Corpus Christi Association of Realtors has posted the Padre Island Corpus Christi Housing Report for February 2025.

Our active listing median prices have softened the past month to $379,000 which is actually a 4.4% decrease from where it was compared to last February at this time! CCAR shows us the data that has risen for active listings t0 35.1% with a total of 350 properties this past month compared to February 2024 while inventory also rose to 12.3 compared to 8.6 last year at this time.

Days on the market increased this past month with an average of 134 days and the highest categories for sales with 30% of all the sales being priced between $500,000 – $749,999. The market is continuing to show signs of stability with properties available across many pricing areas. Padre Island’s newest development Whitecap NPI is open for sales of their lots in Phase 1, Contact Coastline Properties Agent Ms. Amber Spicak at their office for all pre-sales.

The median estimate (year-over-year, not seasonally adjusted) for the consumer price index (CPI) for the month of February 2025 is 2.9%. If 2.9% is the actual year-over-year increase in the CPI, it will mark a decrease from the previous month. It will also be below the trailing 12-month average of 3.0%.

Cheri Sperling is the owner of Coastline Properties with a dedicated team of agents specializing in residential listings, sales, and property management in the Padre Island Corpus Christi real estate market. Coastline’s team is the most knowledgeable real estate office on Padre Island. No pressure style, patience, and an intimate understanding of the local market. They go to work for you!


Padre Island Corpus Christi February 2025 Data (Click Pic below for Larger Image)


Safety is a City priority for Spring Break on Padre Island

The sound of waves crashing against the shore, seagulls soaring overhead, and families laughing as they create lasting memories, this is the experience of many visitors and residents on The Island, Whether you’re a local or traveling from afar, we know safety is a top priority when celebrating Spring Break.

Here on The Island, we are committed to providing a safe and family-friendly environment without compromising the well-being of our residents and visitors. Our beaches are a treasure, offering both relaxation and adventure, but safety should always come fist. Whether you’re soaking up the sun, swimming in the Gulf, or driving along the shoreline, taking simple precautions ensures a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone.

The City of Corpus Christi, along with our dedicated first responders, lifeguards, and beach patrol, works tirelessly to keep our coastline safe. Beach flags are posted daily to indicate water conditions, and we encourage everyone to stay informed before swimming. Rip currents can be strong, to swimming near lifeguard stations and knowing how to react it caught in a current can be lifesaving.

The Corpus Christi Police Department is committed to maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment for all. Expect additional officers patrolling both roadways and beaches to assist where needed. Due to the influx of visitors, CCPD will deploy specialized units across The Island, including a Mobile Command Vehicle, Crime Reduction Unit, Dedicated Patrol Officers, Drone Officers, Enduro Officers, Traffic Unit, and DWI Enforcement Unit. In addition to regular patrols, two daily overtime shifts with 6 to 8 oficers will provide enhanced security and community support.

Before heading out, don’t forget that 2025 Beach Parking Permits are available for $12, granting year-round access to The Island’s stunning Gulf Coast beaches. More than just a pass, your permit helps fund lifeguard services and keep our shores clean. Visit the city’s website or check news releases for more information.

As you enjoy Spring Break, remember to check daily surf conditions, drive responsibly, follow speed limits, and watch for pedestrians, especially children near the water’s edge.

Spring Break on The Island is about making lasting memories. By staying aware of your surroundings, respecting the environment, and looking out for one another, we can ensure that fun and safety go hand-in-hand.

Paulette Guajardo, Mayor of the City of Corpus Christi

February 2025 Heart Health Month

The month of February is designated as Heart Month. This month strives to educate the
public about the importance of improving heart health. This endeavor aims to help people
identify and understand helpful adjustments that can be made to increase heart health. The term
“heart disease” refers to several types of heart conditions. In the United States, the most common
type of heart disease is coronary artery disease, which can lead to heart attack. You can greatly
reduce your risk for heart disease through lifestyle changes and, in some cases, medicine. There
are several everyday things that we can do in achieving healthier lives for 2025. With this
designation, both the American Heart Association along with the US Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) have put out some great information.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States.
Every year, 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease. The good news is that heart disease can
often be prevented when people make healthy choices and manage their health conditions.
Communities, health professionals, and families can work together to create opportunities for
people to make healthier choices. National trends show heart disease death rates are declining
more slowly than they have in the past, especially among adults ages 35 to 64. The CDC
Division of Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention and Million Hearts is focused on letting
younger adults know they are not immune to heart disease, but that they can reduce their risk—at
any age—through lifestyle changes and by managing medical conditions. For more information
and statistics about heart disease visit

Here are some tips from the CDC to take control of your heart health:
 Find time to be active. Aim for at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week.
 Make healthy eating a habit. Small changes in your eating habits can make a big
difference. Try making healthier versions of your favorite recipes by looking for ways to
lower sodium and trans-fat. Additionally, try to incorporate more fruits and vegetables.

 Quit tobacco. Smoking cigarettes and using other tobacco products affects nearly every
organ in your body, including your heart. Visit the CDC website for great tips on how to

 Know your numbers. High blood pressure and high cholesterol are major risk factors for
heart disease. Ask your health care team to check your blood pressure and blood
cholesterol levels regularly and help you take steps to control your levels.
 Stick to the “script”. Taking your medications can be tough, especially if you feel fine.
However, focusing on your medication routine is important for managing and controlling
conditions that could put your heart at risk.

The American Heart Association (AHA) is an organization that helps bring heart health
knowledge, leadership, and resources to all levels of government. Whether it is the federal, state,
or local level, the AHA identifies ways of educating the public and develops systems of care that
work to help acute conditions, which will result in helping to improve the patient’s outcomes.
Many of these systems coordinate impacted people to help them recover, while also improving
the cost-effectiveness of their care. These systems of care generally are tailored by more
localized methods that focus on certain regions of the nation and individual states. The
Association uses collected data that helps a seamless transition from each stage of care. It is with
these types of awareness and outreach that they hope will save lives. If you would like to learn
more information about healthy tips on cardiovascular health, you can visit the American Heart
Association’s website at .

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my
office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to
contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time
to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office,

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces County (Part). He can be contacted
at or at 512-463-0672.

BBB Scam Alert: Recognizing the red flags of a utility scam during freezing weather

Weather forecasts over the next week predict near or below-freezing temperatures across most of Texas, introducing the first cold snap of the winter season. As residents prepare their homes and businesses, chances are high that scammers will take advantage of the situation by impersonating utility companies and using the threat of disconnection to entice immediate payment.

Be wary of texts, phone calls or emails from the utility company that services your area, claiming that they will shut your heat off immediately unless payment is made. According to the Public Utility Commission of Texas, an electric utility company cannot disconnect a customer anywhere in its service area on a day when:  

The previous day’s highest temperature did not exceed 32 degrees Fahrenheit, and the temperature is predicted to remain at or below that level for the next 24 hours, according to the nearest National Weather Service (NWS) reports. 

For residents who rely on a gas heating system rather than electric, disconnection of a delinquent residential customer is prohibited under these same conditions, except where there is a known dangerous condition that stems from the gas being supplied to the residence.  

If contacted by your utility company demanding immediate payment during freezing temperatures, remain calm and contact your utility company through the phone number listed on your most recent bill to verify the situation. Complaints against a utility company for failure to comply with any of the Public Utility Commission of Texas’ rules can be filed online at  

Keep a lookout for some of these red flags of a utility scam:

Regular payment portals are inoperable. The scammer may claim that an automatic payment failed to go through due to complications with the utility company’s payment portal. They may attempt to collect payment directly over the phone or will provide a link to an alternative payment portal. 

Threats of immediate disconnection. Scammers thrive on emotional manipulation, and, during freezing temperatures, they understand how to capitalize on people’s fear of being without heat. Contact your utility company directly any time the threat of immediate disconnection is used. 

Use of links in texts or emails. Be wary of following any links or contacting a utility company through a provided callback number in a text or email. Always contact the utility company using a known, trusted method, such as through its official website portal, mobile app, or phone number listed on a recent bill. 

Service bundling. Some scammers claim they can bundle a target’s electricity, gas, internet, or other utility providers into a single bill which will save the customer money. Be wary of these claims and verify affiliation or partnership with the utility service provider before engaging with these services. 

Better Business Bureau recommends customers review their utility provider’s policies and scam prevention guidelines regarding delinquent payments or contact. Many will specifically describe the type of information they will request over the phone, how to verify a legitimate employee, and other details that can help avoid utility scams. 

For more information on how to stay safe from scams during winter weather, visit


Human Trafficking Awareness 2025

The month of January serves as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Governor Abbott has proclaimed January 2025 as Human Trafficking Prevention Month. During this month, advocates, organizations, and individuals unite to raise awareness about this very important issue. According to the Department of Homeland Security, human trafficking is “modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act.” Human trafficking is not the same as human smuggling, which involves the illegal transportation of a person across a border. Victims of human trafficking are of all genders, ages, races, countries, socioeconomic statuses, and so on. While human trafficking can happen to anyone, people who are already in vulnerable situations – such as people experiencing homelessness – may be more likely to be targeted.

Human trafficking is often thought to be an international issue, however, this crime exists in all fifty states within the United States. Human trafficking has become the second-largest criminal activity/industry in the US and generates billions of dollars in illegal profits annually. According to the Human Trafficking Institute, 22,326 people were identified as victims or survivors of human trafficking. In addition to this, The National Human Trafficking Hotline reported that over 11,500 human trafficking cases were reported in the U.S. Approximately 1,080 of these cases were reported from within Texas. It is crucial to continue to be proactive and increase our partnerships and collaborations with organizations or governmental entities locally and throughout our nation to stop this activity and bring awareness to this issue.

In order to prevent human trafficking, we must expand our knowledge of the issue.  Understanding what human trafficking is and how to recognize it is essential.  Some resources to review are the Polaris Project and the Blue Campaign To research statistics and other facts about human trafficking in Texas, visit the Texas Human Trafficking Task Force Reports

The Texas Legislature continues to work diligently to introduce legislation to combat this industry. For this reason, the current anti-human trafficking laws were reviewed and revised throughout the most recent Legislative Session to ensure the prosecution of these criminals continues and stops others from being involved in these activities. The goal is to create laws that stop, prevent, and end the human trafficking epidemic.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office.  Please always feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

 Rep. Hunter represents Nueces County (Part).  He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672


Corpus Christi Association of Realtors has posted the Padre Island Corpus Christi Housing Report for November 2024.

Our active listing median prices have softened the past month to $485,000 which is actually a 20.1% increase from where it was compared to last November at this time! CCAR shows us the data that has risen for active listings t0 33.6% with a total of 322 properties this past month compared to November 2023 while inventory also rose to 11.5 compared to 7.3 last year at this time.

Days on the market stayed steady this past month with an average of 86 days and the highest categories for sales with 30.4% of all the sales being priced between $300,000 – $399,999. The market is still softening a bit as we head into the last month of 2024 with properties available across many pricing areas. Padre Island’s newest development Whitecap NPI is open for sales of their lots in Phase 1, Contact Coastline Properties Agent Ms. Amber Spicak at their office for all pre-sales.

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose by 0.3 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis in November versus the prior month, following four consecutive months of 0.2 percent increases. Over the past 12 months, the all-items index has increased by 2.7 percent before seasonal adjustment.

Cheri Sperling is the owner of Coastline Properties with a dedicated team of agents specializing in residential listings, sales, and property management in the Padre Island Corpus Christi real estate market. Coastline’s team is the most knowledgeable real estate office on Padre Island. No pressure style, patience, and an intimate understanding of the local market. They go to work for you!


Padre Island Corpus Christi November 2024 Data (Click Pic below for Larger Image)


National Impaired Driving Awareness Month

The month of December is proclaimed as National Drunk & Drugged Driving Prevention Month or National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. The time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day is described by the National Association of Drug Court Professionals as “One of the deadliest and most dangerous times on America’s roadways due to an increase in impaired driving.” Therefore, for more than 40 years, preventionists across the country have observed National Impaired Driving Prevention Month in December to raise awareness that impaired driving can be deadly and to put strategies in place for all of us to make it home safely.

Over 10,000 American lives are lost to drunk and drug-impaired driving each year, accounting for nearly a third of all traffic deaths. In addition to this, The National Highway Safety Traffic Administration (NHTSA) reported that in 2019 during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, 210 lives were lost due to alcohol-impaired driving crashes. A person’s ability to operate a vehicle is impaired by the effects of illegal drugs, prescription medication, over-the-counter medication, or a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.08 grams per deciliter or higher.

Accidents caused by driving under the influence are preventable. Here are a few tips to keep in mind. Firstly, always plan ahead. Designate a sober driver, and arrange for an alternative route home just in case. Second, if you are a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or even friend, talk to your loved ones to remind them how important it is to be responsible and stay safe. Additionally, if you are the one hosting the party, always offer a non-alcoholic option for drinks for your guests so they can still have a good time eating and drinking with everyone else. This holiday season, each of us has the power to prevent a tragedy and ensure that those we know and care about get to and from their celebrations. If we practice prevention to keep ourselves and our communities safe, the holidays can be full of the joy we expect them to be.

