to educate the
public about the importance of improving heart health. This endeavor aims to help people
identify and understand helpful adjustments that can be made to increase heart health. The term
“heart disease” refers to several types of heart conditions. In the United States, the most common
type of heart disease is coronary artery disease, which can lead to heart attack. You can greatly
reduce your risk for heart disease through lifestyle changes and, in some cases, medicine. There
are several everyday things that we can do in achieving healthier lives for 2025. With this
designation, both the American Heart Association along with the US Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) have put out some great information.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States.
Every year, 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease. The good news is that heart disease can
often be prevented when people make healthy choices and manage their health conditions.
Communities, health professionals, and families can work together to create opportunities for
people to make healthier choices. National trends show heart disease death rates are declining
more slowly than they have in the past, especially among adults ages 35 to 64. The CDC
Division of Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention and Million Hearts is focused on letting
younger adults know they are not immune to heart disease, but that they can reduce their risk—at
any age—through lifestyle changes and by managing medical conditions. For more information
and statistics about heart disease visit

Here are some tips from the CDC to take control of your heart health:
 Find time to be active. Aim for at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week.
 Make healthy eating a habit. Small changes in your eating habits can make a big
difference. Try making healthier versions of your favorite recipes by looking for ways to
lower sodium and trans-fat. Additionally, try to incorporate more fruits and vegetables.

 Quit tobacco. Smoking cigarettes and using other tobacco products affects nearly every
organ in your body, including your heart. Visit the CDC website for great tips on how to

 Know your numbers. High blood pressure and high cholesterol are major risk factors for
heart disease. Ask your health care team to check your blood pressure and blood
cholesterol levels regularly and help you take steps to control your levels.
 Stick to the “script”. Taking your medications can be tough, especially if you feel fine.
However, focusing on your medication routine is important for managing and controlling
conditions that could put your heart at risk.

The American Heart Association (AHA) is an organization that helps bring heart health
knowledge, leadership, and resources to all levels of government. Whether it is the federal, state,
or local level, the AHA identifies ways of educating the public and develops systems of care that
work to help acute conditions, which will result in helping to improve the patient’s outcomes.
Many of these systems coordinate impacted people to help them recover, while also improving
the cost-effectiveness of their care. These systems of care generally are tailored by more
localized methods that focus on certain regions of the nation and individual states. The
Association uses collected data that helps a seamless transition from each stage of care. It is with
these types of awareness and outreach that they hope will save lives. If you would like to learn
more information about healthy tips on cardiovascular health, you can visit the American Heart
Association’s website at .

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my
office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to
contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time
to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office,

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces County (Part). He can be contacted
at or at 512-463-0672.

TxDOT #EndTheStreakTX Campaign

I would like to draw attention to a very important topic we face in Texas, which is roadway safety. Since November 7, 2000 at least one person has died every single day, with an average of 10 deaths everyday. As a result, The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) recently launched the annual #EndTheStreakTX campaign. During this campaign, TxDOT asks all Texans to join the effort to end the deadly 23-year streak on roadways in Texas. The Texas Transportation Commission has set a goal aiming to end all fatalities on Texas roads by 2050, with an interim goal to reduce them by half by 2035.  I hope we can work together to end this deadly trend to make all roadways in Texas safe.

The leading cause of fatalities continue to be failure to stay in one lane, alcohol, and speed. November 7, 2000 was the last deathless day on Texas Roadways with fatalities resulting from vehicle crashes around 67,000. In 2023 alone, there were 4,283 lives lost. Furthermore, there is 1 reportable crash every 56 seconds, and 1 person killed every 2 hours and 3 minutes. These staggering statistics should serve as a reminder to drive safely and avoid distractions while driving. 

Additionally, TxDOT will dedicate $600 million for safety improvements across Texas roadways over the next two years. This includes widening some roads and adding rumble strips that alert drivers if they are veering out of their lane or off the road. Also, TxDOT will reinforce shoulders and select turn lanes, and deploy new technology that will increase safety on the entire roadway system. However, Texans play a major role in ending the deadly trend by changing simple driving habits, such as, wearing seatbelts, driving the speed limit, putting away the phone and other distractions, and never driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

I encourage all Texans to join the effort to end this steak to protect our families. To learn more about the annual #EndTheStreakTX campaign you can visit . Through this effort we can hopefully cause a wave of commitment and a surge of support to end the trend in Texas.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office.  Please always feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).    


 – State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32 


 Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces County (Part).  He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672



Corpus Christi Association of Realtors has posted the Padre Island Corpus Christi Housing Report for November 2024.

Our active listing median prices have softened the past month to $485,000 which is actually a 20.1% increase from where it was compared to last November at this time! CCAR shows us the data that has risen for active listings t0 33.6% with a total of 322 properties this past month compared to November 2023 while inventory also rose to 11.5 compared to 7.3 last year at this time.

Days on the market stayed steady this past month with an average of 86 days and the highest categories for sales with 30.4% of all the sales being priced between $300,000 – $399,999. The market is still softening a bit as we head into the last month of 2024 with properties available across many pricing areas. Padre Island’s newest development Whitecap NPI is open for sales of their lots in Phase 1, Contact Coastline Properties Agent Ms. Amber Spicak at their office for all pre-sales.

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose by 0.3 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis in November versus the prior month, following four consecutive months of 0.2 percent increases. Over the past 12 months, the all-items index has increased by 2.7 percent before seasonal adjustment.

Cheri Sperling is the owner of Coastline Properties with a dedicated team of agents specializing in residential listings, sales, and property management in the Padre Island Corpus Christi real estate market. Coastline’s team is the most knowledgeable real estate office on Padre Island. No pressure style, patience, and an intimate understanding of the local market. They go to work for you!


Padre Island Corpus Christi November 2024 Data (Click Pic below for Larger Image)


National Impaired Driving Awareness Month

The month of December is proclaimed as National Drunk & Drugged Driving Prevention Month or National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. The time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day is described by the National Association of Drug Court Professionals as “One of the deadliest and most dangerous times on America’s roadways due to an increase in impaired driving.” Therefore, for more than 40 years, preventionists across the country have observed National Impaired Driving Prevention Month in December to raise awareness that impaired driving can be deadly and to put strategies in place for all of us to make it home safely.

Over 10,000 American lives are lost to drunk and drug-impaired driving each year, accounting for nearly a third of all traffic deaths. In addition to this, The National Highway Safety Traffic Administration (NHTSA) reported that in 2019 during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, 210 lives were lost due to alcohol-impaired driving crashes. A person’s ability to operate a vehicle is impaired by the effects of illegal drugs, prescription medication, over-the-counter medication, or a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.08 grams per deciliter or higher.

Accidents caused by driving under the influence are preventable. Here are a few tips to keep in mind. Firstly, always plan ahead. Designate a sober driver, and arrange for an alternative route home just in case. Second, if you are a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or even friend, talk to your loved ones to remind them how important it is to be responsible and stay safe. Additionally, if you are the one hosting the party, always offer a non-alcoholic option for drinks for your guests so they can still have a good time eating and drinking with everyone else. This holiday season, each of us has the power to prevent a tragedy and ensure that those we know and care about get to and from their celebrations. If we practice prevention to keep ourselves and our communities safe, the holidays can be full of the joy we expect them to be.

To learn more about National Impaired Driving Prevention month please visit Additionally, you can visit National Safety Council to learn more about impaired driving and safety tips Along with this Mothers Against Drunk Driving also known as MADD, is a great resource to learn about the statistics and prevention of impaired driving. They also provide support to those who are victims of these horrible crimes. Their website is

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces County (Part). He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672.

BBB Tip: How to avoid purchasing fake tickets to events

As another Texas summer with record-breaking heat ends and cooler fall temperatures approach, many people will be looking to get out and enjoy themselves at various events across the state. Sports enthusiasts may be planning on watching their favorite team compete this season, while those more interested in music eagerly await to see their favorite artist perform live. With the prices of tickets to major events increasing and the ever-present threat of con artists capitalizing on marketplace trends, BBB recommends consumers exercise caution when searching for and purchasing tickets to their next event.

While most people know to be careful when purchasing tickets off a third-party website or reseller, recent reports to BBB Scam Tracker show a concerning trend of scammers disguising themselves as reputable ticket sellers when interacting with the victim. These schemes often leverage the credibility of companies such as Ticketmaster to convince victims to provide payment for tickets that are either fake, for the wrong event or priced significantly higher than the going rate. Some may also advertise discounted tickets for high-priced seats or sections, which turns out to be false once the tickets are received, or the purchaser arrives at the venue.

In some worst-case scenarios, a consumer who is provided a fake ticket plans an entire weekend around the event, including travel costs and a hotel room, only to be turned away at the entrance. Victims may also find that the credit or debit card used to pay for the tickets has a series of charges they do not recognize, resulting in them having to cancel the card and dispute those transactions with their bank to varying degrees of success.

To help prevent fraudulent sellers from interrupting your event plans, Better Business Bureau provides the following tips:

  • Purchase directly from the venue whenever possible. Many consumers automatically go to a secondary resale market to purchase tickets for an upcoming event before first checking with the venue. Going directly to the venue may not only save money but is also a way to ensure that a purchase is for a valid ticket. Venues also often include what secondary resale organization they are listing their tickets on, giving consumers an additional layer of protection from purchasing fake tickets.
  • Consider your source. There is a significant difference between purchasing a ticket from a professional ticket broker and a ticket scalper. While dealing with the latter may result in obtaining valid tickets, the risk of encountering a scammer is significantly greater. Always exercise caution when purchasing from sources that are not members of the National Association of Ticket Brokers (NATB) or Better Business Bureau.
  • Research the seller/broker. Brokers who are members of NATB offer a 200% purchase guarantee on tickets, protecting consumers that use their services. Visit to confirm you are interacting with a NATB-member resale company.
  • Check for website encryption. It is good practice to always check for the lock symbol in the website address, indicating a secured system is enabled on the site. BBB strongly recommends against giving any banking information to websites that are not secured.
  • Know the refund policy. Only purchase tickets from a ticket reseller that clearly details the purchase terms. Avoid sellers who do not disclose where the seats are located or where purchasers can pick up tickets. If the deal seems “too good to be true,” trust your instincts and thoroughly investigate the seller before purchasing tickets.
  • Use protected payment options. Debit or gift cards, mobile banking apps and cash transactions are risky due to difficulties recovering money if the tickets are fake. BBB recommends using credit cards for all online purchases due to the additional protections they offer consumers to obtain a refund.
  • Verify tickets. If you doubt the authenticity of a purchased ticket, present it to the “Will Call” or customer service center of the event venue. They will inform you if it is legitimate or explain how a legitimate ticket for their venue should look.