To learn more about National Impaired Driving Prevention month please visit Additionally, you can visit National Safety Council to learn more about impaired driving and safety tips Along with this Mothers Against Drunk Driving also known as MADD, is a great resource to learn about the statistics and prevention of impaired driving. They also provide support to those who are victims of these horrible crimes. Their website is

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces County (Part). He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672.


Corpus Christi Association of Realtors has posted the Padre Island Corpus Christi Housing Report for September 2024.

Our active listing median prices have dipped the past month to $487,000 which is actually a 25.2% increase from where it was compared to last September at this time! CCAR shows us the data that has risen for active listings t0 36.6% with a total of 321 properties this past month compared to September 2023 while inventory also rose to 11.9 compared to 6.6 last year at this time.

Days on the market for sale increased this past month with an average of 143 days and the highest categories for sales with 22.2% of all the sales being priced between $300,000 – $399,000 and $750,000 – $999,999. The market is still softening a bit as we head into the holidays with properties available across many pricing areas. Padre Island’s newest development Whitecap NPI is open for sales of their lots in Phase 1, Contact Coastline Properties Agent Ms. Amber Spicak at their office for all pre-sales.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by 0.7% between September 2023 and September 2024, down from an annual increase of 1.7% in the 12 months to August 2024. Excluding energy and unprocessed food, the CPI went up by 2.4% in the 12 months to September 2024. The current federal funds rate is 4.75% to 5.00%. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) set this target range at its September 17–18, 2024 meeting. This was a 50 basis point decrease, or 0.50 percentage point, from the previous rate.

Cheri Sperling is the owner of Coastline Properties with a dedicated team of agents specializing in residential listings, sales, and property management in the Padre Island Corpus Christi real estate market. Coastline’s team is the most knowledgeable real estate office on Padre Island. No pressure style, patience, and an intimate understanding of the local market. They go to work for you!


Padre Island Corpus Christi August 2024 Data (Click Pic below for Larger Image)


Reduced Mortgage Rates Aren’t Enticing Buyers

Though there have been only modest increases in house buying activity, borrowing costs have dropped to their lowest point in over a year.Although mortgage rates have dropped recently, prospective homeowners are exercising caution rather than jumping back into the market to take advantage of the lower rates. According to Freddie Mac, the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage’s average rate this week was 6.47%.

The number of mortgage applications for home purchases is still notably lower, despite the fact that mortgage rates are at their lowest point in over a year. According to the Mortgage Bankers Association, applications rose by just 1% last week and are still 11% lower than they were a year ago.

Joel Kan, the MBA’s deputy chief economist, states that “despite the downward movement in rates, purchase activity only saw small gains, with an increase in conventional purchase applications offset by decreases in government purchase applications.” “In certain regions of the country, the inventory of homes for sale is starting to rise gradually, and potential reductions in interest rates may be delaying the entry of buyers into the market.”

Those who are purchasing a home are saving money, especially as compared to last autumn when the average mortgage rate was significantly higher. For instance, assuming a 20% down payment on a $400,000 property, a monthly mortgage payment at this week’s 6.47% average would equal almost $2,016, according to Jessica Lautz, deputy chief economist at the National Association of REALTORS®. However when interest rates reached a record high of 7.79% in October 2023, the monthly mortgage payment was $3,420. According to Lautz, that is almost $285 more per month than the prices as of this week.

She continues, “Weekly mortgage rates are at their lowest level since May 2023.” The largest drop in mortgage interest rates in a single week has occurred in the last nine months. Those who refrained from purchasing a home while waiting for interest rates to drop: those rates have now dropped.

According to senior economist Sam Khater of Freddie Mac, the drop in mortgage rates should start to entice potential homebuyers and “pique their interest in making a move.” Furthermore, some current homeowners are already taking advantage of the opportunity to refinance thanks to the rate cut; the market share of mortgage applications for refinancing has reached nearly 42%, the largest since March 2022.

Article created from NAR


Corpus Christi Association of Realtors has posted the Padre Island Corpus Christi Housing Report for June 2024.

Our active listing median prices have risen the past month to $476,000 which is actually a 10.8% increase from where it was compared to last June at this time! CCAR shows us the data that has risen for active listings t0 49.3% with a total of 327 properties this past month compared to June 2023 while inventory also rose to 10.5 compared to 4.3 last year at this time.

Days on the market for sale decreased this past month with an average of 81 days and the highest categories for sales with 32.4% of all the sales being priced between $500,000 – $749,999. The market is very stable so far into 2024 with properties available across many pricing areas. Padre Island’s newest development Whitecap NPI is open for sales of their lots in Phase 1, Contact Coastline Properties Agent Ms. Amber Spicak at their office for all pre-sales.

Forecasts for the June Consumer Price Index report agree that overall inflation continued to soften in June, thanks to falling prices for energy and used cars. Inflation has fallen dramatically from its peak of 9.1% in 2022. Still, the Federal Reserve has said it is awaiting more confidence that price pressures are easing toward its target before it begins to cut interest rates and loosen monetary policy.

Cheri Sperling is the owner of Coastline Properties with a dedicated team of agents specializing in residential listings, sales, and property management in the Padre Island Corpus Christi real estate market. Coastline’s team is the most knowledgeable real estate office on Padre Island. No pressure style, patience, and an intimate understanding of the local market. They go to work for you!


Padre Island Corpus Christi June 2024 Data (Click Pic below for Larger Image)


Corpus Christi’s Long-Term Water Needs

Addressing Corpus Christi’s Long-Term Water Needs

By Drew Molly, P.E., Chief Operating Officer of CCW

We all need water to survive, and communities are no different. Without water, communities are not able to
grow and thrive, let alone survive, so its importance to all of us cannot be overstated.
As a coastal community, Corpus Christi has a long, rich history, but none of this would have been possible
without the availability of fresh water. For years, communities in the Coastal Bend have relied on rivers and
manmade reservoirs to meet all of their water needs. However, as more people and businesses have found
their way to our region, this has put greater demands on all public services, including the availability of water.
Only relying on Mother Nature to consistently provide enough rainwater for Corpus Christi to prosper and
grow is no longer a viable solution. This is especially the case when considering the prolonged drought in our
Nueces River Watershed, and the direct impact it has on the reservoir levels of Lake Corpus Christi and Choke

Unfortunately, both the near- and long-term outlooks for getting enough rainfall to address the ongoing water
shortage are not promising. This is why many communities in South Texas are looking at ways to secure
reliable, drought-proof sources of water. Corpus Christi is leading this effort by proceeding with plans to build
a seawater desalination plant along the Inner Harbor that, when operational, will supply up to 30 million
gallons of clean water daily.

Adding this amount of new water to the current system is significant, as CCW (Corpus Christi Water) is
responsible for supplying water to more than 500,000 people in seven counties in the Coastal Bend. The city’s
existing sources of water – the Nueces, Lavaca Navidad and Colorado rivers and related reservoirs – will
remain important, but the addition of a high-capacity desalination plant that consistently generates millions of
gallons of clean, drinkable water will positively counteract the impacts that droughts are having on the system.
It should also be emphasized that the Inner Harbor Seawater Desalination Treatment Plant will be a much
needed second water treatment plant. The entire region depends on one water treatment plant, which was
constructed in 1954 and had one additional treatment module added in 1981. While this facility continues to
operate well, it is time for the Region to add a second facility that provides a completely new and drought-
proof water supply.

The stakes are high, but much thought and research has gone into the process, which is nearly 20 years in the
making. Besides adding much-needed water to the local supply, the new desalination plant will be fully
integrated into the city’s existing infrastructure and regional system, as well as lead to improvements in the
local power grid and create an estimated 3,500 construction-related jobs.
This is all being done in a fiscally responsible, sustainable way that ensures we have a resilient water supply for
years to come. Great care is also being taken to be environmentally responsible. In short, we are utilizing
science and data to make sure the project is safe for sea life and will have minimal impact on our existing

Bottom line, seawater desalination is a sustainable and responsible solution that not only helps us meet the
city’s current and future demands for water, but it also provides a reliable, cost-effective and drought-proof

source of water for years to come using technology that is currently being used worldwide by many other
communities. To learn more about this important project, visit


Corpus Christi Association of Realtors has posted the North Padre Island Housing Report for January 2024.

Our active listing median prices have dipped the past month to $356,000 this past month which is an 8.5% decrease from where it was compared to last January at this time! CCAR shows us the data that is increasing for active listings by 77.9% with a total of 233 properties this past month while inventory Has risen at 7.5 compared to 2.5 last year at this time.

Days on the market for sale increased this past month with an average of 84 days and the highest categories for sales with 31.3% of all the sales being priced between $300,000 – $399,999. The market is still holding quite well moving into 2024 with properties available across many pricing areas. North Padre Island’s newest development Whitecap NPI is open for sales of their lots in Phase 1, Contact Coastline Properties Agent Ms. Amber Spicak at their office for all pre-sales.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 2.9% on a year-over-year basis in January, following a 3.4% gain in December. The largest contributor to headline deceleration was lower year-over-year prices for gasoline in January (-4.0%) compared with December (+1.4%)

Cheri Sperling is the owner of Coastline Properties with a dedicated team of agents specializing in residential listings, sales, and property management in the Padre Island real estate market. Coastline’s team is the most knowledgeable real estate office on Padre Island. No pressure style, patience, and an intimate understanding of the local market. They go to work for you!


North Padre Island November 2023 Data (Click Pic below for Larger Image)


2024 Barefoot Mardi Gras Padre Island

Barefoot Mardi Gras 2024

Presented by COASTLINE PROPERTIES !!     

Why: To raise money for the Texas Sealife Center & Operation Finally Home

Fat Friday Kick-Off Party Sponsored By Todd Hunter

Where:                        Waterline Bar @ Doc’s Seafood & Steaks

When:                         Friday, January 19 th, 2024               –               6:00pm – 10:00pm

What:                          Let the celebration begin!!                   Food drink, music, and a huge silent auction with all proceeds going to our charities.

Barefoot Mardi Gras 2024 King & Queens Ball Sponsored by The Elect Michael McCauley Campaign

Where:                       Wyndham Resort Padre Island

When:                         Saturday, February 3, 2024   –                            7:00pm – 11:00pm

What:                          It all leads up to the Ball!    A new King & Queen will be crowned in an authentic New Orleans style procession. Music, food and adult fun. 21 and over please.

Barefoot Mardi Gras Parade 2024 Presented By Physicians Premier ER

Where:                       Whitecap Beach to the Briscoe King Pavilion at Padre Balli Park

When:                         Saturday, February 10, 2024   –                            11:00am

What:                          Fantastic entries expected with beads and candy throwing from unique creative floats, golf carts and walking groups.

For more information for tickets and entries, please check the website and Facebook page.

Contact email:

BBB Tip: Five Resolutions For a Fraud-free New Year

The loss of money, personal information, and perseverance of scammers continue with online purchase scams as the riskiest of scams.

BBB recommends adding a few precautionary steps to the New Year’s resolution list and the weight loss and financial goals to help make the upcoming days and months fraud-free.

  • I resolve to be cautious with email.  Be wary of unsolicited emails from a person or a company. Remember, scammers can make emails look like they are from a legitimate business, government agency, or reputable organization (even BBB!). Never click on links or open attachments in unsolicited emails.
  • I resolve never to send money to strangers. If you haven’t met a person face-to-face, don’t send them money. This is especially true if the person asks you to transfer funds using a pre-paid debit card or CashApp. Money sent to strangers in this way is untraceable, and once it is sent, there’s no getting it back. Scammers will try to trick you into panicking – so before making a move,  think the situation through. Don’t fall for it!
  • I resolve to do research before making online payments and purchases. Research the retailer before entering payment information when shopping online, or if asked to pay online, research the retailer before entering payment information. Ask: Is this a person or business I know and trust? Do they have a working customer service number? Where is the company physically located? Would I be making payments through a secure server (https://….com)? Have I checked to see if others have complained?
  • I resolve to use my best judgment when sharing my personal information. Sharing sensitive personal information with scammers opens the door to identity theft. Never share financial information, birthdate, address, Social Security/Social Insurance number, or Medicare number with an unsolicited caller.
  • I resolve to be social media smart. Use privacy settings on social media and only connect with people you know. Be careful about including personal information in your profile, and never reveal your address and other sensitive information – even in a “fun” quiz. Scammers may use this information to make themselves pass as friends or relatives and earn your trust. Also, be careful when buying products you see on social media. BBB Scam Tracker has received thousands of complaints about misleading Facebook and Instagram ads.For more information

For more information

To learn more about scams, go to For more about avoiding scams, check out If this scam has targeted you, help others avoid the same problem by reporting your experience at

La Posada – Toys For Tots

With the holidays in full swing, it’s the perfect time for the residents of the
Coastal Bend to join together to assist those less fortunate. In the spirit of the holidays, I
wanted to take this opportunity to bring attention to certain efforts in our area that will
benefit many families this holiday season.

Toys for Tots is a nationwide campaign and has very strong roots and
participation in Corpus Christi, Port Aransas, Rockport-Fulton, and the Coastal Bend
area. The initiative began in 1947, when Marine Major Bill Hendricks collected and
donated 5,000 toys to children in their city. The campaign was so successful that Marine
Reserve Units around the country began collecting and donating toys, under the shared
objective to “bring the joy of Christmas to America’s needy children.” Since its inception
in 1947, the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program has distributed over 452
million toys to more than 209 million needy children across the country. Events are held
around the area to promote the Toys for Tots holiday drive effort from the public, along
with Marines from the local Naval Air Station who collect donations. With a great
military base, strong charity presence and generous-minded people and industry, District
32 is a great place for Toys for Tots to contribute to the children of our area. If you would

like to learn more or get additional info, please visit their website at: https://corpus-
In addition to this great organization, there are many other charitable events in
the area occurring this holiday season. To find volunteer opportunities, you can look at
Feeding Texas’s website As we prepare for the
holiday season, let’s join together in helping the community and bettering the lives of
those around us.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week's
article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel
free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state
agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. As
always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns or
comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32
Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and part of Nueces County. He can be contacted
at or at 512-463-0672.

National Epilepsy Awareness Month

The month of November is recognized as National Epilepsy Awareness Month.
According to the Epilepsy Foundation, 1 in 26 people will develop epilepsy in their lifetime. In
addition to this, 3.4 million Americans currently live with epilepsy. This means that epilepsy is
not rare and is actually more common than most people think. Since millions of Americans live
with epilepsy, it is important to understand the disease and how it affects people. National
Epilepsy Month is important because it is a time dedicated to learning about epilepsy and raising
awareness about the disease.

Epilepsy is a neurological condition in the brain that triggers seizures. As stated by the
Epilepsy Foundation, “doctors believe that seizures happen when a brain’s uncontrolled increase
of excess electrical activity obstructs its normal functions.” This means that a seizure causes a
short interruption to messages traveling back and forth within the brain. There are two types of
seizures. The first type of seizures are generalized seizures which affect both sides of the brain.
The other type of seizures are focal seizures which are located in just one area of the brain and
are also called partial seizures. A few symptoms of seizures are: temporary confusion, a staring
spell, stiff muscles, uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs, loss of
consciousness or awareness, psychological symptoms such as fear, and anxiety or deja vu. Once
a person has had two seizures, they are diagnosed with epilepsy.
Epilepsy has no identifiable cause in about half the people with the condition. In the other
half, the condition may be traced to various factors, including: genetic influence, head trauma,

brain abnormalities, infections, prenatal injury, and developmental disorders such as autism.
Even though there is no distinguishable cause of epilepsy, there are a few risk factors for
someone to develop epilepsy. A few of the risk factors are: age, family history, head injuries,
stroke and other vascular diseases, dementia, brain infections, and seizures in childhood.
For more information about epilepsy, please visit the Epilepsy Foundation’s website Along with this, the CDC is a
fantastic resource to learn more about the risk factors and types of seizures associated with
epilepsy Additionally, you can visit John Hopkins
Medicine to learn about the treatment options for epilepsy
If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my
office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to
contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time
to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office,

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and part of Nueces County. He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672.

BBB Scam Alert: How to spot a credit check scam when apartment shopping

Planning a move this summer? According to multiple BBB Scam Tracker reports, scammers
are using a new twist on fake rental ads to trick potential renters into compromising
sensitive personal information. While credit checks are a routine process many landlords
and rental companies use to evaluate potential renters, fraudulent rental listings are being
used to direct interested tenants to a website that requires personal information to run a
credit check. Unfortunately, the website is a data-mining operation that collects and sells
the information provided to the highest bidder, placing people who use it at an increased
risk of having their identity stolen.

Most often encountered while browsing rental listings online, scammers entice victims by
advertising a rental unit or home at prices significantly lower than what is typically found in
the area. They may claim to represent an established property company or an individual
landowner searching for trustworthy tenants. The listing often includes pictures, videos,
layouts, and other specifics that renters expect to see included in a rental advertisement.
Unfortunately, most of these pictures are either fabricated or stolen from a legitimate
listing, and the supposed landowner quickly disappears after the applicant submits their
information to the credit check website.

One consumer reported to BBB Scam Tracker they “gave my name, address and Social
Security Number to obtain my credit score from this website. I was asked to take a
screenshot of my score and send it to the same address that emailed me the link.
Afterward, I was sent an email with a showing time, but the house number was not listed on
this email or the listing on Craigslist.” All additional attempts to call and email the supposed
landowner went unanswered.

To avoid credit check rental scams, Better Business Bureau recommends renters:
Be wary of lower-than-usual prices. If the rent for an apartment or home is significantly
less than the going market rate for the area, consider it a red flag. Scammers often draw
people in with claims that sound too good to be true. Spend the time to compare the price
with other similar rental properties in the area to make an informed decision.
Do some research. Search the listing online through multiple sources using the associated
phone number, email address or physical address. If you find another listing for the same
property in a different city, you’ve spotted a scam. Reverse image searches can be helpful to
determine if the photos have been stolen from another listing, as well as searching for the
landowner’s name to check if anyone else has encountered a scam when interacting with

Always see the property in person. Many rental scams involve listings for properties that
don’t exist, are vacant lots, or are for sale. Be very wary if the property owner refuses to
disclose the rental property's location before you complete a credit check or pay them a
deposit. If the address provided is for a house that has a ‘For Sale’ sign in the yard, be
cautious because you might not be in contact with the actual owners.
Verify the property owner’s information. Contact a licensed real estate agent to see
who owns a property or check the county’s property appraiser website. Ask the property
owner for a copy of their ID to verify they are who they claim to be before you offer
sensitive information like your Social Security Number for a credit check.

Be cautious about credit check websites. Scammers are well-versed in making websites
appear legitimate and often create fake testimonials and reviews. Use reputable sources to
prove credit history, such as or consumer reporting companies
listed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
For more information about how to avoid scams while moving and renting,


Whether you’ve lived here for several decades or just a few months, it can take a while to feel like you belong. Often it’s not painting the walls and installing a new chandelier that will make you feel “at home” … try rather engaging in your community! But HOW?

Shape where you live:

Knowing what’s going on in your neighborhood gives you an opportunity to speak up on things that matter to you, like voting on a local ordinance, participating in school board elections, or petitioning for the new dog park you’d love to have. By getting involved, you can help make your community a better place to live.

Create stronger social ties:

Meet your neighbors – This is the easiest first step, and they are the perfect entry point for getting to know the larger community. If you’re a bit reserved and initiating a coffee invite seems daunting, try breaking the ice through neighborhood apps such as Nextdoor or Padre Island Neighbors They are a great avenue for starting conversations and can open the doors (literally!). People are the heart of any community, and when you get to know the neighbors, shopkeepers, and service people around you, you’ll feel like you belong.

Attend a neighborhood meeting – Our monthly POA meetings are open to the public! Come, listen, ask questions…this gives you a platform to discuss concerns and improvement opportunities, while also introducing you to key people within the community.

Get involved:

After you’ve met your neighbors and have attended some neighborhood meetings, have some fun!

Shop local – Your local coffee shop, friendly hardware store, welcoming car repair spot, pet store…just some of the shops that make our Island unique. Dine at our delicious family-owned restaurants, get your hair cut by our resident barber. Small businesses are at the core of a thriving community, and shopping local ensures the money you spend goes back into keeping our community vibrant.

Take to the streets – The Island is known for fishing tournaments, farmers’ markets, parades, races, etc. Show up! The more you stroll the booths and cheer on your fellow Islanders, the more social connections you’ll make.

Volunteer your time – There are ALWAYS places to volunteer. You’ll find shared interests and gain a sense of self reward. Clean up the beach, organize a food drive…giving back will always bring you closer to the community. This can also be in the form of joining or starting a club.

Protect your property value:

When you partner up with others in our community to work together to make The Island a safe, clean, fun place, you make the neighborhoods more attractive to people looking for a new home, driving up the area’s desirability and boosting property values. Better for ALL of us!

Your community is an extension of your home. When you invest in your community, it returns the favor by helping you.

Ultraviolet Safety Month

July is designated as National Ultraviolet (UV) Safety Month. According to the
American Cancer Society, individuals with a high level of exposure to UV rays from
the sun have an increased risk of skin cancer, which is the most prevalent type of
cancer in the country. It is important to note that despite these statistics, skin cancer is
also one of the most preventable forms of cancer and can be avoided by reducing one’s
exposure to UV radiation. As such, I would like to share some important information
on the necessary precautions to take in order to safeguard against the damaging effects
of UV radiation this summer as recommended by the United State Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS).

One of the most important ways to protect oneself from overexposure to UV
radiation is to understand the risks. While the sun emits UV rays no matter the season,
exposure is greatest during the summer months, which also coincides with a time of
increased outdoor activity for most people. As one of the most popular tourism
destinations in the state, this is especially true in our area as both locals and visitors
alike spend more time outside participating in recreational activities such as fishing,
kayaking and swimming. It is also important to note that the sun’s UV rays are
strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. As such, HHS recommends seeking shade when
possible, during these hours to limit exposure.

Moreover, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the
strength of the sun’s UV rays can vary from day to day due to many factors such as
changes in the weather. Limiting outdoor activity during days when the UV Index
forecast is high can also help reduce one’s chance of overexposure. You can check the
UV Index forecast to understand the exposure risks in our area daily by visiting Sun
Safety – The UV Index.

In addition to understanding your risk of exposure to UV radiation, another way
to reduce instances of skin cancer is by wearing protective clothing such as long-
sleeved shirts and pants. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has also stated that UV
radiation is linked to many common vision issues such as cataracts. To protect against
damage from UV radiation, both the CDC and HHS recommend wearing broad-
brimmed hats and UV-blocking sunglasses.

According to American Cancer Society, wearing sunscreen is one of the most
important precautionary measures to take in avoiding overexposure to the sun’s
harmful UV rays. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends
generously applying broad-spectrum sunscreen to cover all exposed skin, which will
help protect against both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. The FDA
also recommends using a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) at a value of at
least 15. Sunscreen should be generously applied throughout the day, especially after
swimming and sweating.

This summer, I hope you will all join me in promoting UV safety by following
the recommendations outlined above. To learn more about the ways you can prevent
overexposure to UV radiation, please visit the HHS July UV Safety Month information
visit Fun and Breezy – Summer Safety Tips. To learn more about skin cancer,
including risk factors and early detection techniques, please visit American Cancer

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s
article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel
free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state
agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. My
offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns, or comments
(Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces County (Part). He can be
contacted at or at 512-463-0672.

Shred It for Sealife to Benefit Texas Sealife Center



Coastal Financial and Padre Island Business Association (PIBA) are proud to announce their upcoming event, Shred It for Sealife, to benefit the Texas Sealife Center. This community shredding event and donation drive will be held on Saturday, June 10, 2023, from 9am to 12pm at Texas Sealife Center located at 14220 S Padre Island Dr.

A Shred-It truck will be on-site for individuals and businesses to dispose of their sensitive documents in a way that is secure and environmentally friendly. PIBA Ambassadors and volunteers will guide the public through the drop-off process. Donations of any amount are welcome and will go directly to the Texas Sealife Center, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of injured and sick sea turtles and other marine animals.

“We are excited to partner with Padre Island Business Association to host this event for the community.” Said Keith Clark, President of Coastal Financial. “Identity theft is a growing concern for my clients and many people, and we want to provide a safe and convenient way for them to dispose of their sensitive documents while also protecting the environment and supporting the efforts of the Texas Sealife Center. We hope to make Shred-It for Sealife an annual event and invite everyone in the community to participate.” Mr. Clark will also match the first $500 in donations.

What to Bring: Paper documents you’d like securely shred. Up to 5 containers (file boxes or equivalent) per person. Items NOT allowed: stiff metal, hanging folders, plastic bags, electronic devices, or items that will jam the shredder. You can contact the Coastal Financial office at (361) 949-3330 for more details.

Coastal Financial, LLC

Keith R. Clark, FA
14933 S Padre Island Dr
Corpus Christi, TX 78418
(361) 949-3330


Corpus Christi Association of Realtors has posted the Padre Island Housing Report for April 2023. Our active listing median prices dipped slightly the past month to $390,000 this past month which is 0.8% less than where it was compared to last April at this time!
CCAR shows us the data that significantly rising for active listings by 62.8% with a total of 166 properties this past month while inventory Has risen at 3.6 compared to 1.8 last year during the month of April.

Days on the market for sale are increasing from last month with an average of 88 days and the highest category for sales with 36.0% of all the sales being priced between $300,000 – $399,999. The market is staying quite strong as we move closer to summer. The consumer price index rose 4.9% in April 2023, the smallest increase in two years, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics said Wednesday in a monthly inflation report. The FED still showing signs of inflation continue to slow down if not holding steady. The Summer Housing market is right around the corner, and we are anticipating an extremely busy season.

Cheri Sperling is the owner of Coastline Properties with a dedicated team of agents specializing in residential listings, sales, and property management in the Padre Island real estate market. Coastline’s team is the most knowledgeable real estate office on Padre Island. No pressure style, patience, and an intimate understanding of the local market. They go to work for you!