If you have been a victim of a fake ticket scam, report it to BBB Scam Tracker. Information provided could prevent another person from falling victim.

For more information about ticket scams, visit


BBB Tip: Reports of political scams increase as presidential election nears

An election’s approach always seems to turn up the emotional heat across the nation, and the upcoming presidential election is no exception. On Nov. 5, voters will decide who will lead the country into the future. As the election nears, voices arguing for or against critical issues are loud and persistent, often fueled by emotional appeals and passionate support. While political campaigns usually include unsolicited contact as part of legitimate outreach efforts, bad actors also capitalize on peoples’ passion to trick them into divulging personal information or providing financial contributions.

Preying on emotion and exploiting people who deeply care about an ongoing situation or issue is a common tactic for scammers. This strategy can often be seen in the number of charity and fundraising scams following a natural disaster or humanitarian crisis. As generous donors look to contribute to ease the suffering of those affected, scammers seek to exploit their kindness for their own purposes. In the political arena, people often participate in polls and surveys because they want their voices to be heard, and scammers use that desire to build trust and steal personal information. Other citizens who wish to be involved may donate to the political campaign of their chosen representative, and scammers are more than willing to take advantage of their willingness to contribute.

Elections are polarizing by their very nature. It is easy to get swept up in the emotional wave and take risks that you might typically avoid. While it is essential for the governed to be informed and engaged with the election process, it is also important to remain aware of scammers who use elections to initiate contact and steal from the public.

BBB provides the following tips to help identify some common political scams as the presidential election approaches.

Check your email

During election seasons, it can feel like once a candidate or political party gets your email address, you hear from them every time you check your inbox. They may claim they need your help or want to know your point of view through a poll or survey. The email may ask for a donation, a response, or specific information about your political beliefs and demographics to support their efforts and make an impact on the future.

Campaign email is one of the best ways to communicate with voters whose busy schedules often prevent them from having the time to answer a phone call or attend a political rally. However, scammers can also sign up to receive these communications, allowing them to mimic their appearance and language. Polls, surveys or donation requests that appeal to your passion, beliefs and desire to take action may also be an attempt to steal your personal information or gain access to your bank account.

If you have signed up to receive communications from a political campaign, those emails should come from a specific email address associated with the representative. Take the time to check the sender’s email address and pay close attention to the domain and subdomain. For example, a generic email address for a political campaign may be ‘,’ which a scammer may change to ‘’ Before you donate or give personal information, research the organization that reached out, and be wary of people who try to rush you to make a decision.

Be especially careful of emails with links. Phishing emails might include a link that takes users to a spoofed version of a candidate’s website or installs malware on your device. If you want to receive more information or visit a site, it’s better to type the official website address into your browser. You can also hover your mouse over hyperlinks and compare the web address that pops up with the legitimate web address.

When scammers give you a ring

Candidates’ campaigns often canvas their supporters by phone to help determine voters’ key issues for an upcoming election. However, scammers may do the same to obtain personal information or money. Criminals pretending to be affiliated with your party or candidate might attempt to scam you over the phone by asking you to answer survey questions, donate money, or claim to offer voter registration assistance. Scammers entice their targets to share personal information such as their Social Security number, birthdate or address in exchange for a prize or gift card, which no legitimate canvasser will ever do.

Trickery by smishing

Smishing is like email scamming; only messages are sent via text. Voters might receive a message that looks like it came from a trusted source, inviting them to participate in a poll or donate by following a provided link or QR code. Scammers also have been known to spoof phone numbers and caller IDs, making it even more challenging to distinguish between a legitimate outreach attempt and fraud. Like phishing scams, con artists use smishing to get passwords, account numbers, Social Security numbers or other data. They may also ask personal questions that seem harmless at face value but can be used to answer security questions for your online accounts.

Another type of scam happens when con artists send a text about a problem that doesn’t exist. For example, an individual might get a text that looks like it came from their bank, asking if they donated to a candidate, organization, or party with a prompt to reply “yes” or “no.” If the person replies no, the scammer calls them and asks for their account login, numbers or password to investigate or dispute the transaction. The person feels an urgent need to act, so they might not think twice about giving up sensitive information.

There’s also the text-your-vote scam. Con artists send text messages urging people to text their vote rather than voting in person or by mail. When voters believe them, they don’t show up to vote, losing their chance to participate in elections.

Presidential election cybersecurity tips

  • See prizes as a red flag.
  • Know what pollsters don’t need. They might ask for demographic information or what party you most align with, but they don’t need personal information like birth dates, social security numbers or financial information. No state offers voter registration by phone.
  • Don’t answer unknown numbers. Con artists can’t trick you if they can’t get in touch.
  • Listen to your gut. If something seems off, protect yourself. If in doubt, check with your local election office.
  • Don’t provide information in response to an unsolicited message.
  • Do report suspicious activities to BBB’s Scam Tracker.

Visit for more information to help voters understand and manage risks this election season.


Blood Cancer Awareness Month

Each year, September is named as Blood Cancer Awareness Month. This awareness month was initiated
to educate communities and to bring attention to the fight against blood
cancer. According to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS), blood cancers are the third
leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. Furthermore, blood cancers are the most common
cancers among children, adolescents, and young adults. For those impacted by blood cancers, as
with many diseases, early detection is often the most important factor in determining treatment

In 2024, it is estimated that 187,740 people would be diagnosed with a blood cancer.
Furthermore, approximately every 3 minutes one person in the U.S. is diagnosed with a blood
cancer. There are many different types of cancers that can affect the bone marrow, the blood
cells, the lymph nodes, and other parts of the lymphatic system, which include leukemia,
lymphoma, myeloma, and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). Under these main types of cancer
types there are more specific forms of cancers.

The most common types of blood cancers are leukemia and lymphoma. According to the
American Cancer Society, Leukemia is a cancer of the white blood cells but can start in other
blood cell types. There are several types of leukemia, which are divided based on how fast or
slow they may grow, and where it starts. As for lymphoma, it is a cancer that starts in cells that
are part of the body’s immune system. Due to the different types of leukemia and lymphoma,
there are different treatments for each, which make it important to know which type you may have.

Understanding the importance that early detection is key to treatment success, the Texas
Legislature made improving patient access to treatments a priority. The passage of House Bill
21, in the 85th legislative session, known as the “Right to Try Act”, allowed patients with
terminal illnesses to have increased access to potentially life-saving treatments. In addition to
this bill, the legislature also allocated additional resources towards cancer research and
prevention programs, such as the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT). In
the 86th legislative session, members passed HB 39, which repealed time limitations on the
award of grants by CPRIT.

To learn more about blood cancer and the significance of this awareness month, please
visit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Additional information about
risk factors and prevention information is also available by visiting the American Cancer Society

If you would like to review more about the legislature, please visit the Texas Legislature
Online. If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. As always, my offices are available at
any time to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District
Office; 361-949-4603).

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces County (Part). He can be contacted
at or at 512-463-0672.

National Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month

Each year, the month of June is designated as National Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD) Awareness Month. This awareness month began as a way to educate communities about
PTSD and provide support and resources to those individuals living with this condition. PTSD is
a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience or witnessing of a life-threatening
event such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, or serious accidents. People
who suffer from PTSD often relive the experience through nightmares and flashbacks, have
difficulty sleeping, and feel detached or estranged. These symptoms can be severe and can last
long enough to significantly impair the person’s daily life. An estimated 6 percent of Americans
will experience PTSD at some point in their lives. According to the U.S. Department of Veteran
Affairs, around 4% of men will develop PTSD while 8% of women will develop PTSD which
means women are twice as likely as men to have PTSD.

It is important to recognize that PTSD can affect people from all walks of life and all age
groups. However, our military personnel are disproportionately affected due to their exposure to
potentially traumatic events during combat. Consequently, the US Veterans Administration (VA)
created the National Center for PTSD to advance the clinical care and social welfare of
America’s Veterans and others who have experienced trauma, or who suffer from PTSD, through
research, education, and training in the science, diagnosis, and treatment of PTSD and stress-related disorders.

For more information on the VA’s PTSD Center, you can visit

Another great organization that provides support to our Veterans is the PTSD Foundation
of America. This non-profit organization is dedicated to mentoring combat veterans and their
families with post-traumatic stress. An important resource they provide is Camp Hope: Interim
Housing for Veterans. Camp Hope opened in 2012 and is in Houston, TX. In addition to
temporary housing, Camp Hope offers a 90+ day PTSD recovery program in which residents:
attend group lessons and support sessions with other combat veterans; conduct individual
mentoring sessions with certified combat trauma mentors; participate in off-site small group
interaction activities (fishing, hiking, local activities and events); and get involved with local
churches, businesses and volunteer organizations to assist in their personal healing and educating
the community on the invisible wounds of war. To learn more about this great program, you can

It is important to raise awareness for everyone with PTSD to know the treatment options.
We can make a difference in the lives of everyone who has experienced trauma. There is a
Veterans Crisis Line, which can be reached at 1-800-273-8255, then, press 1. For more resources

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week's article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my
office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to
contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time
to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office,

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces County (Part). He can be contacted
at or at 512-463-0672.

BBB Scam Alert: Investment Scams Cost Texas Residents

Within the first two months of 2024, Texas residents have reported nearly $500,000 lost to
investment scams to BBB Scam Tracker, with many reports detailing new promotional
tactics scammers are using that encourage investors to participate in the scheme. By
framing an investment opportunity with ‘New Year’ discounts on service, withdrawal, and
tax fees, some Texas residents have lost more than $100,000 and cannot recover their
funds. BBB’s 2023 Scam Tracker Risk Report found investment and cryptocurrency scams
are the No. 1 riskiest scam North American consumers encountered last year. 80% of people
who were targeted by this scam lost money with a median loss of $3,800.

Investment scams are not modern inventions, but many new technologies are making it
easier than ever for anyone to enter the investment scene, opening countless opportunities
for legitimate and fraudulent traders. Using the reach and engagement of social media, con
artists create highly engaging content and position themselves as an expert source of
information, capitalizing on confusing financial terms and unclear processes. Some of the
primary sources scammers use to find a potential target include:

 Canvasing social media community groups that focus on investments or
cryptocurrencies and proactively contact people who ask questions.
 Creating short-form video content that demonstrates their successes while investing,
often by showing large bundles of cash or a lavish lifestyle.
 Establishing a romantic link with a target then directing them to an investment
opportunity, leaning heavily on flattery and disguising their true intentions under the
veil of an online relationship.