Padre Island April 2023 Data (Click Pic below for Larger Image)


March is National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month which is an annual campaign created by the Academy
of Nutrition and Dietetics. I would like to discuss the importance of making informed food
choices by developing sound eating habits and through physical activity. Texas has been helpful
in promoting good nutrition for our citizens.

Since Texas has a diverse geography, this means that bountiful amounts of naturally
grown foods that are delicious and wholesome can be found throughout our state. Our farmers
grow nutritious vegetables and fruits in our well-kept Texas soils which allows for these foods to
have healthy amounts of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that our bodies need to
function properly. Specific foods rich in these nutrients are broccoli, blueberries, spinach,
cauliflower, tomatoes, peaches, squash, onions, tree nuts (pecans, almonds, etc.), oranges,
pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and many more. To learn more about Texan-grown products visit:

However, there is not a one-size- fits all approach to nutrition and health but there are
some major ingredients and processed foods to avoid. The most prominent food to steer clear is
added sugar. Foods with added sugar are often highly caloric and have harmful effects on our
organs. Additionally, foods with high fructose corn syrup and other artificial sweeteners have
been linked to severe health problems like obesity, cardiovascular (heart) disease and type two
diabetes. However, these sweeteners can be replaced with products such as raw honey or stevia
which are better alternatives to use in baking or iced/hot tea and coffee.

Another food group to be cautious with is artificial trans fats, also known as partially
hydrogenated oils. Trans fats have been linked with raising bad cholesterol and lowering good
cholesterol. This can lead to health risks such as high blood pressure which can cause poor blood
circulation in our bodies. The regular consumption of trans fats have also been shown to lead to
diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and obesity.

Taking advantage of all the wonderful whole foods our state has to offer is beneficial in
many ways because making smarter nutritional choices can go a long way. To learn more about
nutrition visit: In addition to this, you can visit the Texas Department
of Agriculture's website at For more information
about National Nutrition Month and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, please visit:

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article,
please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my
office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to
contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time
to assist with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office,

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter represents Aransas County and Nueces (Part) County. He can be contacted at or at 512-463-0672.


Corpus Christi Association of Realtors has posted the Padre Island Housing Report for December 2022. Our active listing median prices have slightly dipped to $353,250 this past month which is a fall of 3.8% compared to last December at this time!
CCAR continues to show us the data that shows active listings rising 36 % with a total of 136 properties this past month while inventory Has a slight decline to 2.6 compared to 1.7 last year during the month of December.

Days on the market for sale have slightly fallen to an average of 50 days on the market and the highest category for sales with 32.3% of all the sales was priced between $300,000 – $399,999. The market is holding steady which is normal after the Holidays. CPI Data has shown inflation is still lowering, and the fed still seems committed to getting inflation down to 2% and continue to signal more rate hikes to come.

Coastline Properties has been weathering the conditions of different markets since 1995. Prices are falling as more properties enter the market.A survey by Homes USA shows that new home prices have decreased recently.

The adjustment occurs in the midst of a market slump brought on by increased mortgage rates and the earlier increase in prices. Builders are therefore providing greater incentives to purchasers in an effort to enhance sales as inventory rises and new homes take longer to sell.

Real estate company HomesUSA, based in Dallas, analyzes data from multiple listing services and three-month averages for sales, pricing, active listings, and other metrics. This previous week saw a low in mortgage application volume as high mortgage rates continued to harm the housing market.

In 2021, new homes weren’t being added to the MLS since they were selling so quickly. The demand for homes was at its highest and most intense from spring 2020 through spring 2022. The patterns we are currently observing indicate that the local slowdown in new house sales might not just be a seasonal blip. Construction is being curtailed by builders as the market weakens. The houses you can currently see were started when the market was different. You can observe the results of those who entered into contracts only to have to cancel them when interest rates increased.

Soon, the spring housing market will begin, and we’ll probably want to know what to anticipate. The home market in 2023 might feel more like a nobody’s market after several years of a clear sellers’ market. More buyer advantages and slower home sales are something we anticipate. On the economic front, supply chain problems have started to get better and should keep getting better in the coming year. As interest rates and inflation reduce disposable income, we can anticipate the following five to six months to be sluggish. But the flooring and home improvement sectors will experience tremendous growth over the next five to six years.

Cheri Sperling is the owner of Coastline Properties with a dedicated team of agents specializing in residential listings, sales, and property management in the Padre Island real estate market. Coastline’s team is the most knowledgeable real estate office on Padre Island. No pressure style, patience, and an intimate understanding of the local market. They go to work for you!


Padre Island December 2022 Data (Click Pic below for Larger Image)


BBB Tip: Buying a car online

The ability to purchase goods and services online has permanently changed how countless industries conduct business.
The days of high-pressure sales tactics and price haggling are
largely in the past, as online marketplaces allow buyers to comparatively shop for the best
deal on the product they want across hundreds or thousands of sellers. Particularly when
purchasing expensive items, such as automobiles, online marketplaces allow buyers to
carefully evaluate advertised prices and compare them to other dealers.
However, interacting with an online marketplace does come with inherent risks, especially
when dealing with a private seller. BBB Scam Tracker receives multiple reports of
misrepresentative or fraudulent car purchasing scams every year, with often disastrous
results for the victim.

Fort Worth: Earlier in 2022, one Arlington-area resident reported encountering an online
seller who claimed to be deployed overseas and was selling their vehicle for $10,000. The
seller stated the vehicle would be shipped through a shipping company that did not exist,
and the address they provided was for a completely different company. When checking the
website of the shipping company, it claimed the business has been in operation since 1997,
but the website was registered in 2021 to a different company. With this information, the
buyer walked away from the transaction and reported their experience to Better Business

Austin/Waco/Bryan: In October, one active-duty military member stationed at Fort Hood
reported encountering an online seller who claimed their husband had passed away and was
selling his truck for $24,500. All transactions for the purchase would go through a provided
shipping company. The first red flags began to appear when the company would not provide
any requested information such as VIN numbers, accident report, owner history and would
only communicate via email and wire transfers. Suspicions raised, the buyer stated they,
“called the office number attached to the building’s location to find out they have no clue
who the company is and appreciate the information about a false company using their

Permian Basin: In October, one active-duty military member stationed at a Texas base
reported encountering an online seller who claimed their husband had passed away and was
selling his truck for $24,500. All transactions for the purchase would go through a provided
shipping company. The first red flags began to appear when the company would not provide
any requested information such as VIN numbers, accident report, owner history and would
only communicate via email and wire transfers. Suspicions raised, the buyer stated they,
“called the office number attached to the building’s location to find out they have no clue
who the company is and appreciate the information about a false company using their

San Antonio/Corpus Christi: In June, one South Texas resident found an online seller
advertising a 4X4 Jeep for $1,200 which claimed the vehicle was in McAllen, Texas. When
the buyer said they would travel to pick up the Jeep and pay the money, the seller suddenly
changed the story and said it was in Missouri. To purchase, the buyer was directed to
deposit the money in an unfamiliar account and the seller stated the vehicle had previously
been owned by a family member that had sadly passed away. Unfortunately, emotional
appeals like this are an all-too-common tactic of scammers.

If you are considering buying a car online, BBB recommends the following tips to
help you avoid getting scammed and get the best deal possible:
Set a budget. Before you set out to find the perfect car, it is important to establish a
budget. You will also want to factor in monthly expenses that come with owning a vehicle,
including insurance payments, fuel, parking, and routine maintenance and repairs. A clearly
defined budget will make choosing a vehicle, negotiating with a dealer, and getting a loan
much easier.

Do thorough research. Once you have narrowed your search, compare models you are
interested in keeping a close eye on safety ratings, owner reviews, and warranties. Visit
manufacturer websites to see detailed images of each car and research MPG statistics,
interior options, cargo space, towing capacity, and more. The additional time you spend on
these initial steps, the more comfortable you will feel when making a purchase.
Shop for a deal. These may include cash-back deals, rebates, low-interest financing
options, or incentives for recent graduates, military veterans, Uber and Lyft drivers, or first
responders. In addition, many dealers are willing to make price cuts on previous year
models or any model that did not sell as well as expected. Purchasing one of these surplus
vehicles can mean extra incentives from the dealer.

Speak with internet sales managers. When you find a car you are interested in, it is
time to get in touch with an internet sales manager. During your initial conversations, focus
on what car you want, whether they have it in stock or can get it, and how much they will
sell it for. If you are considering purchasing a certified pre-owned vehicle, now is the time to
ask for a copy of the vehicle history report.

Test drive the vehicle. You should always take a test drive before you sign the final
paperwork. There is no substitute for seeing a car in person, looking under the hood, sitting
in the driver’s seat, and making sure the engine runs smoothly. To do so, you may need to
travel to the dealer’s place of business. Alternatively, some dealers offer the ability to test
drive upon delivery, and if anything isn’t as expected, you may cancel the sale.
Complete the sale at the dealer or upon delivery.  It is still usually necessary to sign
the final paperwork in person. If you would rather avoid visiting the dealership, ask about
delivery. Some dealers will drop off the car at your home or place of business and allow you
to sign upon delivery.

Avoid online car sales scams
There are plenty of pros to buying a car online, but caution is needed as well. Anytime you
shop online, and especially when making an expensive purchase like a car, you should keep
the following tips in mind:

 Watch out for too good to be true deals. They are most likely a scam. Scammers
often steal consumers’ personal information and money by offering them high-value
goods at highly discounted prices.
 Never wire funds or complete bank-to-bank transactions. Scammers love this
kind of transaction because there is no way to get your money back once completed.
Instead, make legitimate purchases by check or credit card.
 Contact the seller by phone. At some point during your negotiations, speak with
the sales manager on the phone. If they are unusually vague about specific details of
the sale or cannot confirm their location or the vehicle location, it’s most likely a
 See the car first. Never buy a car without making an in-person inspection and
taking a test drive first.
 Don’t give in to pressure. Scammers often try to pressure you to give up your
personal information or make a down payment before you have time to think about
the purchase. Take your time and consider a deal over before agreeing to anything.
 Don’t trust a seller or buyer who says that eBay, PayPal, Craigslist, or
another online marketplace guarantee the transaction. These sites explicitly
explain they cannot guarantee that people using their services are legitimate.

To learn more, see the BBB tips on buying a new car and buying a used car. You can also
lookup car dealerships at to check their business rating and read customer reviews.
Find new car dealers near you and used car dealers near you.


A La Entrada – An expedition or journey into unexplored territory, or, in Spanish it means Entrance.

Almeria – A city of southeast Spain on the Gulf of Almería, an arm of the Mediterranean Sea.

Aloha – Hawaiian word used when greeting or parting from someone.

Aquarius – The Water Bearer, a zodiacal constellation – A good person who doesn’t judge.

Aruba – An island in the Netherlands Antilles, in the West Indies.

Atascadera – Atascadero in Spanish means stumbling-block.

Barataria – A bay in The Gulf of Mexico, off Louisiana (See Laffite).

Beaufort – An empirical measure that relates wind speed to observed conditions at sea or on land.

Binnacle – A built-in housing for a ship’s compass.

Blackbeard – Nickname of Edward Thatch who was a notorious English pirate who operated around the West Indies and the eastern coast of the American colonies.

Bonasse – Easy-going and simple-minded.

Bounty – A British naval ship commanded by Captain William Bligh, which was on a scientific voyage in 1789 between Tahiti and the West Indies when her crew mutinied.

Bowsprit – A spar, extending forward from the stem of a ship, to which the stays of the foremast are fastened.

Brigantine – A two-masted sailing ship, square-rigged on the foremast and having a fore-and-aft mainsail, often with square main topsails.

Broomsedge – Broom sedge: any of several grasses of the genus Andropogon.

Bullion – Gold or silver considered in mass rather than in value.

Cabana – A cabin, hut, or shelter, especially one at a beach or swimming pool.

Cabo Blanco – It’s a fishing village in northwestern Peru, or in Spanish, “White Terminal.”

Camino De Oro – In Spanish, meaning “Path to Gold.”

Camino De Plata – In Spanish, meaning “Path to Silver.”

Canadian Mist – A brand of Blended Canadian whisky produced by the Brown-Forman Corporation.

Capstan – A revolving cylinder with a vertical axis used for winding a rope or cable, powered by a motor or pushed around by levers.

Captain Kidd – 1645(ish)–1701, he was a Scottish navigator and privateer who was hanged for piracy.

Caravel – A small, fast Spanish or Portuguese sailing ship of the 15th–17th centuries.

Carlos Fifth – Carlos THE Fifth is the name of a creepy looking candy bar from Mexico, what you call someone that does something in a stupid manner.

Cartagena – A seaport in SE Spain.

Catamaran – A yacht or other boat with twin hulls in parallel.

Cayo Cantiles – Cayo, in Taíno meaning “small island,” Cantiles in Spanish meaning “cliff.”

Cayo Gorda Ct – Cayo, in Taíno meaning “small island,” Gorda in Spanish meaning “fat.”

Cobo De Bara – Cobo, meaning “sea snail” and Bara in Hebrew means “heaven and earth.”

Commodores – A naval officer of high rank, in particular an officer in the US Navy or Coast Guard ranking above captain and below rear admiral.

Coquina Bay – A soft limestone of broken shells, used in road-making in the Caribbean and Florida.

Cozumel – In Mexico, the name was given to it by the Spaniards; however its origin is derived from the words Cuzam (meaning Swallow) and Lumil (meaning land of).

Crossjack – The lowermost square sail set on the mizzenmast of a ship or of a bark with four or more masts.

Cruiser – A relatively fast warship larger than a destroyer and less heavily armed than a battleship.

Cumana – A city in NE Venezuela founded in 1523 that is the oldest European settlement in South America.

Cutlass – A short sword with a slightly curved blade, formerly used by sailors.

Cuttysark – It is a British clipper ship built on the River Clyde in 1869 for the Jock Willis Shipping Line and was one of the last tea clippers to be built.

Dasmarinas – It is the largest city in the province of Cavite, Philippines. In the 19th century during the Spanish Colonial Period, Dasmariñas was originally called Tampus meaning “end of the forest.”

Dorsal – Relating to the upper side or back of an animal, plant, or organ. Fin – an unpaired fin on the back of a fish or whale.

Doubloon – A Spanish gold coin.

Dragonet – A marine fish that often lies partly buried in the seabed; the male is brightly colored.

Ducat – A gold coin formerly current in most European countries.

Dyna – Simply defined as “power.”

Eaglesnest – The nest of a bird built high up on a cliff or on the top of a mountain OR a room or building built high up so that people inside can see things happening below them.

El Soccorro – It’s a Portuguese-Spanish noun meaning “help” or “relief.”

Emerald – A bright green precious stone consisting of a chromium-rich variety of beryl.

Encantada – In Spanish, means “delighted” as in “pleased to meet you.”

Escapade – An act or incident involving excitement, daring, or adventure.

Finistere – Element which has reached the limits of its expansion.

Flintlock – An old-fashioned type of gun fired by a spark from a flint.

Forestay – A stay leading forward and down to support a ship’s foremast.

Fortuna Bay – Fortuna was the goddess of fortune and personification of luck in Roman religion and was represented as veiled and blind, as in modern depictions of Justice, and came to represent life’s capriciousness.

Grenadine – A thin fabric of leno weave in silk, nylon, rayon, or wool. Presently, a syrup made from pomegranate juice.

Gun Cay – Where the Lighthouse is located less than 10 miles south of Bimini.

Gunwale – The upper edge of the side of a boat or ship.

Gypsy – A nomadic or free-spirited person.

Halyard – A rope used for raising and lowering a sail, spar, flag, or yard on a sailing ship.

Hawksnest – The nest of a bird of prey OR a house located high on a hill or mountain.

Highland Mist – A Blended Scotch Whisky.

Isabella – A wine made from the fox grape. Also, Queen Isabella  of Castile whose marriage to Ferdinand of Aragon in 1469 marked the beginning of the modern state of Spain.

Isla Colon – Isla meaning Island in Spanish, Colon is a city of northern Panama at the Caribbean entrance to the Panama Canal.

Isla Pinta – Isla menaing Island in Spanish, Pinta was the fastest of the three ships used by Christopher Columbus in his first transatlantic voyage in 1492.

Jackfish – A pike or sauger, especially the northern pike.

Jacktar – It was a common English term used to refer to seamen of the Merchant or Royal Navy. By World War I the term was used as a nickname for those in the U.S. Navy.

Jibstay – In schooners, the stay to which jibs are hanked.

Jolly Roger – A pirate’s flag with a white skull and crossbones on a black background.

Keel  – The longitudinal structure along the centerline at the bottom of a vessel’s hull, on which the rest of the hull is built, in some vessels extended downward as a blade or ridge to increase stability.

Key Largo – The largest island of the Florida Keys.

King Phillip – [War] (1675–77) the first large-scale military action in the American colonies, pitting various Indian tribes against New England colonists and their Indian allies.

La Blanquilla – (N) A very small coin, A Californian fish, A white grape.

Laffite – Pirate Jean Lafitte: he and his brothers smuggled goods to local merchants through the La Barataria (See Barataria) berth on the Louisiana coast in the early 1800s, after the Embargo Act of 1807 barred such trades. Barataria was far from the U.S. naval base, and ships could easily smuggle in goods without being noticed by customs officials. Later, legend has it, he came to our own Packery Channel, as, when pursued, Lafitte’s shallow draft boats could escape into the knee-deep Laguna Madre where larger boats could not follow. Folklore says that he buried treasure here, right near the Port A jetties, and marked it with a golden dagger. 

Lafitte – See Laffite. Pirate Jean Lafitte and his elder brother, Pierre, spelled their last name Laffite, but English-language documents of the time used “Lafitte.”

Lanyard – A rope threaded through a pair of deadeyes, used to adjust the tension in the rigging of a sailing vessel.

Leeward – On or toward the side sheltered from the wind or toward which the wind is blowing; downwind (see opposite, Windward).

Longboat – A large boat that may be launched from a sailing ship.

Main Royal – [mast] Part of the mainmast situated immediately above, and generally formed as a single spar with, the main topgallantmast.

Man O War – An armed sailing ship.

Mingo Cay – An island of the United States Virgin Islands.

Mizzen – The mast aft of a ship’s mainmast.

Mutiny – An open rebellion against the proper authorities, especially by soldiers or sailors against their officers.

Nemo – In Oromo it means “The Man,” but in Latin, the same word means “Nobody.”

Palmira – A city of western Colombia southwest of Bogotá where coffee and tobacco are grown.

Palo Seco – In Spanish means “without anything else.”

Peseta – The basic monetary unit of Spain (until replaced by the euro).

Pionciana – A tropical tree with showy red or red and yellow flowers.

Playa Del Rey – Spanish for “Beach of the King.”

Port Royal – It is a city located at the end of the Palisadoes at the mouth of the Kingston Harbour, in southeastern Jamaica founded in 1518.

Portillo – It literally means “small port” from Latin portus.

Ports O Call – An intermediate port where ships customarily stop for supplies, repairs, or transshipment of cargo.

Primavera – The hard, light-colored timber of a Central American tree.

Punta Bonaire – In Spanish, Punta: point, Bonaire: an island in the E Netherlands Antilles.

Punta Espada – In Spanish, Punta: point, Espada: sword.

Quarterdeck – The part of a ship’s upper deck near the stern, traditionally reserved for officers.

Queen Johanna – She was Queen of Naples and Countess of Provence and Forcalquier from 1343 until her death. She also reigned as Princess of Achaea and claimed the crowns of Jerusalem and Sicily.

Reales – A unit of currency in Spain for several centuries after the mid-14th century.

Royal Fifth – An old royal tax that reserves to the monarch 20% of all precious metals and other commodities acquired by his subjects as war loot, found as treasure or extracted by mining.

Sabre – A heavy cavalry sword with a curved blade and a single cutting edge.

Salt Cay – The second largest of the Turks Islands.

San Felipe – A city in NE Venezuela, on the Orinoco River.

Skysail – A triangular sail set on a stay between the fore and main trucks of a racing schooner.

Tajamar – Spanish for the cutwater.

Tesoro – Spanish for the word treasure.

Three Fathoms Bank – Fathom: a unit of length in the old imperial and the U.S. customary systems, used especially for measuring the depth of water.

Topgallant – The section of a square-rigged sailing ship’s mast immediately above the topmast.

Topsail – A sail, or either of a pair of sails, set immediately above the lowermost sail of a mast and supported by a topmast.

Tortuga – Spanish for the animal Turtle.

Verdemar – Spanish for the color sea-green.

Vincent – From a Latin word meaning “conquering.”

Whitecap – A small wave with a foamy crest.

Windjammer – A merchant sailing ship.

Windward – The side or direction from which the wind is blowing.

Yardarm – The outer extremity of a ship’s yard.

8 Surprising Facts About Identity Theft

BBB Tips:

Communication, work, school, shopping and even doctor’s visits have undergone massive digital transformations in the past year. Identity thieves are evolving right alongside us to better exploit victims in an increasingly digital world. The result is a sharp rise in both the number of fraud incidents and the amount of money lost ($712 billion in 2020 according to the Aite Group).

Check out these eight facts illustrating the scale of the identity theft crisis. Then, assess your risk and craft a plan to protect your identity.

  1. Fraud and identity theft rose by 45% from 2019 to 2020.

Life changed dramatically last year. Confusion over the COVID-19 pandemic collided with rapid transitions to remote work and learning. At the same time, many consumers lost jobs and loved ones. Together, these factors contributed to a sharp rise in scams, fraud and identity theft–nearly doubling the number of identity theft reports consumers submitted to the FTC in 2019.

  1. 29% of all reports submitted to the FTC were about identity theft.

Consumers nationwide submitted 1.4 million reports of identity theft to the FTC’s Consumer Sentinel Network. Identity theft was the most reported incident, topping common scam types like impostor and online purchase scams.

  1. Reports of thieves taking over accounts have increased 72% since 2019.

As more services shift online, consumers’ private information shifts as well. One consequence is a rise in data breaches for businesses and account takeovers for consumers. A study by Javelin Strategy & Research discovered that not only are account takeovers growing, they also have a higher risk of financial loss.

  1. Millennials are now the most common target for identity theft.

Consumers between the ages of 30 to 39 made up the largest share of reported identity theft victims in 2020, and they remain the most common reporters of identity theft so far this year as well.

  1. 23,651 identity theft incidents affected people below the age of 19.

Unfortunately, children aren’t safe from identity theft, and it often takes longer to recognize identity theft has occurred when victims are young. Some thieves may even get away with the scheme for years before they’re caught, so it’s never too early to monitor a credit report.

  1. Social media users are 30% more likely to fall victim to identity theft.

Thieves can learn tons of valuable information about their potential victims just by glancing at social media. Even taking a Facebook quiz can increase your exposure to identity theft by collecting information that helps thieves hack into your accounts. Plus, thieves frequently contact victims through social media.

  1. Most consumers underestimate their risk for identity theft.

An Experian survey discovered most consumers don’t really believe they’re at risk for identity theft. Consumers don’t fully grasp the size of their digital footprint. Others feel poor credit makes them unattractive to thieves. In reality, sharing personal information on social media, using a public wi-fi network and even sharing login information with friends and family can increase your chances of falling victim.

  1. Identity theft has lasting emotional effects on victims.

Identity theft takes a major toll on victims’ mental health. Repairing accounts, requesting refunds and enhancing privacy safeguards can cause stress, fatigue and even depression. The emotional effects can impact work, school and relationships, and past victims are more likely to experience identity theft again.

Identity theft is a major risk to anyone with a paper trail or a digital footprint. In other words, everyone has some level of risk. Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do to protect yourself. Ensure you practice good digital hygiene by following BBB’s guide to data privacy.

If you have been a victim of identity theft, report it to the FTC at and to BBB Scam Tracker.

Padre Island Housing Report – November 2020

3 Trends seem to be driving this fast-paced market!
Low inventory, bidding wars, and cheap mortgage rates are giving home buyers a sense of FOMA – fear of missing out – and heating up the competition.

To our surprise, the housing market has not only recovered but roared past pre-pandemic levels. Mortgage rates remain at record lows. Pending home sales are up over 20% from a year ago and the buyer traffic is up over 32% which ups the mortgage applications as well. This winter may be the best
ever for the housing market.

Days on the market for sale has decreased to an average of 78 days on the market. 45.4% of all the sales in November were priced between $200,000 – $399,999. Closed Sales were up a whopping 109.4% in the month of September. The market is certainly remaining strong with the interest rates still holding it’s a great time to find that dream home you have been waiting for or cash out that equity. We would be glad to navigate you to success!

Cheri Sperling is the owner of Coastline Properties with a dedicated team of agents specializing in residential listings, sales, and property management in the Padre Island real estate market. Coastline’s team is the most knowledgeable real estate office on Padre Island. No pressure style, patience, and an intimate understanding of the local market. They go to work for you!

Padre Island November 2020 Data (Click Pic below for Larger Image)



30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates Fall to New Low: 2.78%


For the 12th time this year, mortgage rates have hit a record low. The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage fell to an average of 2.78%, the lowest ever recorded in Freddie Mac’s books dating back to 1971.

Sam Khater, Freddie Mac’s chief economist, attributed the record-low rates this week to “economic and political ambiguity.”

“Despite the uncertainty that we’ve all experienced this year,” he said, “the housing market, buoyed by low rates, continues to be a bright spot.”

Consumers are saving much more than they were before the rise of the pandemic—nearly 14% of their disposable income, according to the National Association of REALTORS®. Personal income also rose 6% in September compared to a year earlier. “With people saving more than ever before, home buying is more attractive, although home prices continue to rise,” writes Nadia Evangelou, a research economist, on NAR’s Economists’ Outlook blog. “Meanwhile, these ultra-low mortgage rates significantly lower mortgage payments, making housing more affordable than a year earlier in many areas.”