Using sophisticated systems designed to appear like legitimate investment dashboards,
scammers mislead their target into believing their initial investment is creating huge
returns. Encouraged by what they can see with their own eyes, investors listen to the
recommendations of the scammer to invest more of their money into the fraudulent fund
with many liquidating financial assets, taking out personal loans, or refinancing their homes.
The assumption is they’ll easily be able to recover once they withdraw their funds.
Unfortunately, when they attempt to withdraw their money, many victims learn that the
‘trader’ is a fraud.

After attempting to withdraw, investors may be charged a series of service, withdrawal, or
tax fees before the money is released to their accounts, and the rates of these charges do
not reflect the promotional offer used when they initially signed up for the service. When the
fees are paid, the scammer disappears with the remaining investment, access to the
dashboard is disabled, and many deactivate the social media accounts they used to initiate
contact. Alternatively, the scammer takes these actions immediately after the withdrawal
request is made without charging additional fees. In some of the costliest cases, the
scammer continually charges progressively higher fees to withdraw, claiming that the total
deposit in the fund must first meet a predetermined level before it can be accessed or that
additional services must be paid.

Consumer Reports:
Houston, Texas – January 2024
“[The trader] told me I could start investing with $200 and would get up to $2,000. He
would help set up my account and manage my trades [with] a 10% company fee off my
profits. I was told to send $200 to a Cash App account, and when the trade was supposedly
over, I was charged $575 to get my profits. When I paid that, I was told I needed to pay
$350 for IRS taxes. At that point, I did not pay any more money and told the person I was
going to report them. They deleted our conversation and blocked me.”

Cedar Park, Texas – February 2024
“They had a group on WhatsApp stating that they would teach you how to trade
cryptocurrency, and you can earn money from it using paired crypto contracts by setting up
an account and downloading a specific app. You can see your money growing in the account,
but once you try to request the funds, they tell you that you must pay a 33% tax fee to
receive the funds. I reluctantly paid it and still did not receive the funds. Eventually, they
told me that there was an error and that I would need to pay $500 to fix it. I stated that
this was a scam and was immediately removed from the group.”

Fort Worth, Texas – January 2024
“Initially approached off TikTok, they claimed there was a guaranteed investment growth of
15%. After the initial investment [of $3,000], I was hit with extortion when it came time to
withdraw the funds. They said I had to pay more to ‘unlock’ my funds to be transferred. I
did this hoping I wasn’t being scammed; I was wrong. They kept every dime I sent and then
ghosted me when I asked too many questions.”

To help Texas residents steer clear of investment scams, Better Business Bureau
recommends investors follow these guidelines:

Don’t fall for high-pressure or scare tactics. If a ‘trader’ contacts you, they may try to
convince you that you will only get high returns if you immediately invest in the fund. Be
wary of anyone using this type of language if you do not have a working relationship and
are confident they are legitimate. If you’ve already provided an initial investment, they may
threaten you with legal action if you do not pay additional fees. Recognize these signs as a
hallmark of a scam and avoid interacting with anyone who relies on high-pressure or scare

Be skeptical of guaranteed returns. No legitimate trader can tell the future, and
unforeseen fluctuations in the market can make even the most stable funds have minimized
returns. Investing comes with an inherent risk, and scammers often try to encourage people
to enter the scene by guaranteeing a specific percentage or value that will be returned on
their investment. These tactics revolve around the get-rich-quick scheme and are another
example of – if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Do your research. Especially when approached by someone unsolicited via social media,
take the time to research their name, business, or group online to see if anyone else has
encountered issues with them before. Check BBB Scam Tracker for consumer reports and
check if their company is listed, or Accredited, with the organization. BBB Accredited
Businesses are required to adhere to the organization’s Standards for Trust to maintain their
status, and one of the major elements of these standards is responsiveness.
Familiarize yourself with investment terms and processes. Consumers looking to
enter the investment scene are encouraged to familiarize themselves with standard
processes, terms, and systems to give them the knowledge they need to recognize
abnormal interactions. While it is unnecessary to become a financial expert, the ability to
speak conversationally about financial terms can help investors identify impostors and find
the right person for their needs.

If you’ve been a target of an investment scam, report your experience to Better Business
Bureau at Information provided may prevent another person from
falling for these costly schemes.

Avoiding travel scams when planning for spring break

Spring break is a popular time for students to travel during a vacation from school. However, it
also presents an opportunity for scammers to offer fraudulent vacation rentals, flights, or hotels
designed to appeal to students and parents looking for a getaway. With spring break for many
Texas school districts occurring within the next month, BBB reminds consumers to be wary of
travel-related scams as they make their plans and finalize payments.

More than 55,000 travel, vacation, and timeshare fraud reports to the FTC in 2023 resulted in a
$120 million loss. Scammers often take advantage of consumer habits and capitalize on trending
internet searches, enticing consumers with great deals to popular destinations or all-inclusive
packages. While these scams persist year-round, they often increase in frequency during times of
the year that coincide with an increased interest in traveling, such as spring break and the holiday
or summer season.

To assist consumers in identifying and avoiding the most common travel scams, BBB provides
the following brief descriptions of the top five most-reported travel scams:

 Vacation rental con. These con artists lure in vacationers with the promise of low fees and great
amenities. The”owner” creates a false sense of urgency – such as telling potential clients that
another vacationer is interested in the rental – to get payment up before doing sufficient
research or questioning the ad’s legitimacy.
 “Free” vacation scams. When a cruise or travel company advertises a vacation as “free,” it does
not necessarily mean the trip is without cost or restrictions. Watch out for add-on fees for air
transportation, port charges, taxes, tips and other undisclosed fees.
 Hotel scams. When staying in a hotel, beware of scammers who use various techniques to
obtain credit card information, including fake front desk calls, free wi-fi connections and fake
food delivery.
 Third-party booking site scams. Use caution if you book your airfare, hotel, or other travel
arrangements through a third-party website. BBB Scam Tracker continues to receive reports of
scammers pretending to be online airline ticket brokers. In the most common version of the
scam, travelers pay with a credit card and, shortly after making the payment, receive a call from
the company asking to verify their name, address, banking information, or other personal details
– something a legitimate company would never do.

To avoid becoming a victim of a travel scam this spring break, Better Business Bureau
recommends prospective travelers follow these guidelines:

 Get trip details in writing. Before making a final payment, get all the trip details in writing.
Details should include the total cost, restrictions, cancellation penalties, and names of the
airlines and hotels. Also, review and keep a copy of the airline’s and hotel’s cancellation and
refund policies and the travel agency or booking site’s cancellation policies.
 Too-good-to-be-true deals. As is common in various scams, if the deal or discount seems too
good to be true, it probably is. Scammers often use this tactic to lure in potential victims and use
aggressive “limited-time” language to entice travelers to pay before researching the business.

 Avoid wiring money or using a prepaid debit card. These payments are the same as sending
cash. Once the money is sent, there is no way to get it back. Consumers can dispute payments
provided via a credit card, making recovering funds a much simpler process.
 Call the rental owner. If you are not using a service that verifies properties and owners, do not
negotiate a rental solely by email. Many scammers don’t live locally. Speaking with the owner
on the phone and asking detailed questions about the property and local attractions will clarify
whether the listing is genuine. An owner with vague answers is a clear red flag.
 Unsolicited offers. Be cautious if you win a free trip without entering a contest or sweepstakes.
This is especially true if the offer is time-sensitive and requires the consumer to pay a processing
fee or risk it going to another “winner.” Check the official website of the company the offer
originates from to verify that it is legitimate.

For more tips on how to avoid travel scams, visit

If you or someone you know has been a victim of a travel scam, report it to BBB Scam Tracker.
Information provided could prevent another person from falling victim.

BBB Tip: Five Resolutions For a Fraud-free New Year

The loss of money, personal information, and perseverance of scammers continue with online purchase scams as the riskiest of scams.

BBB recommends adding a few precautionary steps to the New Year’s resolution list and the weight loss and financial goals to help make the upcoming days and months fraud-free.

  • I resolve to be cautious with email.  Be wary of unsolicited emails from a person or a company. Remember, scammers can make emails look like they are from a legitimate business, government agency, or reputable organization (even BBB!). Never click on links or open attachments in unsolicited emails.
  • I resolve never to send money to strangers. If you haven’t met a person face-to-face, don’t send them money. This is especially true if the person asks you to transfer funds using a pre-paid debit card or CashApp. Money sent to strangers in this way is untraceable, and once it is sent, there’s no getting it back. Scammers will try to trick you into panicking – so before making a move,  think the situation through. Don’t fall for it!
  • I resolve to do research before making online payments and purchases. Research the retailer before entering payment information when shopping online, or if asked to pay online, research the retailer before entering payment information. Ask: Is this a person or business I know and trust? Do they have a working customer service number? Where is the company physically located? Would I be making payments through a secure server (https://….com)? Have I checked to see if others have complained?
  • I resolve to use my best judgment when sharing my personal information. Sharing sensitive personal information with scammers opens the door to identity theft. Never share financial information, birthdate, address, Social Security/Social Insurance number, or Medicare number with an unsolicited caller.
  • I resolve to be social media smart. Use privacy settings on social media and only connect with people you know. Be careful about including personal information in your profile, and never reveal your address and other sensitive information – even in a “fun” quiz. Scammers may use this information to make themselves pass as friends or relatives and earn your trust. Also, be careful when buying products you see on social media. BBB Scam Tracker has received thousands of complaints about misleading Facebook and Instagram ads.For more information

For more information

To learn more about scams, go to For more about avoiding scams, check out If this scam has targeted you, help others avoid the same problem by reporting your experience at

BBB Tip: Avoiding online purchase scams and impostors this holiday season

As the holiday season approaches, Better Business Bureau (BBB) urges consumers to
remain vigilant against a surge in online scams that could threaten their festive spirit.
During the past five years, Texas residents have reported losing $17.5 million to scams,
21% due to online purchases. BBB has identified online purchase scams as the No. 1 riskiest
scam encountered by North American consumers in both the 2021 and 2022 Scam Tracker
Risk Report, and are often enacted by impersonating reputable businesses.