For example, in the Washington, D.C., metro area, home prices have jumped nearly 12% compared to a year earlier, Evangelou says. However, due to low mortgage rates, the monthly payment on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is lower than a year ago, averaging $1,820.

The housing market is also getting a boost from an improving job market. This week’s labor market report showed that the U.S. added another 638,000 in net job gains. The unemployment rate now stands at 6.9%. Since the April lockdown from the COVID-19 pandemic, about 12.1 million jobs have been recovered. Another 10 million jobs are needed to return to pre-pandemic levels, says Lawrence Yun, NAR’s chief economist. Residential construction and contracting trades added a major bulk of the jobs last month at 23,800, Yun says.

Freddie Mac reports the following national averages with mortgage rates for the week ending Nov. 5:

  • 30-year fixed-rate mortgages: Averaged 2.78%, with an average 0.7 point, falling from last week’s 2.81% average. The previous all-time low for the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage was set in October with an average of 2.80%. A year ago, 30-year rates averaged 3.69%.
  • 15-year fixed-rate mortgages: Averaged 2.32%, with an average 0.6 point, unchanged from last week. A year ago, 15-year rates averaged 3.13%.
  • 5-year hybrid adjustable-rate mortgages: Averaged 2.89%, with an average 0.3 point, rising slightly from last week’s 2.88% average. A year ago, 5-year ARMs averaged 3.39%.

Freddie Mac reports average commitment rates along with points to reflect the total upfront cost of obtaining the mortgage.

Reported by Realtor Magazine

Padre/Mustang Island Area Development Plan Online

Welcome to the Padre/Mustang Island Area Development Plan Online Open House!

Click on the Image Below to get involved and have your voice regarding the future plans for our community. This public input to collect all responses will be available until midnight on October 15th, 2020.

Happy New Year’s 2020 – Resolution Time!

Top 6 New Year’s resolutions that can help you feel better in 2020:

2018-newMore shut-eye

Many of us certainly don’t get near the recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. Sleep deprivation over the long term can raise risks for health problems including obesity, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and depression. Here’s how to get a better night’s sleep: Get on a regular sleep schedule and your body will adjust, turn off all electronics & screens leaving them out of the bedroom, reading a non-digital book or listening to soothing music or whitenoise will increase your chances of gaining more deep sleep each night. Go to bed and wake up around the same time each day.

10,000 steps

Walking 10,000 steps a day, or about 5 miles, is a low-impact way to improve your health. Here are tips to get you moving: Use a free app such as Pacer and Stepz to help you keep track of steps. Take the stairs, not the elevator. Park in the back of the lot when you’re going to the supermarket. To keep it interesting, find new places to walk each week and take photos along the way.


Journaling has several benefits for your overall health, and particularly your emotional health. It’s relaxing and helps you better understand your thoughts. Sometimes it feels like our minds are going a mile a minute, especially during periods of high stress. Putting those thoughts and emotions down on paper makes them more manageable.

Your personal journal is a permanent record of your thoughts and the events in your life. When you keep a journal, you can look back on important life events to read about how you felt at the time. You may be able to learn from these past experiences, but it’s also just nice to have a record of your past. Our memories become less clear and vivid as they fade farther into the past. Recording our lives helps us better remember them.


So many New Year’s resolutions are centered on diet and exercise but we fail to remember dental health. Flossing is an important tool in preventing gum disease and decay. But only four out of 10 people floss at least once a day, and 30 percent say they never floss. Develop a morning and evening flossing routine, and watch your dental health soar!

Limit Screen Time

Many of us are guilty of letting phones run our lives. Make a decision to turn off or put your phone into “do not disturb mode” an hour before bed this year and completely remove it from the bedroom altogether. Read or listen to quiet music to allow your brain to turn off and promote relaxation. Remove the TV set from the bedroom as well, it is incredibly destructive to REM sleep especially for those that leave it on all night. Get a white noise machine instead if you need to have filler noise.

Clean eating

Many vow to eat healthier and lose weight every year. We have a habit of setting the bar too high with unrealistic goals and ultimately give up. One way to improve our diets is to eat “clean.” Shift your diet to focusing on whole foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains and healthy proteins and fats. Clean eating also means avoiding processed foods, refined sugar, preservatives and artificial additives.  One of the best strategies for cleaner eating is trying to stick with eating a rainbow each day in the fruits & veggies category paying attention to their colors.




Come to eat. Come to see and be seen. Combine the two and you’ll be seen stuffing your face. But it’s completely acceptable when you’re not alone! Over 1000 attendees are expected to be doing the same thing at the 31st annual Taste of the Island, where some of our best restaurant’s fare is being featured at the event on October 23rd, beginning at 6 pm, at the Waves Resort on Padre Island.

Don’t get out much? Now is your excuse to take a tasty tour of many of the restaurants perhaps you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t had the chance to! Aside from roughly 20 restaurants, there will also be cash bars open and live musical entertainment.

The party lasts until 9pm, as you’ll run into your friends, co-workers, friends of friends, and all the new friends you’ll make! And, if you stick around until the end, there are goodies to win! A silent auction throughout the evening will have roughly 40 items to bid on. So don’t forget to put your business card into the drawing. Win wine, gift certificates, island trinkets, and lots of other prizes that local businesses have been generous enough to donate will be given out to the lucky winners!

Meagan Furey, President for the PIBA, who is spearheading the volunteer committee, explains that “We expect more people than ever before to come, which means we need more volunteers than ever to help out! It’s going to be an incredible event that just gets bigger and more popular each year.”

As an attendee of the event last year, Tara Gallaspy, Coastline Properties Real Estate Agent, says “It was one of my favorite events of the year. The music was upbeat and fun, there was plenty of seating, and I ran into lots of friends. It’s the perfect venue and a great evening on the beach. Overall, a night to remember!”

Get your tickets a head of time! They are $35.00 a piece, and then it’s up to you to eat your money’s worth! Leaving hungry would simply be disgraceful.

Get Tickets Here >>

Barefoot Mardi Gras 2019



We are Proud to once again be Major Sponsors for the 10th Annual Barefoot Mardi Gras .  Its going to be spectacular this year, sure to bring a very festive environment as we all celebrate together for a great cause!

A Family Parade will take place along the beach off Park Road 22 between Whitecap Blvd and Bob Hall Pier. Parade starts at 11am. The Parade Judges Float will open the parade followed a few minutes later by color guard and Mardi Gras themed floats in different divisions like Float, Jeep and Golf Cart. Many colorful characters enter the parade making it a unique activity for friends and family.


Barefoot Mardi Gras Parade

March 2, 2019
Begins at 11:00 am

Floats and fun for the whole family! The parade starts at Whitecap Beach and runs along Padre Island to the Briscoe King Pavilion near Bob Hall Pier.

Register now for the parade

Barefoot Mardi Gras Festival

March 2, 2019
11:00 am – 5:00 pm

Cajun Music, food & fun for all ages! The festival is located at the Briscoe King Pavillion in Bali Park on Padre Island and features live music, artists, car displays, exhibitors, a children’s area, food, drink and more!
Admission is $5.00 paid at the door. Cash Only.

King & Queens Ball

March 2, 2019
7:30 pm – 12:00 am

An adult-themed Party, The King & Queens Ball, will let the good times roll on the evening of March 2nd from 7:30pm – Midnight at the Briscoe King Pavillion. Leave the kids at home & Let the Good Times Roll as we transform the festival into the streets of New Orleans!
Ball Ticket includes traditional shrimp boil fixins from Rollin’ Tide Boil Company and a coffee and king cake station! Dance in high heels, flip flops, or barefoot to the blues rock New Orleans style music of Splendiferous. Costumes encouraged! Put on your royal beads and feathers ‘cause we will be crowning our new 2019 Barefoot Mardi Gras King & Queen! Plus, enjoy face painting as only the Cajuns can, a cigar bar, crooning saxophones, and much more! Patrons must be 21 years of age or older to attend. Tickets are $30 in advance or $40 at the door and available at various locations.

FOR MORE INFO and To Get TICKETS to the KING & QUEENS BALL Click Here Barefoot Mardi Gras 2019

North Padre Island Housing Report – August 2018

If you are looking to Purchase or List a home on Padre Island…Ask for the ONLY Padre Island EXPERTS!

* The Median Priced home is down to $254,050 – down 16.4% compared to August 2017.
* The Active – Homes For Sale is down to 329 – down 7.6%.
Days on the Market: 110
Days to Close: 30
TOTAL 140 Days on the Market in 2018
16 days less than August 2017

Our Coastline team lists and sells throughout the Texas Coastal Bend – but we Specialize and are considered the area Experts on Padre Island. When you think about Real Estate on Padre Island, everyone thinks about Coastline Properties. Come Coast Awhile….with us!!


Dine Island


Here on the Island, we all speak one common language, and that is FOOD! It’s something that since the beginning of time has brought people together – we have holidays for food, special rooms in our home for making food and eating food, and food is a very universal topic of conversation.

For those of you who are familiar (or, rather, unfamiliar) with Dine Downtown, this event, hosted by Marina Arts, went on last year in January. It featured some of Corpus Christi’s best restaurants who were able to offer a three course value-priced menu. Residents bought tickets, dined, had a wonderful time, and were able to check out local eateries they may not have been to prior.

It was such a huge success, that Island resident, Debbie Noble, is bringing this concept right to our front doors! But her model is slightly different.

Sponsored by the Padre Island Business Association and the Padre Island Moon, Noble is bringing us together to break bread. This is the first restaurant-type event the Island has ever seen. Restaurants all over the Island have signed up to offer unique three-course dining experience at value price. This does not include beverages, tips and taxes.

The idea is to get both Island residents to try the local fare they haven’t yet made it out to, and to also encourage non islanders from all over the Coastal Bend to come see how special our restaurants are!

“We are so excited to show off our great Island restaurants to the rest of the city and give people a reason to come OTB,” Noble exclaims!

Restaurant Week Dining Event on Padre Island!
May 2-16, 2018

1) Check out the enticing menus
2) Plan where to dine (as many days as you want!)
3) Enjoy a delicious 3 course meal for a value price
4) $1 for each Dine Island meal goes to the Corpus Christi Food Bank


Try out a new restaurant or visit an old favorite on the Island. Help yourself, help the restaurants, help the food bank! Come over the bridge and try out the amazing restaurants. #DineIsland2018

Coastline Properties has also graciously offered to match the money from the restaurant that does the most dine island meals. “Cheri Sperling is an instrumental member of the community and wanted to get involved as well,” Noble says.

Mark your calendars, and get ready for two weeks of marathon meals! The hope is to make this an annual event, so mangia!


National Market Data From NAR

Existing-home sales slumped for the second consecutive month in January and experienced their largest decline on an annual basis in over three years, according to the National Association of Realtors. All major regions saw an annual sales declines last month. The Buyer Traffic Index came in at 69 in January, up from 63 in January 2017.


Safety 101

safety-101I just had the pleasure of taking a safety course with our own city Sheriff Jim Kaelin, in lieu of Realtor® safety month. Although the course was geared toward real estate agents learning safety tips, it occurred to me that these tips and tricks apply to far more scenarios than just being cornered in a vacant home. So I thought I’d share some of the valuable and potentially life-saving techniques that we should all keep in our back pocket – alongside our tactical keychain.

Have a Plan

The most important key to escaping your attacker is to have a plan. The whole goal is to buy yourself time to get away. Sheriff Kaelin told a story that resonated with me. He’ll get groups together, put a series of tinker toys in front of them, and give them 15 seconds to use the toys to create a horse. After 15 seconds, none of the groups had anything that even sort of resembled a horse. They were then told to try again, but they now were given 15 minutes. At the end of 15 minutes, the toys were organized by length, size, etc. and each group had a horse – a head, a body, four legs, a tail. For the third time, they were asked to build a horse, and again given only 15 seconds. The groups were silent, and after 15 seconds, they all had horses. The only difference between the first 15 seconds they were given and the second 15 seconds was that they had a plan.

In the case of an attack: Breathe. Think. Talk. Distract. Escape.

If You’re Grabbed From Behind

Do not immediately reach for your weapon. Talk. Ask them what they want. First, using your right hand, tell your attacker you’re going to grab your wallet or money clip to give to them. Then tell them you’re going to hand over your keys (or whatever it is you may have that they’re likely to want). Again, using your right hand, pass over something else. This is what they call verbal judo, where now your attacker isn’t on such high alert. Now it’s escape time. Using your left hand now, your attacker will only assume you’re reaching for more valuables (as most people are right handed and they will not expect you to reach for a self-defense tool using your non-dominant hand). Instead, pull out your mace, taser, knife, gun, pen, comb, etc. reach across your right shoulder and quickly spray, shoot, stab, etc. Your goal is not to kill – it’s okay if you do not even hit them. Your goal is to stun them enough to let you lose. Escape.

Hands as Tools

If you do not have a weapon, use your second most valuable tool – your hands. In an effort to trouble your attacker so that you have time to break away, start from the top. With your pointer and middle finger, go for the eyes. This will affect their vision and allow you to run. Nose, next. Use the palm of your hand and go straight for the nose and then their ears. Nose will cause tears and ears will cause ringing. Throat punch to knock their airway, knee to the groin (no explanation needed), and finally a kick to the shins. They should be down and you should be out!

Make Noise

DISTRACTION should play a major role in your plan. Once they think you may not be a threat as you’ve proven that you just want to cooperate, pump up the volume! All you need is for your attacker to be startled as they’ll lose their grip or look away just long enough for you to make your exit.

  • Gun shot – a clearly loud and scary noise sure to make anyone jump!
  • Keychain alarm – if you happen to still have your keys on you or in reach, hit your alarm button.
  • Personal alarms – these look like little remotes that can be set up as either motion-detector devices or as a manual activation. They emit an extremely loud sound when activated.

There are also several cell phone apps that can be helpful in a dire situation. One such app to consider downloading for your whole family is called Life360. It is a family locator, messaging tool and communication app all in one.

Chances are, you’ll never need to use these tactics. But, perhaps you and your loved ones should have the conversation – how are you going to build your horse?


New Grocery Store Coming to North Padre Island

When Mohsin and Lori Rasheed moved to Padre Island three years ago their plan was to retire and take things easy. But that plan has taken a detour as last week Lori purchased a franchise from the Independent Grocers’ Alliance (IGA) and are moving forward to have a grocery store open on Padre Island in the next nine months.

“Every time we asked people what we should put in the shopping center we are building they always said, a grocery store,” Mohsin  said this week. “We are part of the Island community now and Padre Island wants and needs a grocery store, so we are going to build one.”

The Rasheeds have been married for 39 years with three kids and during that time have built, owned, and operated restaurants and shopping malls in Sacramento, where they owned 38 restaurants, and Houston where in the last fourteen years they have built 18 shopping centers, three of which they still own. The center they are building on Padre Island is located adjacent to Seashore Middle School along SPID, where the earthwork is currently underway. As designed it will have a total of 33,500 square feet, with the grocery store occupying 18,000 square feet and another 6000 square feet to be a restaurant, with a tenant yet to be determined. There are also eight retail spaces.

They were nearing a final agreement with the Sprouts chain until a few weeks ago when Amazon announced its purchase of the Austin-based Whole Foods Chain.

“Everything in the grocery business just came to a stop after that,” Mohsin said. “There is no movement in that business right now. So Lori just decided to buy an IGA franchise and we will do it ourselves.”

Each IGA store is its own franchise and the local owner decides what to stock.

“With 18,000 square feet we won’t have ten kinds of ketchup,” Lori said. “We will only have a few and we want to know from Island residents what brands and items we should stock. We will stick strictly to groceries, we won’t be competing with CVS or other existing stores, we are only going to sell groceries.”

Plans call for 32 parking spaces along the south edge of the center’s parking lot for parents picking up kids at the middle school.

“I know there has been talk of a grocery store on Padre Island for a long time,” Mohsin said. “But this is going to happen.”

With permitting and funding in place, it looks like after decades of wishing, Islanders are about to have a place to buy groceries without having to go OTB.

“This is going to be a first-class operation,” Mohsin said. “We are going to do this in a way that Padre Island will be proud of.”


Story from Island Moon Newspaper

Padre Island Housing Report – July 2017




As a Real Estate Agent, I am commonly being asked questions regarding the Island’s POA. Whether you are new to the Island or have lived here many years, I hope to provide some clarity and possibly unknown information to those who may be wondering…what are they all about.

The POA oversees 26 subdivisions, with the exception of Packery Channel (who doesn’t have one), and Cane Harbor (who has their own). All but three subdivisions (Seapines, Section A and Section B) that DO belong to the POA pay the new fees (that aren’t really new anymore). Back in 2007, they changed. Annual POA fees are calculated by the size of the lot itself. Prior to 2007, the fees were .1 cent a square foot for an interior/water access lot, and .2 cents a square foot for a waterfront lot. With the exception of the three aforementioned subdivisions that did not approve the fee change, they’ve been .2 cents a square foot for interior/water access lots and .10 cents a square foot for waterfront lots for 10 years now. These annual fees cover the following: Maintaining the medians at Whitecap and Seapines, common area maintenance such as cul de sacs, canal end landscaping, and the 7 public boat ramps around the Island. The reason the cost is higher for a waterfront home is because these fees also cover canal bulkheads.



  • When voting, POA board members need 50% + 1 to pass.
  • They have a seed account in the event of a hurricane in access of $9,000,000, of which they added $300,000 to this past year.
  • They spend roughly $500,000 a year on repairing canal bulkheads.
  • The architectural control committee (ACC) is responsible for reviewing plans for new builds, renovations, fencing, decks/docks, shade structures/any structure really, but NOT landscaping. Currently, the committee has 4 members, but they are seeking a 5th.
  • The ACC is also in charge of “unsightly properties,” defining them, and working on cleaning them up to maintain property values.
  • A gentleman is out on the canals every single day cleaning the debris.
  • On the POA website, you can find requirements for building, setbacks, decking depths, etc. for each and every subdivision.
  • The POA has three notaries.
  • The POA has a swapping library.
  • Approximately 5,300 residents are within the association, making PIPOA the largest HOA in Texas and possibly the United States.


  • Available lots left:

629 interior

148 waterfront

87 multi-family

277 commercial

  • The population on the Island is approximately 13,000, compared to roughly 330,000 in Corpus Christi.
  • Of all crime committed in Corpus, only 2% of it comes from the Island, and 60% of that is “victim assisted,” meaning garages are left open, items in boats aren’t put away, etc.
  • 525 children are enrolled in the Island charter school.
  • All parks on the Island are actually owned by the city.
  • Water depths: 18 inches – 2 feet near the bulkheads, and roughly 6 feet in the center of the canals.
  • It is a NO WAKE ZONE until you get to the ski canals or the Laguna Madre.


  • Often referred to as the “vanity sticker” as Island residents are proud to show where they live, the sticker allows residents to park at the boat ramps.
  • Common misconception: the sticker DOES NOT allow you back on the Island in the event of an evacuation. Sticker or not, you’ll only be allowed back on with two forms of ID showing your Island address AND utilities have to be back on before anyone is allowed access.



Padre Island Planned Marina Development

Details of Planned Island Development
Restaurants, live music venue, retail, residential, marina under design
By Dale Rankin, Island Moon Newspaper
Island developer Paul Schexnailder spoke to the Island Strategic Action Committee on Tuesday and filled in details of his plans for Island development on the 104 acre site around Lake Padre including a Hilton Hotel, multi-family and single-family residential, a marine, and a restaurant and live music venue developed by Lulu properties which is owned by the Lucy Buffett, the sister of musician Jimmy Buffett.

The largest part of the current phase of development is on the 104 acres on the Lake Padre side of SPID where in recent months Schexnailder has moved, “almost one million acres of sand and created 10,000 feet of new bulkheads.” Those plans include:
· A 220 room Hilton Hotel including retail space and meeting facilities just north of the canal leading to the planned Park Road 22/SPID Water Exchange Bridge.
“That facility is currently under design,” Schexnailder said. “When the design is done we will permit the road to it and the utilities.

· Lulu’s campus, which will include a seafood restaurant, live music year round operated by Lulu’s properties, which is owned by Lucy Buffett, the sister of musician Jimmy Buffett. The company currently has similar facilities in Gulf Shores, Alabama; Destin, Florida; and a new development in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina set to open in the spring of 2018.
“This facility will be able to handle the biggest fishing tournaments on the Gulf Coast,” Schexnailder said. “The company is currently designing its new facility for Myrtle Beach that will open early next year and that plan will look like the one we will build here.”
It will also include a family oriented ropes course, a sand playground, children’s play area, and various other entertainment features, and a cluster of retail shops, Schexnailder said.

· A boat fueling station and boat supply shop located off an entrance from State Highway 361.
A Multi-family housing development just south of the canal leading to the Water Exchange Bridge which include townhouses.
· A marina located on the north end of Lake Padre with entrance from State Highway 361 will include a ship’s store and restaurant, separate from the Lulu’s operation.
· Residential development on the north end of Lake Padre near the entrance to Packery Channel.
“These will be high-end, residences with a view right down Packery Channel,” Schexnailder said. There will be 80-90 lots and a private marina.”

· Barefoot Dunes residential development along the beach south of Whitecap Boulevard.
“This will be a residential development much like Cinnamon Shore in Port Aransas,” he said.
On the west side of SPID, around the Schlitterbahn waterpark, the plans include:
· Island Walk Village and townhomes connected to the Lake Padre development by a canal leading under the Water Exchange Bridge. It will also include retail space.
· Completion of the 1600-foot long Beach Walk canal which will tie both sides of the development together through the Water Exchange Bridge.
Schexnailder also addressed the long-term prospects for development on The Island. He said that recently several potential hotel developers have been turned down by lenders who believe that the local hotel market is overbuilt.
“Our problem is not an overbuilt market,” he said. “Our problem is that there is not enough for people to do when they get here.”
He said that the Florida panhandle which includes 85 miles of continual development is served by 26 million people in six surrounding states.
“We have that many people in Texas alone,” he said. “We are in an undersupplied situation, not an oversupplied one.”
He said there are currently about 11,000 hotel rooms in Corpus Christi and to serve ten percent of the market requires an additional 1100 rooms on The Island.
“With Island development we can increase the number of people coming to this area by at least ten percent so we will not be drawing from the current visitor base but adding to it.” He also addressed questions about whether he will complete the canal and bulkhead work on the west side of SPID.
“Whether or not there is a Water Exchange Bridge I will build canals to both sides of the site,” Schexnailder said. “If I don’t the Army Corps of Engineers will take away the permit for the whole site.”
Currently the canals on both side of the proposed bridge site are in place but about 300 feet of the canal on the west side of the roadway still needs to be excavated in order to connect the new canal to the existing Island canal system. An agreement to facilitate that final stage of the work is currently under negotiations between the city and developers.

Barefoot Mardi Gras 2017

We are proud to be a significant sponsor of Barefoot Mardi Gras for the 5th Year in a row!!

Barefoot Mardi Gras
February 24 – 26, 2017
Padre Island, Texas

Add a little cayenne to your weekend & leave the shoes at home!

The Barefoot Mardi Gras returns on February 25, 2017 for a 8th year in a row on Padre Island raising money for Big Brothers Big Sisters and now the Island Foundation Schools.

A Family Parade takes place along the beach off Park Road 22 between Whitecap Blvd and Bob Hall Pier. Parade starts at 11am. The Parade Judges Float will open the parade followed a few minutes later by color guard and Mardi Gras themed floats in different divisions like Float, Jeep and Golf Cart. Many colorful characters enter the parade making it a unique activity for friends and family.

New this year is the Barefoot Mardi Gras Festival, a fun filled family event with Cajun music, food, drink, displays, exhibits, artists, children’s area, children’s stage and more! Admission is $5 with Kids 8 years old and younger FREE!

An adult-themed Party, The King & Queens Ball, will let the good times roll on the evening of the 25th from 7pm – 11pm at the Veranda Restaurant & Bar at Schlitterbahn. Miss Neesie and the Earfood Orchestra will perform and a special menu of Cajun style food will be served. Signature Barefoot Mardi Gras drinks will also be available. Guests are encouraged to wear costumes. Dancing and a live video stream from Bourbon Street in New Orleans will be part of the merriment. Attendees must be 21 years old and above. Tickets are $30 and available at various locations.


Barefoot Mardi Gras Parade

February 25, 2017
Begins at 11:00 am

Floats and fun for the whole family! The parade starts at Whitecap Beach and runs along Padre Island to the Briscoe King Pavilion near Bob Hall Pier.

2017 Barefoot Parade Registration & Rules

View the parade route map

Barefoot Mardi Gras Festival

February 25, 2017
11:00 am – 5:00 pm

Cajun Music, food & fun for all ages! The festival is located at the Briscoe King Pavillion in Bali Park on Padre Island and features live music, artists, car displays, exhibitors, a children’s area, food, drink and more!
Admission is $5.00 paid at the door. Cash Only.

King & Queens Ball

February 25, 2017
7:00 pm – 12:00 am

Patrons must be 21 years of age or older to attend. The ball is located at the Veranda Restaurant & Bar inside the Schlitterbahn Waterpark on Padre Island. Includes a cajun style dinner and dancing to the live New Orleans style music from Miss Nessie & the Ear Food Orchestra. Costumes encouraged!
Tickets are $25 pre-sale and $35 at the door. Tickets are available at Padres Island Properties Owners Association and Schlitterbahn at the Veranda Restaurant.

Kick Off Party
February 7, 2017
Begins at 5:30 pm

The 2017 Barefoot Mardi Gras Kick Off Party will be at Doc’s Seafood & Steak Restaurant at 13309 S Padre Island Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78418.
Includes food, music and a silent auction to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Island Foundation Schools. Admission: $8.

Fat Friday Party
February 17, 2017
Begins at 6:00 pm

The 2017 Fat Friday Party will be at the Boathouse Bar & Grill at 15241 Leeward Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78418.
Includes food, band and a live auction to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Island Foundation Schools. Admission $5.00. Reserve a table in advance for up to (4) four people for $30.00.