Since 2018, losses to online purchase scams reported to BBB by Texas residents have
significantly increased during two times of the year – early spring and the holiday season – while the number of reports
peaks during the summer months. Often, a sense of urgency and the fear of missing out on a great deal
for a highly desired product are key influences if an online shopper loses money to a fraudulent seller. The holiday
season is a busy time for most people as they purchase gifts, make travel plans, prepare
holiday dinners, and get their homes ready for family and friends. In many cases, shoppers
do not have the time to verify the legitimacy of an online seller as thoroughly as they
typically do at other times of the year, and the existence of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and
other holiday promotions introduce difficulties in determining when a deal is “too good to
be true.”

“It is important for online shoppers to protect themselves while interacting with digital
marketplaces throughout the year, but especially during the holiday season when scammers
are out in force to take advantage of shoppers,” said Heather Massey, vice president of
communications and community relations for Better Business Bureau serving the Heart of
No matter the scheme, a key tactic of scammers is to disguise themselves as a reputable
business or government agency (known as an impostor scam), and this strategy is more
successful during the holiday season. Impostor scams have been identified as the No. 1
most reported fraud to the FTC’s Consumer Sentinel Network since 2017, with a median
loss of $1,000 in recent years. BBB’s 2022 Scam Tracker Risk Report found some of
the most commonly impersonated companies include Amazon, Geek Squad, Publishers
Clearing House, and the U.S. Postal Service. With more people ordering products online and
expecting deliveries, fraudulent notifications about shipping issues or suspicious activity on
an account from an impostor have a greater likelihood of being taken seriously, which often
means a greater chance of losing money or personal information.

With $1.2 million reported lost across nearly 1,400 reports, the impact of online purchase scams on
Texas residents this year has already broken 5- year records, and the holiday season will likely
see these numbers increase. While BBB is concerned about these record-breaking numbers, they do not
reflect the emotional, physical, and mental stress associated with falling victim to a scam, nor the
long-lasting effects it has on an individual’s confidence to navigate a complex marketplace without
being taken advantage of.

“Our goal is to empower consumers to recognize the signs of a scam and to give them the
confidence to trust themselves when something doesn’t feel right,” said Massey. “Research
conducted by BBB found that nearly 75% of people who encountered a scam but did not
lose money simply felt something wasn’t right about the situation, so they walked away. The
next two most powerful defenses are to be generally aware of scam tactics and to research
the offer.”
This holiday season, BBB provides the following tips to help Texas residents avoid online
scams, impostors, and counterfeit items:
Use protected payment methods. BBB research found that people who pay with a credit
card or PayPal are more likely to recover their funds after sending money to a scammer.
However, with PayPal, a buyer should not send money using the platform’s Friends and
Family method. If an online seller directs you to use PayPal’s Friends and Family method, it
is most likely a scam because they know PayPal’s protection policies do not cover money
sent through that system in the same way as a business transaction.

Be wary of social media ads. Social media is a great way to stay connected with friends
and family, and it is also a great way to get exposed to a lot of different products that
appeal to you. However, not everything advertised on a social media platform is legitimate,
and scammers can easily create sponsored advertisements that will appear on your news
feed. If interacting with a social media ad, take a minute to verify it has routed you to the
right website. Better yet, go directly to the website on your own and search for the
advertised product.

Avoid links provided in unsolicited emails or text messages. If you receive an
unsolicited text message with a link, avoid following it. In many cases, there is no way of
knowing where that link will direct you, and even if you arrive at a website that appears to
look official, it could very well be a lookalike website. It may automatically download
malware on your device. If you receive a notification regarding suspicious activity on an
online account, verify the facts by contacting the company using a known and trusted
method, such as their official mobile app or the contact number on a recent bill.

Review protection policies. Become familiar with the protection policies established by
the agency or company you are being contacted by. Many companies and government
agencies prohibit their official representatives from asking you to verify personal or account
information over the phone or through email. If you ever have doubts about someone’s
legitimacy, it is best to hang up and contact the company through another method to
double-check that everything is in order.

Verify you are at the right website. Pay close attention to see if any special characters
are replacing letters, such as the Greek alpha (α) instead of ‘a’, and the domain and
subdomain match the official company website. While looking through the URL, take a
second to verify the website is secured. Poor grammar is also a good indication that a
scammer may have put together a website hastily. However, this is something that they are
getting better at avoiding, due in large part to AI content creation tools. Check the age of
the domain – a well-known company isn’t likely to have just registered their website in the
past few years.

For more information about how to avoid holiday-related marketplace issues this year,
If you or someone you know has been affected by a scam or unethical business practice,
report it to BBB through an official business complaint or Scam Tracker report. Information
provided may help another person from being affected and assist BBB in recognizing trends
in marketplace behavior.

BBB Business Scam Alert: Entrepreneurs beware of fake marketing services for small businesses

Small business owners are passionate, dedicated individuals who have accumulated years of
expertise in an industry. Through time and experience, they often have found ways to
improve processes and use that knowledge to the benefit of their customers and clients.
However, one aspect of business ownership they may not be as familiar with is marketing.
Many small business owners turn to marketing agencies and firms to handle their online
presence or advertisement needs. Unfortunately, the demand for these services opens the
opportunity for scammers to take advantage of small business owners. BBB Scam Tracker
receives multiple reports across the nation of phony businesses tricking small business
owners into signing monthly contracts for services that are never rendered.

How the Scam Works
A small business owner seeking a low-cost marketing service discovers a company that
offers exactly what they are looking for. The company may claim to offer public relations,
search engine optimization or other general marketing support for a low monthly fee, often
promising amazing results.

Once a small business owner signs up and submits payment, the company becomes difficult
to communicate with. They may constantly postpone or delay promised marketing
materials, such as social media posts, graphics or logos. In many cases, getting in touch
with the company once payment has been processed becomes nearly impossible and
attempts to cancel the service go unanswered, requiring the business owner to cancel the
card associated with the account.

How to Spot Fake Services
Research companies thoroughly before hiring. Spend the time to research and get to
know the company well before contacting them. Make sure their website is professional and
their social media accounts are real. Search for customer complaints and reviews about
their services on Legitimate marketing companies take pride in their digital
presence because it is often the most-requested service of their clients and provides an
opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities. Use this chance to evaluate how the company
positions or advertises itself and whether it would be a good fit for your business needs.
Check the contact information. If the company possesses both a social media presence
and a professional website, be sure to check for their contact information. If the company
has no telephone number or physical address, that is a sign it may not be legitimate. If a
telephone number is listed, call it to make sure it is in service and verify the physical
address is associated with the company name by searching online. Scammers will often use
the addresses for vacant properties for their own purposes.

Reach out to references. Reach out to the references provided by a company to verify
they have not been fabricated. Make certain it is possible to contact the people on the list
and research their names online to make sure they are real people with legitimate small
businesses. Keep in mind that online testimonials posted on websites or on some review
platforms can be fabricated. Learn more about BBB’s review vetting process on

Understand what you are paying for. A reputable company will be able to clearly
describe their services and the expected timeline to receive marketing materials before a
potential customer pays for those services. Spend the time to understand the services, their
scope, how they will be delivered (email, mail, social media posting, etc.) and when they
will be provided. If any of these elements are unclear or if details about payments are
vague, look elsewhere for services.

Use protected payment methods. Be cautious of any company that insists on payment
for services by wire transfers, gift cards or pre-paid debit cards. If someone demands
payment in one of these ways, it is probably a scam. Even if using a trusted company, BBB
recommends always paying with a credit card for the additional protections it provides in
case problems arise and you would like to dispute charges.
For more information visit

National Epilepsy Awareness Month

The month of November is recognized as National Epilepsy Awareness Month.
According to the Epilepsy Foundation, 1 in 26 people will develop epilepsy in their lifetime. In
addition to this, 3.4 million Americans currently live with epilepsy. This means that epilepsy is
not rare and is actually more common than most people think. Since millions of Americans live
with epilepsy, it is important to understand the disease and how it affects people. National
Epilepsy Month is important because it is a time dedicated to learning about epilepsy and raising
awareness about the disease.

Epilepsy is a neurological condition in the brain that triggers seizures. As stated by the
Epilepsy Foundation, “doctors believe that seizures happen when a brain’s uncontrolled increase
of excess electrical activity obstructs its normal functions.” This means that a seizure causes a
short interruption to messages traveling back and forth within the brain. There are two types of
seizures. The first type of seizures are generalized seizures which affect both sides of the brain.
The other type of seizures are focal seizures which are located in just one area of the brain and
are also called partial seizures. A few symptoms of seizures are: temporary confusion, a staring
spell, stiff muscles, uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs, loss of
consciousness or awareness, psychological symptoms such as fear, and anxiety or deja vu. Once
a person has had two seizures, they are diagnosed with epilepsy.
Epilepsy has no identifiable cause in about half the people with the condition. In the other
half, the condition may be traced to various factors, including: genetic influence, head trauma,

brain abnormalities, infections, prenatal injury, and developmental disorders such as autism.
Even though there is no distinguishable cause of epilepsy, there are a few risk factors for
someone to develop epilepsy. A few of the risk factors are: age, family history, head injuries,
stroke and other vascular diseases, dementia, brain infections, and seizures in childhood.
For more information about epilepsy, please visit the Epilepsy Foundation’s website Along with this, the CDC is a
fantastic resource to learn more about the risk factors and types of seizures associated with
epilepsy Additionally, you can visit John Hopkins
Medicine to learn about the treatment options for epilepsy
If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my
office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to
contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time
to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office,

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and part of Nueces County. He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672.

BBB Scam Alert: Paypal Impostors Steal Thousands from Texas Residents

amInnovations in payment processes have introduced a wide range of opportunities for
legitimate businesses to market their products and services to a broad audience. The
convenience and ease of peer-to-peer (P2P) payment applications provide a direct, cost-
effective method to receive funds from customers for businesses of any size. However,
unlike traditional financial institutions such as a bank or credit union, P2P apps do not have
a physical location its users can visit to talk directly with a representative, and the focus on
digital interactions provide an opportunity for scammers to impersonate representatives to
carry out a range of schemes. Recently, reports to BBB Scam Tracker from Texas residents
have brought a new PayPal impostor tactic to light. Using a high-tech approach, some
victims of this scam report losing over $80,000 under the assumption they are disputing an
unauthorized charge.