Our Cause:

The event was founded as a fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters by Denise and Duane Ebert and has grown into a signature event for Padre Island. The Eberts asked the Padre Island Business Association to take on the management of the event and the two groups worked together in 2015.

Added into the mix by 2016 was an Island charity that will also serve as a beneficiary, The Island Foundation (Seashore Charter Schools).  EM Marketing Company located on Padre Island, along with the Barefoot Mardi Gras Board of Directors, Committee Chairs, numerous Committee Members and volunteers will all work together on producing the events.

Buy T-Shirts:

Exclusive 2017 Barefoot Mardi Gras T-shirts will be available starting on Tuesday, February 7 at the Kick Off Party at Doc’s. They will also be available on Friday, February 17 at the Fat Friday Party at the Boathouse. Available at participating Island businesses up to February 25 and then during the parade and festival.

Further Information:

Barefoot Mardi Gras Information:

Padre Island Business Association:

Exerpted from


Coastline Properties Voted Business of the Year

Seasons Greeting Friends & Colleagues!

Over the years it has been our pleasure to serve many clients in all different facets of Real Estate.  We have given our best whether it was representing a buyer, or seller.  Our property management division has been a very important part of our business for the past decade and we have brought many owners and tenants together to create a great working experience while maintaining all properties with excellence.  Coastline Properties has supported many great charitable causes over the years, and we do it because we love our community!

We strive to give our best in everything we do, not because we are required to…but because we know that relationships are the most important part of our business.  We like to often say “Amateurs focus on sales, Pros focus on relationships”.

We are truly grateful & honored to receive the award from the Padre Island Business Association as “Business of the Year”.  This award has come as a great surprise to the team, and we feel elated to work with so many Padre Island business owners and citizens.  We are thrilled to see how many more new faces and lives we can touch this New Year and want you to know our door is always open if we can ever help you in anyway this coming year.  We are much more than Real Estate agents, Coastline Properties is here to make an impact on our community and improve the lives of the people living here and our future residents as well.

Have a wonderful holiday season…Cheers to 2017!

All our best…. Coastline Properties Team


Meagan Furey – voted Citizen of the Year

We are thrilled to announce our very own Meagan Furey has been voted “Citizen of the Year” by the Padre Island Business Association. This is a very prestigious award and we feel it could not have gone to a more genuine, hard working community focused individual.  Congratulations Meagan …We are so proud of you for 2016 PIBA Citizen of the Year Award.  You inspire us all, thank you for all your dedication for making our little slice of paradise an amazing place to work and play! ~ Coastline Properties Team


Paddle For Parkinson’s Sept. 3, 2016

We are thrilled to once again be a sponsor for the “Paddle for Parkinson’s – Catch the Cure” Races here on North Padre Island Saturday, September 3 2016.  This is our 3rd year sponsoring this event and it is sure to be a great day for all participants and attendees. Last year many of our realtors & family members placed either first or second in several events particularly in the “Kayak Competition”.  Come out for a great day and participate and give to such a great cause!

GO TO their website at

CCPD launches Summer Crime Initiative | Continuous News Coverage | Corpus Christi

Unfortunately, as The temperature goes up, so does crime. That’s why The Corpus Christi Police Department unveiled their plans to fight crime.

The difference between The Summer Initiative, compared to others is, what parts of town officers will be focusing in on. With each initiative, CCPD crime analysts determine where The “hot spots” are at different times of The year. During The Spring Break initiative, beach goers will notice more law enforcement on North Padre Island, so they’ll drive along The beaches and visit bars, focusing on underage drinking.

During The Holiday initiative, implemented at The end-of-The-year, Police presence is focused in The parking lots of major department stores but The Summer Initiative, which lasts longer than other initiatives, will bring more officers to The Downtown and Uptown area.

The biggest problem in The Downtown and Uptown area? Synthetic marijuana.

Assistant Chief Mark Gutierrez said, “Not only are we targeting The users, but we’re also targeting their dealers and that’s part of what our Narcotics Unit will be doing. They’ll be working to take The dealers off The streets.”

Synthetic marijuana isn’t The only thing they’ll be looking for. Police will also keep an eye out for minors breaking curfews or underage drinking and distracted drivers.

Commander David Blackmon said, “We’ll be out there in unmarked units actively enforcing and frankly, making examples of these people that are just blatantly putting other people in danger.”

This is The 5th year for The Summer Crime Initiative. The first day of Summer (June 20th) kicks off The first day of CCPD’s Summer Crime Initiative and ends after Labor Day weekend.

North Padre Island Canal Construction Underway South Texas, Corpus Christi, Coastal Bend

KIIITv has recently reported on all the dirt moving around on the east side of Park Road 22. If you live in the area you have no doubt noticed all the heavy equipment moving sand on the Gulf side of Park Road 22. It is all connected to the Riverwalk-style development that is soon to be going up there and the planned bridge over Park Road 22.  Lots of excitement Developing here on North Padre Island, as the “Upper Padre” Development project is well underway.

CC voters face critical sales tax vote in November | Continuous News Coverage | Corpus Christi

Plenty of issues will be in voters’ hands come November, including a pivotal decision on how to spend sales tax revenue.

Depending on the vote, a powerful city board that spends your money, may not exist next year.

An eighth of every cent you pay in sales tax funds the city’s Type A Board, which controls the Type A Fund.

We’re talking millions of dollars a year controlled by five people.

The board spends most of it on economic development. They also spend money on seawall repairs and the American Bank Center.

CLICK HERE: Projects funded by Type A Board

The board (fund) is up for renewal this year, and it’s up to the voters.

Jerry Sansing is president of the Corpus Christi Taxpayers Association. He plans on voting against it.

“I’ve seen too much money go down the drain. You know, we can’t fix streets. We can’t do this. We can’t do that, but we can certainly tax for everything under the sun,” he says.

Sansing would rather the city give that money back to the people, or spend it, in part, to cut down palm trees off Airline. The ones right by the Gulfway Shopping Center.

Sansing says they violate the Americans with Disabilities Act because they take up too much room on the sidewalk, and make it almost impossible for people in wheelchairs to get by.

But Type A Board member Bart Braselton points out the board’s numerous accomplishments, like landing Schlitterbahn with a $5 million deal in incentives.

“It competes with other cities, and when you know, when you’re having somebody that’s bringing say, anywhere from 500 to 1,000 new jobs to your city, the return on investment is incredible,” Braselton says.

Sansing says projects like Schlitterbahn don’t need the money.

Braselton points out other things the Type A Board has helped fund, like the Engineering Department at Texas A&M Corpus Christi, or the truck driving program at Del Mar College.

If residents vote to get rid of the board, it’ll be disbanded after any remaining money is spent.

If that happens, it’ll likely be up to the city council to decide how to re-allocate that portion of sales tax revenue every year.  Via

6 Smart Reasons to Buy a Home in 2016


Is it really 2016 already?  For those of you who happen to be planning on buying a home in the new year—or even just trying to—there’s a whole lot to celebrate. Why? A variety of financial vectors have dovetailed to make this the perfect storm for home buyers to get out there and make an (winning) offer. Here are six home-buying reasons to be thankful while ringing in the new year:

Reason No. 1: Interest rates are still at record lows

Even though they may creep up at any moment, it’s nonetheless a fact that interest rates on home loans are at historic lows, with a 30-year fixed-rate home loan still hovering around 4%.

“Remember 18.5% in the ’80s?” asks Tom Postilio, a real estate broker with Douglas Elliman Real Estate and a star of HGTV’s “Selling New York.”“It is likely that we’ll never see interest rates this low again. So while prices are high in some markets, the savings in interest payments could easily amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars over the life of the mortgage.”

Reason No. 2: Rents have skyrocketed

Another reason home buyers are lucky is that rents are going up, up, up! (This, on the other hand, is a reason not to be thankful if you’re a renter.) In fact, rents outpaced home values in 20 of the 35 biggest housing markets in 2015. What’s more, according to the2015 Rental Market Report, 88% of property managers raised their rent in the past 12 months, and an 8% hike is predicted for 2016.

“In most metropolitan cities, monthly rent is comparable to that of a monthly mortgage payment, sometimes more,” says Heather Garriock, mortgage agent for The Mortgage Group. “Doesn’t it make more sense to put those monthly chunks of money into your own appreciating asset rather than handing it over to your landlord and saying goodbye to it forever?”

Reason No. 3: Home prices are stabilizing

For the first time in years, prices that have been climbing steadily upward are stabilizing, restoring a level playing field that helps buyers drive a harder bargain with sellers, even in heated markets.

“Local markets vary, but generally we are experiencing a cooling period,” says Postilio. “At this moment, buyers have the opportunity to capitalize on this.”

Reason No. 4: Down payments don’t need to break the bank

Probably the biggest obstacle that prevents renters from becoming homeowners is pulling together a down payment. But today, that chunk of change can be smaller, thanks to a variety of programs to help home buyers. For instance, the new Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Home Possible Advantage Program allows for a 3% down payment for credit scores as low as 620.

Reason No. 5: Mortgage insurance is a deal, too

If you do decide to put less than 20% down on a home, you are then required to have mortgage insurance (basically in case you default). A workaround to handle this, however, is to take out a loan from the Federal Housing Administration—a government mortgage insurer that backs loans with down payments as low as 3.5% and credit scores as low as 580. The fees are way down from 1.35% to 0.85% of the mortgage balance, meaning your monthly mortgage total will be significantly lower if you fund it this way. In fact, the FHA predicts this 37% annual premium cut will bring 250,000 first-time buyers into the market. Why not be one of them?

Reason No. 6: You’ll reap major tax breaks

Please, Mr. Postman Tax laws continue to favor homeowners, so you’re not just buying a place to live—you’re getting a tax break! The biggest one is that unless your home loan is more than $1 million, you can deduct all the monthly interest you are paying on that loan. Homeowners may also deduct certain home-related expenses and home property taxes.


5 Real Estate Trends That Will Dominate 2016


This year may have marked the best for housing since 2007, but the market will likely get even rosier in 2016, according to a recent real estate forecast by®. One of the main drivers behind the brighter 2016 is the projection that employment will continue to grow, which will add to consumers’ wallets and allow them to purchase their first home or upgrade to a new one.® highlights the following housing predictions for 2016:

  1. ‘Normal’ is coming.

Expect a healthy growth in home sales and prices – at a slower pace than in 2015. “This slowdown is not an indication of a problem—it’s just a return to normalcy,” writes Jonathan Smoke,®’s chief economist. “We’ve lived through 15 years of truly abnormal trends, and after working off the devastating effects of the housing bust, we’re finally seeing signs of more normal conditions.” New construction and distressed sales are expected to return to more historical levels, and home prices are expected to follow at “more normal rates consistent with a more balanced market.”

  1. Generational buying trends shape up.

Young adults’ presence on the housing market has been largely predicted for years, but 2016 may finally be the year they make a move in a larger way. Millennials represented nearly 2 billion sales in 2015 – one-third of home buyers. They are expected to continue to be a major buying pool in 2016 with the majority of buyers between ages 25 and 34 expected to be first-time home buyers next year. But two other generations will also have a big presence in 2016: financially recovering GenXers and older baby boomers who are entering retirement,® notes. “Since most of these people are already homeowners, they’ll play a double role, boosting the market as both sellers and buyers,” Smoke notes. “Gen Xers are in their prime earning years and thus able to relocate to better neighborhoods for their families. Older boomers are approaching (or already in) retirement and seeking to downsize and lock in a lower cost of living.”

  1. New-home construction focuses more on affordability.

Builders have been faced with higher land costs, limited labor, and concerns about the demand of the entry-level market. As such, they have shifted to constructing more higher-priced homes, which has caused new-home prices to rise significantly faster than existing-home prices. In 2016, they likely will shift to more affordable product to cater to the entry-level buyers. “We are already seeing a decline in new-home prices for new contracts signed this fall,” notes Smoke. “In addition, credit access is improving enough to make the first-time buyer segment more attractive to builders.”

  1. Higher mortgage rates.

Mortgage rates will likely be volatile in 2016. But the recent move by the Federal Reserve to guide interest rates higher should push mortgage rates higher in the new year than the historical lows they have been at for years. The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage will likely end 2016 about 60 basis points higher than today’s level. “That level of increase is manageable, as consumers will have multiple tactics to mitigate some of that increase,” Smoke says. “However, higher rates will drive monthly payments higher, and, along with that, debt-to-income ratios will also go higher.” The markets with the highest home prices will see the effects from the higher rates the most.

  1. Rents to go up even higher.

Rental costs are skyrocketing, and the costs are likely to only go up in the new year. More than 85 percent of the nation’s markets have rents that exceed 30 percent of the income of renting households. “Rents are accelerating at a more rapid pace than home prices, which are moderating,” Smoke says. “Because of this, it is more affordable to buy in more than three-quarters of the U.S. However, for the majority of renting households, buying is not a near-term option due to poor household credit scores, limited savings, and lack of documentable stable income of the kind necessary to qualify for a mortgage today.”

Source: “The 5 Real Estate Trends That Will Shape 2016,”® (Dec. 16, 2015)