How the scam works:

Victims receive what appears to be a confirmation email from PayPal for an expensive
product, typically over at least $1,000. The email closely mimics a legitimate PayPal
confirmation, including the design, PayPal logo, order number, and shipping details from a
supposed supplier. In multiple places in the email, bolded or red text emphasizes a call-back
number to dispute the transaction. However, the phone number provided does not connect
the victim with PayPal but with an impostor that begins to guide them through the next

The impostor directs the victim to download and run a Reason ReFill Sound Bank File (RFL)
to reverse the pending charge. RFL files (e.g. FileName.rfl) are commonly used within the
music industry to compress and transfer samples, songs and patches. However, their use
also extends to storing databases or running virtual prototypes and simulations. The general
public’s unfamiliarity with the RFL file type assists the scammer by requiring the victim to
rely more heavily on their guidance, such as helping the victim to download a program that
can read and open an RFL file as opposed to more widely-used file extensions such as
Microsoft Word (e.g. FileName.docx) or Excel (e.g. FileName.xlsx).

After opening the file, the victim encounters a dashboard that appears to be designed to
handle their reimbursement request. Following the impostor’s directions, they input the total
cost of the transaction included in the invoice and their banking information. Although the
dashboard appears to be legitimate, it is designed not to recognize decimal points and
seems to credit the victim’s account with an excessive amount of money when submitted.
For example, a $1,999.99 pending charge becomes a $199,999.00 account credit. Using
fear or coercion, the scammer directs the victim to make wire transfers (or other
unprotected method) from the credited account to return the ‘excess’ funds. Often, they will
ask for the total payment to be provided through a series of smaller ones or claim they did
not receive a previous transfer. In either case, the victim is out the amount of money they
‘returned’ when the pending credit is detected as fake and removed from their account.
How to avoid

Verify PayPal purchase history and details using the official app or going directly
to the website. Avoid clicking on any links in the email itself that claim to direct you to
PayPal, as they may send you to a lookalike website instead. Be wary of phone numbers in
unsolicited emails, as they may connect you with an impostor.

Research the suppliers’ address. Scammers use well-known sellers in fake invoices and
often fabricate business addresses or use a residential address in their place. A quick
internet search of that address can help determine if it is a physical location associated with
the product supplier. For example, some email screenshots victims provided to BBB showed
an Amazon supplier located at a Farland Avenue address in San Antonio, Texas. A quick
internet search will find no Amazon supplier at the address and, even more telling, no street
in San Antonio named Farland Avenue.

Check the email address the invoice is coming from. Look at the domain and name of
the email address that sent the invoice. Official communications should come from an email
account associated with the business rather than a personal or generic domain. Be wary of
immediately trusting an email that uses an official email address as the Name of the
account, as these can be fake. The full email address is often included in parentheses,
brackets, or delimiters after the name.

Never reimburse excess funds through another payment method. Common in fake
check scams and fraudulent employers, be wary of returning overpaid funds provided via
one payment method through another. Scammers often ask for immediate reimbursement
before your financial institution can verify a pending transaction. As much as possible, avoid
returning excess money through immediate and direct methods such as gift cards, wire
transfers, and unprotected mobile app transactions. Scammers know that these methods
are fast and challenging to reverse.

Double-check the URL and domains. Scammers often switch around domains and
subdomains to impersonate a business. For example, they may change to,,, or any other variation. Additionally, links
in an email may direct you to a completely different URL than the one highlighted. Use only
known and trusted methods to communicate with businesses, such as their official mobile
app or typing the website's URL directly into your internet browser.
For more information about how to spot and avoid impostors and other scams, visit

BBB Scam Alert: How to spot a credit check scam when apartment shopping

Planning a move this summer? According to multiple BBB Scam Tracker reports, scammers
are using a new twist on fake rental ads to trick potential renters into compromising
sensitive personal information. While credit checks are a routine process many landlords
and rental companies use to evaluate potential renters, fraudulent rental listings are being
used to direct interested tenants to a website that requires personal information to run a
credit check. Unfortunately, the website is a data-mining operation that collects and sells
the information provided to the highest bidder, placing people who use it at an increased
risk of having their identity stolen.

Most often encountered while browsing rental listings online, scammers entice victims by
advertising a rental unit or home at prices significantly lower than what is typically found in
the area. They may claim to represent an established property company or an individual
landowner searching for trustworthy tenants. The listing often includes pictures, videos,
layouts, and other specifics that renters expect to see included in a rental advertisement.
Unfortunately, most of these pictures are either fabricated or stolen from a legitimate
listing, and the supposed landowner quickly disappears after the applicant submits their
information to the credit check website.

One consumer reported to BBB Scam Tracker they “gave my name, address and Social
Security Number to obtain my credit score from this website. I was asked to take a
screenshot of my score and send it to the same address that emailed me the link.
Afterward, I was sent an email with a showing time, but the house number was not listed on
this email or the listing on Craigslist.” All additional attempts to call and email the supposed
landowner went unanswered.

To avoid credit check rental scams, Better Business Bureau recommends renters:
Be wary of lower-than-usual prices. If the rent for an apartment or home is significantly
less than the going market rate for the area, consider it a red flag. Scammers often draw
people in with claims that sound too good to be true. Spend the time to compare the price
with other similar rental properties in the area to make an informed decision.
Do some research. Search the listing online through multiple sources using the associated
phone number, email address or physical address. If you find another listing for the same
property in a different city, you’ve spotted a scam. Reverse image searches can be helpful to
determine if the photos have been stolen from another listing, as well as searching for the
landowner’s name to check if anyone else has encountered a scam when interacting with

Always see the property in person. Many rental scams involve listings for properties that
don’t exist, are vacant lots, or are for sale. Be very wary if the property owner refuses to
disclose the rental property's location before you complete a credit check or pay them a
deposit. If the address provided is for a house that has a ‘For Sale’ sign in the yard, be
cautious because you might not be in contact with the actual owners.
Verify the property owner’s information. Contact a licensed real estate agent to see
who owns a property or check the county’s property appraiser website. Ask the property
owner for a copy of their ID to verify they are who they claim to be before you offer
sensitive information like your Social Security Number for a credit check.

Be cautious about credit check websites. Scammers are well-versed in making websites
appear legitimate and often create fake testimonials and reviews. Use reputable sources to
prove credit history, such as or consumer reporting companies
listed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
For more information about how to avoid scams while moving and renting,

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

The month of September is recognized as Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. According
to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, ovarian cancer is rare since only 1.1% of women will
be diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Yet, it is the number one cause of cancer-related death among
women. Additionally, in 2023 it is estimated that 19,710 women will be diagnosed with ovarian
cancer and of those diagnosed 13,270 women will die. Due to the mortality rate, it is important to
know about ovarian cancer so people can be educated about the risk factors along with the signs.
National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month is important because it is a time dedicated for
women and the public to gain knowledge about ovarian cancer. This is important because an
increase of public knowledge can lead to earlier diagnoses and hopefully lower the death rate.
Therefore, the purpose of this month is to raise awareness surrounding ovarian cancer which is
sometimes referred to as the “silent killer.” This is due to the fact that the symptoms of ovarian
cancer are very similar to other diseases which means women will overlook the signs and they
will not realize they should see a doctor and get tested. As a result of this, the diagnosis for
ovarian cancer is typically confirmed at a later stage. According to the National Ovarian Cancer
Coalition, only 20 percent of ovarian cancer is diagnosed in the early stages.
Since the symptoms of ovarian cancer are similar to other diseases, it is critical to know
what they are in order to get an early diagnosis. A few of the common symptoms for ovarian
cancer are persistent bloating, difficulty eating or feeling full quickly, and pelvic or abdominal
pain. Along with these symptoms, the strongest risk factors include increasing age and family

history. Knowing the signs and risk factors of ovarian cancer is important because an early
diagnosis can be lifesaving.
For more information about ovarian cancer, please visit the National Ovarian Cancer
Coalition’s website.
Along with this, is a wonderful resource to learn more about ovarian
cancer, how to prevent it, and how it is diagnosed.
Additionally, you can visit the American Association for Cancer Research to learn about
the risk factors and symptoms of ovarian cancer.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week's article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my
office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to
contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time
to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office,

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and part of Nueces County. He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672.

BBB Tip: Top 5 Coastal Bend-area scams of 2022

In 2022, Coastal Bend-area consumers and businesses reported multiple scams to BBB,
totaling $30,000 lost for the year. Across Texas, BBB received an average of 250 scam
reports per month totaling $1.9 million lost for the year. While the tactics of scammers
often shift to take advantage of marketplace trends, online shopping, employment and
phishing scams are the most common types of scams reported to BBB from Texas residents,
accounting for 49% of all scams submitted to the organization for the year.

To help Coastal Bend-area residents avoid scams in 2023, BBB analyzed scam reports
submitted by consumers with local zip codes to determine the top five prevailing scams in
2022 and provides a few tips on how to avoid them moving into the new year
Online Purchase
Share of reports: 22%
Amount lost: $9,795

Online purchase scams in Coastal Bend vary across a wide range of products, with some
consumers losing over $1,000 on a single interaction. Online pet scams are particularly
impactful in the area, with residents encountering fraudulent sellers when attempting to
purchase Dachshunds, Corgis and Goldendoodles. In most cases, buyers are directed to
send payment through an online payment system such as Zelle or PayPal. Other items
residents attempted to purchase include ammunition, clothes and automotive parts.

To avoid online purchase scams, BBB recommends:
 Avoid too-good-to-be-true deals.
 Use credit cards for online transactions.
 Look up reviews on other websites.
 Check and verify there are multiple methods of contact such as a working telephone
number and a real physical address.
Share of reports: 12%
Amount lost: $4,950

Employment scams often impersonate well-known and reputable businesses when
contacting their victims. While these scams do not often result in a loss of money, the
sensitive information provided to a potential employer places the applicant at an increased
risk of experiencing identity theft. Scammers often entice applicants for the position by
offering high wages, flexible hours and remote working opportunities. They often claim they
will pay for the applicant to purchase materials to set up their home office or other work-
related expenses. In the Coastal Bend area, most reports revolve around car wrap, package
reshipment or clerical and data entry positions.

To avoid employment scams, BBB recommends:
 Beware of unsolicited or immediate job offers and rushed interview processes.
 Insist on communicating with the hiring manager outside of email or text.
 Verify the position is open by checking the official job board for the company.
 Do not deposit suspicious or overpaid checks, and do not send money back due to
overpayment through gift cards, a wire transfer or other nontraditional methods.
Share of reports: 6%
Amount lost: $106

Recently, reports of sweepstakes, prize and lottery scams revolve around supposed winners
of the Texas, national or other state’s lottery offering some of their winnings to strangers
using ‘pay-it-forward’ messaging. To claim the winnings, the recipient is directed to a
website where they input personal information so a check can be mailed to them. Other
versions of this scam reported in the Coastal Bend area include free products, such as
construction equipment or other gifts, in exchange for taking a survey, as well as free travel
packages. Victims who provide money do so under the impression they are paying for taxes,
processing or other fees – something a legitimate sweepstakes company does not require.

To avoid sweepstakes, prize or lottery scams, BBB recommends:
 Do not provide any payment for a supposedly ‘free’ gift.
 Be especially wary of any emails from a lottery winner who is dividing their winnings
across multiple people.
 It is uncommon to be selected as the winner of a sweepstakes that you did not
enter. Verify how you were entered into the drawing and how they obtained your
contact information.
 It is unlikely to be awarded a high-end or expensive item for taking a single survey.
Trust your instincts and avoid too-good-to-be-true offers.
Counterfeit Product
Share of reports: 4%
Amount lost: $227

Fraudulent and unethical businesses often capitalize on the popularity of name-brand items
by offering products similar in appearance or name. When the item is received, the buyer is
often left with an item that is of significantly less quality than expected and may not even
appear the same as what was pictured in the advertisement. Some of the most
counterfeited brands include Nike, Beats, LEGO, NFL and Tiffany jewelry. One Coastal Bend
resident reported receiving an obvious counterfeit item when attempting to purchase
Seresto flea and tick collars online.

To avoid counterfeit products, BBB recommends:
 Be cautious of name-brand products advertised at a fraction of their typical price at
an authorized retailer.
 Pay close attention to the name of the product. For example, Beats by Dr. Dre is not
the same as Beats by Dre.
 Beware of look-alike websites and double-check the URL domain and subdomain are
accurate. Scammers often switch these to confuse buyers.
 Read product reviews and research the business on multiple sources. Keep in mind
that product testimonials on a business’s website can be fabricated.
Share of reports: 4%
Amount lost: $600

Phishing scams are one of the oldest and most adaptable strategies used to obtain sensitive
information from businesses and consumers. Often, these manifest as emails or texts from
someone claiming to represent the fraud prevention department for a well-known company
such as Amazon, Netflix or your local bank or utility company. They will often direct you to a
link or website to verify your account details, but in reality, that information is being
collected for their own purposes. Phishing scams continue to become more sophisticated
and often include look-alike websites that makes detecting them even more challenging. In
the Coastal Bend area, the most common businesses used in a phishing scam include USPS
and local banks.

To avoid phishing scams, BBB recommends:
 Avoid clicking on any links provided in email and text.
 Verify account security by going directly to the official website or using an official
 Understand company or agency policies regarding what personal information they
will ask for over email or phone.
 Remain calm when contacted about a potential account compromise and be wary of
claims threatening immediate arrest, additional fines or impacts on your credit.
If you have been a victim of a scam, report it to Information
provided may prevent another person


Corpus Christi Association of Realtors has posted the Padre Island Housing Report for January 2023. Our active listing median prices have stayed very stable through the holidays at $370,000 this past month which is exactly where it was compared to last January at this time!
CCAR continues to show us the data that shows active listings rising 25.7 % with a total of 132 properties this past month while inventory Has stayed steady at 2.6 compared to 1.8 last year during the month of Janaury.

Days on the market for sale have had a slight rise to an average of 63 days on the market and the highest category for sales with 37.5% of all the sales was priced between $300,000 – $399,999. The market is still holding up quite well for the beginning of the year as we head toward Spring Break. CPI Data has shown inflation is still lowering, and the fed still seems committed to getting inflation down to 2% and continues to signal more .25 basis points likely coming by the first quarter of 2023.

Soon, the spring housing market will begin, and we’ll probably want to know what to anticipate. The home market in 2023 might feel more like a nobody’s market after several years of a clear sellers’ market. More buyer advantages and slower home sales are something we anticipate. On the economic front, supply chain problems have started to get better and should keep getting better in the coming year. As interest rates and inflation reduce disposable income, we can anticipate the following five to six months to be sluggish. But the flooring and home improvement sectors will experience tremendous growth over the next five to six years.

Cheri Sperling is the owner of Coastline Properties with a dedicated team of agents specializing in residential listings, sales, and property management in the Padre Island real estate market. Coastline’s team is the most knowledgeable real estate office on Padre Island. No pressure style, patience, and an intimate understanding of the local market. They go to work for you!


Padre Island January 2023 Data (Click Pic below for Larger Image)


BBB Tip: Buying a car online

The ability to purchase goods and services online has permanently changed how countless industries conduct business.
The days of high-pressure sales tactics and price haggling are
largely in the past, as online marketplaces allow buyers to comparatively shop for the best
deal on the product they want across hundreds or thousands of sellers. Particularly when
purchasing expensive items, such as automobiles, online marketplaces allow buyers to
carefully evaluate advertised prices and compare them to other dealers.
However, interacting with an online marketplace does come with inherent risks, especially
when dealing with a private seller. BBB Scam Tracker receives multiple reports of
misrepresentative or fraudulent car purchasing scams every year, with often disastrous
results for the victim.

Fort Worth: Earlier in 2022, one Arlington-area resident reported encountering an online
seller who claimed to be deployed overseas and was selling their vehicle for $10,000. The
seller stated the vehicle would be shipped through a shipping company that did not exist,
and the address they provided was for a completely different company. When checking the
website of the shipping company, it claimed the business has been in operation since 1997,
but the website was registered in 2021 to a different company. With this information, the
buyer walked away from the transaction and reported their experience to Better Business

Austin/Waco/Bryan: In October, one active-duty military member stationed at Fort Hood
reported encountering an online seller who claimed their husband had passed away and was
selling his truck for $24,500. All transactions for the purchase would go through a provided
shipping company. The first red flags began to appear when the company would not provide
any requested information such as VIN numbers, accident report, owner history and would
only communicate via email and wire transfers. Suspicions raised, the buyer stated they,
“called the office number attached to the building’s location to find out they have no clue
who the company is and appreciate the information about a false company using their

Permian Basin: In October, one active-duty military member stationed at a Texas base
reported encountering an online seller who claimed their husband had passed away and was
selling his truck for $24,500. All transactions for the purchase would go through a provided
shipping company. The first red flags began to appear when the company would not provide
any requested information such as VIN numbers, accident report, owner history and would
only communicate via email and wire transfers. Suspicions raised, the buyer stated they,
“called the office number attached to the building’s location to find out they have no clue
who the company is and appreciate the information about a false company using their

San Antonio/Corpus Christi: In June, one South Texas resident found an online seller
advertising a 4X4 Jeep for $1,200 which claimed the vehicle was in McAllen, Texas. When
the buyer said they would travel to pick up the Jeep and pay the money, the seller suddenly
changed the story and said it was in Missouri. To purchase, the buyer was directed to
deposit the money in an unfamiliar account and the seller stated the vehicle had previously
been owned by a family member that had sadly passed away. Unfortunately, emotional
appeals like this are an all-too-common tactic of scammers.

If you are considering buying a car online, BBB recommends the following tips to
help you avoid getting scammed and get the best deal possible:
Set a budget. Before you set out to find the perfect car, it is important to establish a
budget. You will also want to factor in monthly expenses that come with owning a vehicle,
including insurance payments, fuel, parking, and routine maintenance and repairs. A clearly
defined budget will make choosing a vehicle, negotiating with a dealer, and getting a loan
much easier.

Do thorough research. Once you have narrowed your search, compare models you are
interested in keeping a close eye on safety ratings, owner reviews, and warranties. Visit
manufacturer websites to see detailed images of each car and research MPG statistics,
interior options, cargo space, towing capacity, and more. The additional time you spend on
these initial steps, the more comfortable you will feel when making a purchase.
Shop for a deal. These may include cash-back deals, rebates, low-interest financing
options, or incentives for recent graduates, military veterans, Uber and Lyft drivers, or first
responders. In addition, many dealers are willing to make price cuts on previous year
models or any model that did not sell as well as expected. Purchasing one of these surplus
vehicles can mean extra incentives from the dealer.

Speak with internet sales managers. When you find a car you are interested in, it is
time to get in touch with an internet sales manager. During your initial conversations, focus
on what car you want, whether they have it in stock or can get it, and how much they will
sell it for. If you are considering purchasing a certified pre-owned vehicle, now is the time to
ask for a copy of the vehicle history report.

Test drive the vehicle. You should always take a test drive before you sign the final
paperwork. There is no substitute for seeing a car in person, looking under the hood, sitting
in the driver’s seat, and making sure the engine runs smoothly. To do so, you may need to
travel to the dealer’s place of business. Alternatively, some dealers offer the ability to test
drive upon delivery, and if anything isn’t as expected, you may cancel the sale.
Complete the sale at the dealer or upon delivery.  It is still usually necessary to sign
the final paperwork in person. If you would rather avoid visiting the dealership, ask about
delivery. Some dealers will drop off the car at your home or place of business and allow you
to sign upon delivery.

Avoid online car sales scams
There are plenty of pros to buying a car online, but caution is needed as well. Anytime you
shop online, and especially when making an expensive purchase like a car, you should keep
the following tips in mind:

 Watch out for too good to be true deals. They are most likely a scam. Scammers
often steal consumers’ personal information and money by offering them high-value
goods at highly discounted prices.
 Never wire funds or complete bank-to-bank transactions. Scammers love this
kind of transaction because there is no way to get your money back once completed.
Instead, make legitimate purchases by check or credit card.
 Contact the seller by phone. At some point during your negotiations, speak with
the sales manager on the phone. If they are unusually vague about specific details of
the sale or cannot confirm their location or the vehicle location, it’s most likely a
 See the car first. Never buy a car without making an in-person inspection and
taking a test drive first.
 Don’t give in to pressure. Scammers often try to pressure you to give up your
personal information or make a down payment before you have time to think about
the purchase. Take your time and consider a deal over before agreeing to anything.
 Don’t trust a seller or buyer who says that eBay, PayPal, Craigslist, or
another online marketplace guarantee the transaction. These sites explicitly
explain they cannot guarantee that people using their services are legitimate.

To learn more, see the BBB tips on buying a new car and buying a used car. You can also
lookup car dealerships at to check their business rating and read customer reviews.
Find new car dealers near you and used car dealers near you.

A Second Causeway To Padre Island ??

A delegation from North Padre Island will consult with TxDOT representatives in December to discuss the need for a second causeway between the island and Corpus Christi’s mainland. Although many locals have been considering it for years, the new expansion is giving the project greater momentum. District 23 State Representative Todd Hunter remarked, “The Port Aransas, Padre Island, Flour Bluff Zone, it’s one of the largest real estate areas currently.” Growth that was hardly noticeable twenty, ten, or even five years ago when Ted Mandel, a retired man, chose the island lifestyle. Mandel predicted that there would be more visitors and residents and that everyone would encounter traffic bottlenecks on weekends during the summer and spring vacation. Mandel claimed to have observed the drawbacks of having a single causeway.

Ted Mandel urged. “How many reminders do we need? One of the electricity poles on the causeway back there fell just a week ago,” someone said.
Owner of Hard Knocks Rod Lewis remarked, “It’s not just a safety problem. But if you close those specific lanes and people can’t get here, it’s a problem for businesses.
The decision to lead the charge to start construction on a second causeway was made by Mandel and Hunter.

You’re noticing more traffic, remarked Hunter. You’re beginning to notice various weather patterns that demonstrate the need for and the gravity of having evacuations, so occasionally the timing simply happens. A causeway has been considered in the past starting at Roddfield Road, going along Yorktown Boulevard through Flour Bluff, and crossing the Laguna Madre. Hunter stated, “We have a group looking at several areas. To even start addressing the issues of whether, when, how much, and who will pay for a second causeway, numerous studies, including wildlife studies, are required.

Padre Island’s Hardknocks Sports Bar & Grill will host a meeting on December 12 from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
TxDOT representatives are anticipated to attend a second meeting at Hardknocks on December 15 from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m.
In January’s legislative session, Hunter said he wants to be ready to speak with other state members.
Because there is a transportation need for the entire state of Texas as well as the local area, Hunter added, “We’re going to start looking at funding places statewide.”

Article Originated in Caller Times

BBB Tip: How to avoid purchasing fake tickets to events

As another Texas summer with record-breaking heat ends and the beginning of the Fall
season approaches, many people will be looking to get out and enjoy themselves at various
events across the state. Residents may be planning on watching their favorite sports team
compete this season or attending a concert featuring a famous musician. With the prices of
tickets to major events increasing and the ever-present threat of con artists capitalizing on
marketplace trends, BBB recommends consumers exercise caution when searching for and
purchasing tickets to their next event.

While most people know to be careful when purchasing tickets off a third-party website or
reseller, recent reports to BBB Scam Tracker show a concerning trend of scammers
disguising themselves as reputable ticket sellers when interacting with the victim. These
schemes often leverage the credibility of companies such as Ticketmaster to convince
victims to provide payment for tickets that are either fake, for the wrong event or priced
significantly higher than the going rate. Some may also advertise discounted tickets for
high-priced seats or sections, which turns out to be false once the tickets are received, or
the purchaser arrives at the venue.

In many worst-case scenarios, a consumer who is provided a fake ticket plans an entire
weekend around the event, including travel costs and a hotel room, only to be turned away
at the entrance. Victims may also find that the credit or debit card used to pay for the
tickets has a series of charges they do not recognize, resulting in them having to cancel the
card and dispute those transactions with their bank to varying degrees of success.
To help prevent fraudulent sellers from interrupting your event plans, Better Business
Bureau provides the following tips:

 Purchase directly from the venue whenever possible. Many consumers
automatically go to a secondary resale market to purchase tickets for an upcoming
event before first checking with the venue. Going directly to the venue may not only
save money but is also a way to ensure that a purchase is for a valid ticket. Venues
also often include what secondary resale organization they are listing their tickets on,
giving consumers an additional layer of protection from purchasing fake tickets.

 Consider your source. There is a significant difference between purchasing a ticket
from a professional ticket broker and a ticket scalper. While dealing with the latter
may result in obtaining valid tickets, the risk of encountering a scammer is
significantly greater. Always exercise caution when purchasing from sources that are
not members of the National Association of Ticket Brokers (NATB) or Better Business

 Research the seller/broker. Brokers who are members of NATB offer a 200%
purchase guarantee on tickets, protecting consumers that use their services.
Visit to confirm you are interacting with a NATB-member resale company.

 Check for website encryption. It is good practice to always check for the lock
symbol in the website address, indicating a secured system is enabled on the site.
BBB strongly recommends against giving any banking information to websites that
are not secured.

 Know the refund policy. Only purchase tickets from a ticket reseller that clearly
details the purchase terms. Avoid sellers who do not disclose where the seats are located or where purchasers can pick up tickets. If the deal seems “too good to be
true,” trust your instincts and thoroughly investigate the seller before purchasing

 Use protected payment options. Debit or gift cards, mobile banking apps and
cash transactions are risky due to difficulties recovering money if the tickets are
fake. BBB recommends using credit cards for all online purchases due to the
additional protections they offer consumers to obtain a refund.

 Verify tickets. If you doubt the authenticity of a purchased ticket, present it to the
“Will Call” or customer service center of the event venue. They will inform you if it is
legitimate or explain how a legitimate ticket for their venue should look.

If you have been a victim of a fake ticket scam, report it to BBB Scam Tracker. Information
provided could prevent another person from falling victim.
For more information about ticket scams, visit

BBB Tip: Donating wisely during Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Every October, countries worldwide observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month, focused on
increasing support and awareness of the most common cancer affecting women worldwide.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), breast cancer is the most common
cancer affecting women in the United States. In Texas, more than 19,000 new breast cancer
cases were diagnosed in 2019.

While medical advancements have continued to increase the survivability of those suffering
from breast cancer in high-income countries to a five-year survival rate of 90%, inequalities
in early detection, access and quality of care have resulted in a 66% survival rate in India
and a 40% rate in South Africa, according to the World Health Organization. Much work
remains to advance research efforts to find a cure and increase survivability worldwide, and
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a great time to raise funds for the cause.

There are countless ways to contribute, and consumers help raise millions of dollars each
year, often by purchasing “pink ribbon” items. Many donors also contribute directly to a
charity focused on breast cancer. However, just because a charity is advertising that
proceeds benefit breast cancer research or awareness does not automatically mean you are
donating wisely. When deciding which charity to donate to, be sure to ask critical questions
such as:

 How much money goes to breast cancer programs and services?
 What breast cancer programs or services are supported by the organization?
 Is the money being used for breast cancer awareness, treatment or research?

If awareness, what are the efforts made to raise awareness, and to what effect? If
research, what aspects of breast cancer are being researched, and how are the
findings contributing to ending breast cancer? What is the charity doing to assist the
medical professionals treating those who have breast cancer?
BBB recommends exercising caution when choosing a charity to support and offers the
following tips from BBB’s Wise Giving Alliance:

Shop smart. Some companies donate a portion of the sale of specific items designated with
pink ribbons or packaging. When shopping for “pink ribbon” items, see if the promotion is
transparent about which charity it will benefit and how much of the purchase will be
donated. Watch out for vague claims of proceeds benefiting unspecified charities.

Check the charity. Charities accredited with BBB Wise Giving Alliance meet the 20 BBB
Charity Standards. If you are considering donating to a charity that is unfamiliar to you, go
to to view its charity report or find trustworthy organizations. When researching a
charity, pay close attention to its name, as some questionable charities may use names
similar to those of established organizations.

Participate carefully. Some charities host fundraising events in addition to marketing
promotions. If this interests you, gather all the important information before signing up. Is
there a participation fee or are you required to sign up a minimum number of sponsors? Is
the event being hosted in person or virtual? Always research the charity or group organizing
the event before you register.

Take action. If your preferred charity is not holding any events or promotions during
Breast Cancer Awareness Month, contact them directly to see how you can volunteer or
donate on your own time. Every type of contribution helps!
To view charity reports and find more wise giving tips, visit

September 2022 -Suicide Prevention Month

September is recognized as Suicide Prevention Month. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, suicide is the second leading cause of death among people between the ages 10-34. In addition to this, suicide is the 12th leading cause of death in the United States. Along with this, the National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that 46 percent of all people who lose their lives through suicide had been diagnosed with a mental illness. The purpose of Suicide Prevention Month is to promote suicide prevention awareness and to spread knowledge about resources available for those who struggle with mental illness. Suicide Prevention Month is important because this month is dedicated for people to come together and discuss suicide which can be a difficult topic to speak about.

Although historically there has been a stigma surrounding the topic of suicide, it is important for people to discuss. Taking part in open conversations about suicide lessens the stigma around suicide which leads to people who are struggling to reach out and ask for help. According to Suicide Prevention Lifeline, people who are experiencing suicidal thoughts feel relief when people ask them about their mental health. Furthermore, discussing mental health can reduce suicidal thoughts.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, suicide rates have increased 35 percent since 1999. Due to increasing suicide rates, it is important to be aware of the signs of struggling mental health since suicide is preventable. Some of the warning signs for suicide include new behaviors such as increased use of drugs or alcohol, extreme mood swings, talking about being a burden to others, and withdrawing or isolating themselves. While these signs cannot predict whether a person will attempt suicide, knowing the signs and reaching out to a person who is struggling can make a positive impact in their life.

For more information about Suicide Prevention Month, please visit Suicide Prevention Resource Center.

Along with this, Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a wonderful resource to learn more about suicide, the warning signs, and risk factors.

Additionally, you can visit the National Alliance on Mental Illness to learn more about mental illness and suicide.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office.  Please always feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and part of Nueces County.  He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672. 

Crypto Crimes on the Rise!

Cryptocurrency scams climbed to second riskiest in 2021, according to BBB report

Online purchase scams remain #1 riskiest

Scams related to cryptocurrency jumped from the seventh riskiest scam in 2020 to second riskiest in 2021. Although cryptocurrency scams made up only 1.9% of the scams reported to BBB Scam TrackerSM in 2021, according to the Better Business Bureau, the average reported median dollar loss reported for these scams was $1,200, much higher than the overall median dollar loss of $169 for all scam types.

Online purchase scams maintained the top spot as the riskiest; this scam type made up 37.4% of all scams reported to BBB Scam Tracker in 2021, with 74.9% reporting a monetary loss. Employment scams dropped in 2021, from second riskiest to third. The susceptibility and median dollar loss of this scam type dropped slightly, while the number of reported scams increased from 7.1% in 2020 to 7.8% in 2021.

“Scammers shift their tactics constantly and appear to have expanded their use of cryptocurrency to perpetrate fraud,” said Melissa Lanning Trumpower, executive director of the BBB Institute for Marketplace Trust, which produced the 2021 BBB Scam Tracker Risk Report. “Cryptocurrency scams were riskier in 2021 with 66% of those targeted by this scam type losing money and a reported median dollar loss of $1,200. Scammers are using social media and other means to promise investment opportunities with great returns and low risks, which is a huge red flag. We received many reports of people being targeted on a variety of social media platforms after their friends’ accounts were hacked.”

While susceptibility (the percentage of people who lose money when targeted by a scam) decreased in 2021, median dollar loss rose 47.0%. Credit cards remained the highest reported payment method with a monetary loss, followed by online payment systems. Payment made via cryptocurrency that resulted in a monetary loss more than doubled from 2020. The payment methods with the highest median dollar loss were wire transfer ($1,450), cryptocurrency ($1,200), check ($900), and prepaid card ($700).

With regard to age, online purchase scams were the riskiest for all age groups in 2021. Cryptocurrency scams were the second riskiest for ages 25–64. Employment scams were second riskiest and third riskiest across several age brackets. Interestingly, investment scams were third riskiest for ages 18–24 for the first time since BBB began publishing the risk report. The rise of cryptocurrency scams as the second riskiest overall in 2021 may play a role in the rise of investment scams for this age group.

More than 44% reported losing confidence or peace of mind because of the emotional impact of being targeted by a scam and about 35% reported losing personal information. About the same percentage of people (55.5%) reported losing time as reported losing money after being targeted by a scam.

“Time is money, and our survey results reflected this,” Trumpower explained. “We can’t ignore the fact that there are many other non-financial impacts of being targeted by a scam.”

For more highlights from the 2021 BBB Scam Tracker Risk Report, visit

Media Advisor – Mayor Proclamation National Small Business Week

Media Advisory


Mayoral proclamation establishing the annual recognition of National Small Business Week in the City of Corpus Christi from May 2 thru May 6.


America’s 30 million small businesses support our economy by representing half of all private sector jobs, payroll and output in the United States. Additionally, a diversity in leadership, vision, experience and perspectives is demonstrated by 30% of small businesses being women-owned, 29% being minority-owned and nearly 10% being veteran-owned.


Corpus Christi Mayor Paulette Guajardo

United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce President and CEO John LaRue

Better Business Bureau Regional Director Katie Galan


United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce, 602 N. Staples Street, Third Floor Board Room, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401.


Mayor Guajardo is expected to begin the proclamation at 9:30 a.m. on May 6, 2022.

BBB Tip: Support local businesses this National Small Business Week

For over 50 years, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has organized and hosted National Small Business Week (NSBW) during the first week of May. NSBW recognizes and emphasizes the importance of small businesses in the United States and their contributions to its economic well-being, with 33.2 million small businesses employing 61.2 million U.S. employees in 2021.

“Small businesses make up 99.8% of Texas businesses and employ 45% of the Texas workforce,” said Heather Massey, vice president of communications for BBB serving the Heart of Texas. “They are a key component in the strength of the Texas economy, and the pandemic continues to take a heavy toll on their operations.”

Unfortunately, small business owners often must overcome multiple challenges for continued success and longevity. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Business Employment Dynamics, the survival rate of small businesses fluctuates significantly in the first 10 years of operation.

  • Approximately 82% of small businesses survive their first year in business.
  • Approximately 55% of small businesses survive their fifth year in business.
  • Approximately 35% of small businesses survive their 10th year in business.

To ensure entrepreneurs have every opportunity to succeed in their business venture, the SBA and BBB offer free webinars, training events and conferences during NSBW and throughout the year. Current and future business owners can attend these events by registering at and The theme for NSBW 2022 is Building a Better America Through Entrepreneurship, with SBA’s four-day virtual summit beginning on May 2. BBB is hosting various educational events in communities across Texas, including Victoria, Corpus Christi, Laredo, Boerne and Kingsville. The nonprofit organization is also partnering with the Ingleside Chamber of Commerce to host Small Business Appreciation Day, celebrating the achievements of small business owners and their role in local communities.

“BBB encourages consumers to shop locally during National Small Business Week to show support for their local business community,” said Massey.

This NSBW, show appreciation for the small businesses in your community by following these recommendations from your Better Business Bureau:

  • Shop local. Before buying an item from a major corporation, search your community to determine if a local retailer offers the same thing. Instead of purchasing the newest best-selling book or home gadget from a mass retailer or online, support your local community and meet the small business entrepreneurs in your area. Most companies have an option to order online and pick up at the store for even more convenience when shopping local.
  • Go to the source. While there will always be times when delivery is the best option, consumers should try to go directly to the source of purchase. Third-party delivery services charge restaurants fees to use their services, taking away from the profit margins of small businesses. Small businesses listing their products on “digital shops,” such as Amazon or eBay, may also have a percentage of the sale diverted to the hosting website. By going directly to the source of these products, consumers can support small businesses by removing the middleman.
  • Be social. Support small businesses in your community by “liking” them on social media, writing positive reviews, posting positive photos and tagging the company in your posts. Promoting these businesses through social channels has the same effect as “word-of-mouth” recommendations, enhancing their digital presence.
  • Participate in community events. Farmers’ markets, networking events, community celebrations and national holiday celebrations are fantastic avenues to support locally-owned small businesses, meet your community and learn what local businesses offer. It is also where ideas, opportunities, and knowledge can be shared, strengthening your small business community.
  • Offer assistance. Be generous and forthcoming with any help you can provide to a small business. If you have technical or skilled expertise, such as an electrician or a lawyer, consider offering your services to small businesses in your community at a discounted rate while they recoup from the disruption caused by the pandemic. If you see an area where a small business is struggling that you are knowledgeable of, offer recommendations and build mutually beneficial relationships.

Better Business Bureau hosts a resource center specifically tailored to the needs of small businesses across North America. Consumers can access these resources for free at



BBB Business: Cybersecurity Tips

BBB Business Tip: The top 5 cybersecurity practices every small business needs to do now

Cybercrime is a big problem for small businesses, and it’s only getting worse. According to McAfee Enterprise and FireEye’s latest report, Cybercrime in a Pandemic World: The Impact of COVID-19, 81% of global organizations have experienced increased cyber threats since the onset of the pandemic, and in 2020, the cost of cybercrimes reached approximately $4.2 billion, with small businesses being a popular target.

Another study revealed that 88% of small business owners felt their businesses was vulnerable to a cyberattack, stating they didn’t believe they had enough resources to protect themselves adequately.

The good news? You can take measures to protect your small business, and you should do so promptly.

Cybersecurity threats are on the rise

According to recent research from Accenture, companies experienced an average of 270 cyberattacks in 2021, a 31% increase from 2020. Of these 270 attacks, which included unauthorized access of data, applications, services, networks, or devices, 29 were successful, compared to an average of 22 successful attacks in 2020.

These numbers reflect the broader trend of an increasingly unsafe world. As technology advances and becomes more interconnected, cyberattacks are becoming more difficult to defend against, resulting in more and more small businesses becoming the victims of cybercrime.

Some of the trending cybersecurity concerns that experts say to be aware of in 2022 include:

  • Ransomware
  • Security holes in cloud-based systems, like email and online platforms
  • Advanced Persistent Threats (APT)
  • High-profile IoT (internet of things) hacks
  • Increased attacks on work-from-home computers/networks due to unpatched systems and architecture weaknesses
  • Social-engineering scams
  • Increased attacks on organizations’ supply chains

The only way to protect your small business from cybercrime is to take preventative action. Cybersecurity is no longer an option – it’s a necessity. It’s time to gather your team and develop a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy for your small business.

Five cybersecurity practices every small business needs to follow 

Cyberattacks are a constant threat to businesses of all sizes. Small businesses are particularly susceptible to data breaches and cyberattacks because they are not always equipped with the proper tools and resources to combat these threats. However, there are still some valuable steps you can take to protect your business. Here are five cybersecurity practices every small business should implement right away:

Train all employees in cybersecurity best practices

One of the most critical security measures for small businesses is training all employees on the best cybersecurity practices. This ensures that your employees understand the risks associated with accessing company data and systems, and it provides them with the knowledge and tools necessary to protect themselves from cybercrime.

To effectively educate your employees, provide them with clear cybersecurity policies that outline the risks, the defenses in place and the steps they can take to protect themselves. You can also offer formal cybersecurity training programs to ensure they are up to date on the latest threats and solutions.

Implement role-based access control (RBAC)

One of the most effective ways to protect your data and systems from cyberattacks is implementing role-based access control (RBAC). RBAC allows you to assign specific permissions to different employees based on their role in the company, controlling who has access to what data.

For instance, you can grant certain employees access to the company’s email system, and grant others access to the company’s digital sales platform. This ensures that employees only have access to the systems and data required to do their job.

This also prevents employees from accessing sensitive data that they don’t need, which reduces their risk of becoming a victim of data theft.

Initiate automated remote backup and data recovery

Protecting data is one of the most crucial cybersecurity practices for small businesses. One of the best ways to protect your data from cyberattacks is by initiating automated remote backup and data recovery, which allows you to store an extra copy of your data offsite in a secure location.

An automated remote backup and data recovery solution not only safeguards your data from cyberattacks, but it also provides you with the ability to restore your data in the event of a data breach.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

MFA requires users to provide additional information to prove their identity when accessing company data and systems beyond just their username and password. This additional information may include a code texted to your mobile device, a thumbprint, etc.

MFA makes it significantly more difficult for cybercriminals to access your data and systems, providing an added layer of security if a cybercriminal circumvents your password. While MFA used to stop at two-factor authentication, it now typically involves several steps to ensure the person trying to gain access is who they claim to be.

Secure your Wi-Fi networks

Finally, one of the most crucial cybersecurity practices for small businesses is properly securing your Wi-Fi networks to ensure your employees are connecting to a safe network when they access the internet through your business.

You can secure your Wi-Fi networks by using a VPN to encrypt internet traffic that passes through, using a firewall to block cybercriminals and using a host intrusion prevention system (HIPS) to detect and block cyberattacks.

For more tips on how to maximize small business cybersecurity, visit